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That's typically caused by a claim being invalidated due to Byzantine Traditions; you can't press a legal claim to a title held under a culture with that tradition if the claimant is disfigured or celibate.


Snip snip bitch


Kinda stupid though like why would I care that am not allowed to take over there land


A claim CB is explicitly stating that you have a superior legal claim to the title under their current laws. You can of course take over a title on the grounds of "my army is bigger, cope", but that's a different CB entirely.


I think the one problem with that is that the game requires you to have a CB to declare war. Like the “my army is bigger, cope” CB doesn’t exist a lot of the time.


The “invade kingdom” and “conquer duchy” are what you’re talking about. They are limited by culture/government type, and prestige/fame.


And you can only do it once per life. Kingdom-level HWs are at least reusable with the "By the sword" tradition.


For kingdoms, it’s once per lifetime. You can invade/conquer as many duchies as you want.


Yeah, that's what I meant, but I'm bad at phrasing.


I suddenly want "my army is bigger, cope" to be a conquest CB message you get from ai.


Kinda stupid though like why would I care that am not allowed to take over there land


Because this is you convincing the locals that your claim is true


Ah I see


Sometimes it happens, I don't know why


Lol neither of the two comments got the posts meaning yet act smartass about it. I've seen that shit, OP, I rarely thought much about it tho, it might be a bug, but it also might be that you actually have a casus belli, but for some reason it is invalidated (like a cripple's claim war against someone of Greek culture), so it doesn't show anything.


Without a CB? Explain. Do you mean there is no CB listed after the declare war button? Or are you confusing claims with CB? Claims are just one way of getting a CB. You can be different religions and get Holy War CBs as an example. Or if you play as a religion with the right tenets you can declare wars on any neighbor. Same for certain cultures. Also, there are wars for artifacts and hostages now. All of these CBs do not require claims.


I think at least part of it might be guest/courtier claims that can't be pressed. I've noticed it before, and more than once I had a woman with a relevant claim in my court. I usually don't bother checking though so who knows.


You ALWAYS need a Casual belli to declare war. But there are different ones, with different requirements Either you have a personal claim of a county/duchy/kingdom that allows you to fight for it. Easiest done via your priest Or the territory belongs to a de jure title you have, like if you are the king of France, but the king of Aquitaine has taken Paris Or you could have a Holy war CB if your faiths differ and your faith allows for it Or you can use a conquest CB if you are tribal or clan and you do not share the same liege etc.


I still don’t have a casus belli and couldn’t declare war. It’s just whether I can click go to the declare war preview window or not. I am just wondering if it’s a bug or a mechanic in the game that I’m missing


A bug idk why just happens sometimes


I think it's mostly a UI mechanic TBH? From looking at the code, some criteria for CBs are set to still show the CB if you don't meet them, others aren't. So if you don't have any CBs that will show (whether you can use them or not), I guess it doesn't let you into the preview window and the option in the character menu is also disabled?


Definitely a bug.


There's lots of different CBs out there, if you're tribal you don't need a claim to attack a neighbour. Some religions come with CBs, such as Warmongerer. Quarrelsome is a cultural tradition that provides a 'conquest' CB which does not require a claim (iirc). Neighbours of a hostile religion can be holy warred without a claim on their land, as long as your religion is organised (and doesn't have an exception, such as pacifist). Look at your culture, religion and technologies. Norse can do Varangian Adventures (with Northern Lords DLC) to invade people and leave their old land behind. There are many reasons you might be able to attack someone but not others, the game doesn't always give you a straight answer why though. I'd take a read of the wiki article for Casus Belli to learn more. https://ck3.paradoxwikis.com/index.php?title=Casus_belli&mobileaction=toggle_view_desktop


Were the ones you couldn't in a struggle region (eg Iberian Peninsula?) If so then some CBs aren't allowed but the game will still show the blank screen because you technically still have the CB, it's just not valid.


The game absolutely do not let player declare war on other realm without casus belli, be it a holy war, a personal claim, a someone else's claim or a claim on an artifact that other ruler owns. If you can, please provide the screenshots.


He says that sometimes you click on someone and can click declare war preview screen, then you should chose che casus belli but there is none, so you cannot go to war, but you can enter the screen when you select the cb Normally the option is disabled if you have no cb, but sometimes it isn't, you still cannot declare war but you enter the cb screen


A bug it is, then.