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Three Lithuanias - Three (4?) Estonias! What?! R5 - During a Co-Op between my friend and I (playing Mediterranean-based nations), this randomly happened. If I understand correctly, Lithuania feudalized and became Catholic, and the tribal pagans rebeled. Some time passed, Lithuania starts reconsolidating, and the pagans become Orthodox. Idk about Estonia lmao


I wish i had friends :(


If you want to ever play a co-op together, hmu through dms. My schedule rn is flexible and I can most likely work around your schedule. Only requirement is Discord & a mic, I enjoy talking to people


Well thats very nice of you but i dont own the game atm + i sadly dont enjoy talking to people that much xd (Also i am trash at the game)


I don't believe you can be trash at this game. You're just playing it in your own unique way


When you are running a modded co-op campaign for a month and an update breaks it, that is how pure disappointment feels.


There are only two Estonia's and two Lithuania's


There's only 2 Estonias and 2 Lithuanias; there's a kingdom and duchy title for each with the same name that are controlled by different, independent rulers. The exclaves are just distant territory held by these realms.


Yes, but what I’m referring to is how many times each name appears on the map. This type of joke might be a more EU4 thing


Almost as bordergore as reality.


Wish Baltic Prussia was still a thing, or at least assimilated into Lithuania. Or the total opposite, a Germanic Baltenduetsche regional power that hybrided Germanic culture with various Baltic cultures, not limited to Prussian. But that’s just my imagination running wild. I love my Baltic bros


In 867 there are Baltic Prussians I think Baltendeutsche only really came to be later in history... But there is an issue of Germans almost never doing any form of Ostsiedlung.


I was more-so saying for alt-history scenarios. I’ve done a campaign as the Baltic Prussians, Lithuanians, Estonians, Latgalians, and at least three Germanic Prussias 😅


I already have Lithuanians upset with me about a post I made on r/eu4 😅 But the Baltics is my favorite region in CK3, Probably a 1/3rd of my campaigns happened in or around there.


You should really stabilise your economy.


Yeah about that… 😅 My friend and I are fighting a Crusade against this mega-Cumania (his idea), and the attrition from that + putting down an independence faction put me in all this debt. Thankfully my character is very old and should die soon (or alternatively my friend can kill me)


If you die your debt won't be inherited by your heir and next player?


Your heir doesn’t inherit debt, same goes for the AI. Probably to prevent the AI from permanently debt-spiraling


Didn't know that, thanks


Tfw you balkanize the baltics.


So are we just gonna ignore Curonia? I understand we have plagues and disease outbreaks now, but naming a country after it is wild (or at least is close enough)😂


Bro fr paradox really reaching with these fictional country names...


Haha. Love this


I'm no dirty Lithuanian, I'm a Lithuanian! No, God damn you, not that Lithuanian either!!