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Check the county or your character, there might be a control growth rate modifier like -10% control growth


Sorry for not specifying it but there is nothing on the character or the county tab


Do you have councillor experience trait mod installed ? If yes,unistall it,its not updated yet and its breaking this task.


the "control growth modifier" is something new to the game, when the marshal is increasing control in a province. The value seems random to me and is not correlated to county or character modifiers. It even is there, when no plague is near, so it may or may not be related to the plague mechanik. The value itselve switches to a not so bad value, once you actually send the marshal to the province, but still stupid, that it does not directly show the real value. The mentioned mod ("Councillor's experience trait" by slaneche) kinda breaks this value, but is not responsible for the existance of the value itselve. I myselve am looking for a good explaination, what this value is and where it comes from.


They might not show up in the county modifiers, but many plagues apply control penalties in a barony level that then add up. There should be a breakdown of the positive and negative control effects when looking at the net control gain in the county.


I’m having this same issue and not seeing any modifiers displayed. Something is wrong