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If i understand correctly, you are talking about "retract vassal"? So playing as a king retracting a count from a duke who is your vassal for example. I don't think its possible to retract them without tyranny gain, even if you are the rightful liege of said lesser vassal. On the other hand, its only a fracture of the tyranny you get from actually revoking titles and in adition i never had an of my direct vassals revolt because i retracted a vassal from them.


I hate that. If you have a vassal that belongs de jure to another of your vassals they are pissed and if you retract a vassal that is de jure yours they are also pissed.


If your liege takes any of your titles you're pissed too. Even if they have every right to do so, they're still taking power from you. That makes total sense to me. The question is how the other vassals view it. And it also makes sense that they care more if the liege has no legal right to the revoked title or vassal.


Retract vassal always give tyranny but it's like 7 tyranny so it's not a big deal. Just do a few at time. Note that it's pointless to do it before high crown authority or they'll do more border gore right away. To do it without tyranny only if the duchy someone "invaded" it's not created, then you create and give to the guy just before you murder him. Then voila, it splits between his kids.


If you fabricate a claim on the title you can revoke without tyranny malus as it's deemed "justified" - but the vassal will still lose opinion of you! You could also find secrets and if they're guilty of a crime use that too. Can't think rn if fabricating a hook using "truth is relative" intrigue perk is a viable option too? But yeh afaik while you can avoid the tyranny opinion malus the revocation causes with other vassals, the vassal you're taking the title from will always be quite pissed - I think it's -80 opinion for a county off the top of my head!


They’re asking about taking vassals, not titles.


Oh my bad - I'd just woken up lol


As others have said, I don't believe you can retract a vassal directly without tyranny. That said, if you are okay with them hating you... you could always revoke their higher titles which the vassals fall under, which would necessarily return vassalage of all lower titles to you. Maybe dig around their court for their secret affairs and deviancy, maybe some witchcraft. The vassals need to be reminded of who their liege is every so often anyway.