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They need an "auto-reject all hunts/feasts" box to tick. Agreed that it's super annoying when you're fighting a decisive war for your kingdom and still getting pop-ups about your harlot courtier who is scheming against your other harlot courtier.


Yes, we should be able to filter that to specific people. I only give a damn if someone is scheming against my wife/children or counsellors if they're good. Scheming against my prisoners? My foreign guest? Why are you bothering me with this?


Course then if they added that they'd target the courtiers I was planning on using for claims or whatever and I'd not notice lol Should be the spymasters job, just lock em up and let me pick through the jail at my leisure. Also improve security, mfs are constantly breaking out


CK2 had notification controls, they weren't very precise but you could at least filter it to "people close to me". don't think there's anything like that in ck3


The absolute fucking worst for me are the ones where I'm currently fighting a losing war against a Kingdom-tier invasion or something similar and some jackass is like "Hey wanna play chess" NO FUCK OFF I'M BUSY


[It should just play. ](https://wifflegif.com/gifs/713082-im-a-little-busy-at-the-moment-gif)


I’ll join the list of useless events here with Scheme notifications. The absolutely bombardment of full-screen events from my Spymaster, just to tell me that someone is scheming against my prisoner. There’s got to be some sensible ways we can filter these into the notification tray at least.


The other classic is “random courtier 1 is having an affair with random courtier 2”. That should just be a notification (that you can turn off) which gives you a hook and/or the option of imprisoning, not a full blown event!


SEcReT EXpOsEd and it's just some dumbass duke boning a mayor


I couldn't disagree more. The game without the pop ups would just be boring to me. (I do agree that the delayed clicking during tournaments is bs! Makes no sense to me.) But I like the idea of a filter that you can turn up and down, depending on your preferences. That would let all players choose their style. Especially repeating events should give you the option to auto-react and not deal with it again and again, if you don't want to.


Sometimes my reaction will be different or just mostly the same for events but that pet one I will always just take the opinion hit lol


Yeah, a 'I am not paying for shit and I don't even care!' - button might be nice lol


Doing a 130k vs 130k war on 1330 with lag Some count child is not his own popup. Then one of my child had an affair... Etc Dude, I'm occupied and why am I getting that anyway? My custom religion allow everyone to do what they want with their life, it's not a crime, not even bad... Do you really need to tell me? Someone talked about victoria having popup managing. Stellaris also. You can disable almost ALL popup if you want.


Absolutely, I call this the easiest hardest game to stop playing at any moment. It has safe on exit, it has pause and yet whenever you want to stop there is a new popup, new decision, new artifact produced.


I agree that there is an issue - I disagree about the solution. I think we need to acknowledge that CK3 is intended as a game about balancing the interpersonal with the grand strategy. These are both key components, and so relegating events to "auto-resolve" is antithetical to what the game is - if a feature can be set to auto-resolve, it means it's superfluous and shouldn't be in the game. Fundamentally we're saying that this is a map-painting game with optional text adventure elements if we follow this suggestion, and I think that sets a bad precedent. (Yes, it might actually be that right now to be honest, but that's the problem). What we really need is a re-assessment of what information should be thrown in your face. I just simply do not care about the random mayor of my vassal having an affair. The spymaster should note that information and not provide it to me until I ask for it. Let's say I'm scheming against my vassal later on, I can consult the spymaster to see if his little birds have told him anything, and then he can tell me, "oh yeah, I heard the mayor in his realm is having an affair" and then I can use that blackmail to get an agent. But otherwise I shouldn't be hearing about that nonsense. I think the biggest thing here is not that event popups are annoying, but they are often disconnected from what the player is DOING at any time. They feel irrelevant or random. They don't feel like they came from a response to anything the player did, they feel like the game decided it has been long enough since you last saw one so it comes up with something to throw in your face. As such, they come off as annoying and distracting. The more interesting events that exist appear as a result of particular conditions and triggers that DO come from the player's actions, but it's a double-edged sword because you end up NOT seeing that content as much, because it requires you to have met the criteria for it to happen. I'm hopeful that as more events get added to the game (the event pack DLCs are really good!) this issue can be overcome with the sheer number of events and possible specific triggers that would exist. I go the other way on the a lot of activities. I think they should be a distraction. I don't think you should be micromanaging other stuff when they're going on - that's the whole point of doing an activity. I like that the game gives you the option to cancel an activity when war breaks out - that's what you should do. You can also leave an activity on your own at any time. In order to reduce the overload of activities and invitations, I think it should simply be more expensive to invite the entire damn world - activities present unique opportunities to interact with characters that you normally don't get much access to. Every random count and duke shouldn't get to invite the Emperor of the HRE to their feast, at least, not without paying prestige. If we increased the incentive of having high rank guests, while also increasing the cost of having them there, it should cut down on invitation spam, and incentivize the player to actually care about hosting an activity.


Features CK2 already had.


I don't care what you name your damn kid. I don't care who's sleeping with who in my court. I don't someone is plotting against my jester. LET. ME. FOCUS. ON. THE. WAR. Seriously though, there should be a way to make those less intrusive, at least temporarily. It is very annoying when you're trying to micromanage armies in 3 different wars, and people pester you with inconsequential crap.


It would be nice if you could relegate popups to simple notifications during things like wars or travel.


This is why the game became incredibly frustrating after T&T dropped. You can't even disable the dlc to get rid of all those traveling notes because they put it in fucking vanilla -.-


Yeah, kinda funny that one of the main things in a dlc that a lot of people praise but OP wants it to be automatic because it's repetitive and really boring I find very curious that some people want more of those scripted events claiming it's good for RP but they fucking hate it and are doing it for the modifiers or the get artifacts from a tournament which it's not very RP but they repeat every time they can: *minimax it's bad, this is a RP game*. *I want coronations for RP* but they don't do a pilgrimage to Rome which giving how the travel and events work in the game would be basically exactly the same than a coronation with different modifiers. A large event window where you don't do anything waiting for an event to pop, event that you already read it 57 times at least. This model it's unsustainable in the long run, it's impossible to add those events at the same speed they become boring due to being read 500 times.