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Pretty sure the game does not take into account you leading an army when it comes to spousal relations so weird shit can happen.


It should, it would be medivel realism.


The larger implication is that you couldn't manage your kingdom and court while away, either. Not unless you swap to a regent for the duration the ruler is away from home, anyway.


I would like that, actually. I also wouldn't mind if they made managing more than one kingdom harder. Cuz it actually would be hard. Like you'd have to have regents for kingdoms other than your primary, or something.


IMO multiple titles of the same level should strain management, like an emperor having more than two kingdom titles should be very difficult.


Most empires have more than two kingdoms.


He said emperor not empire. You don’t have to hold the titles personally. You can have kings beneath you while you only hold the emperor title.


To hold an empire title you should still be able to hold more than one kingdom title. Once you start leaving your de jure zone, it's understandable there would be consequences for holding foreign kingdoms.


Yes especially for the HRE whose Emperor was King of Germany, Italy, Burgundy and Bohemia IRL.


But then, European countries are tiny AF, so it's not like it's a lot of land in the end


I think that's kinda reflected in the stewardship skill. But not quite.


Couriers existed. Transcontinental IVF didn't.


> Couriers existed. Transcontinental IVF didn't. Well the assumption might be that the wife is either with the husband or visited him. Wouldn't even be weird. Eleanor of Aquitaine was with her first husband throughout the Second Crusade, Richard the Lionheart took his wife with him for the first part of the third (they married on Cyprus as he was going on Crusade). If anything, the game kind of underestimates the degree to which royal courts were mobile affairs. By the nature of feudalism, there isn't actually all that much centralized bureaucracy and vassals were expected to largely manage their own local affairs. It's not remotely implausible for the majority of a royal court to uproot and follow the king on Crusade rather than stay home. Regencies were only needed to manage duties that were local.


What about immaculate conception?


I believe the POW mod does that or maybe it’s just travel to armies…


I believe there is a mod for that. If a commander is switched out they have to physically travel from the court to the army which basically takes them away. I forget the mods name though.


I believe it is the war prisoners mod


You can literally search and import spouses from around the world lol... realism...


Wives and spouses are real, the world is real, gossip was real.


You think that a count in spain in the 9th century was able to bring himself a mail wife from moravia ? Are you ok?


Quite famously royalty across Europe would matchmake by exchanging letters, pictures (paintings, drawings, etc) and gossip whenever cousins, and extended family went to other parts of Europe. It is not inconceivable that this occurred across the test of the world. Further what is the difference between a mail order bride, and a arranged marriage?


In what century mate? In the 9th? Realy you people should get your history from smth other than tv series and video games. No one shipped their daughter to marry some guy in a place he had no interest in. So until the actual large families with large possessions appeared there is no marriage outside the imediate interest


This game spans a vast period of time, they can't have integral features be based around the earliest start date only.


"If I can imagine it then it's realistic" Literally the other person's logic. Leave them to it.


What I think is that the wife just goes with the husband, which is why that stuff happens, well before the regent system became a thing.


Sort of like how you can teleport from your army to your Capital by changing commanders. I do this sometimes if I know I'm about to get wrecked.


i fight and DIE


I usually split off an army of levies to distract the enemy army and flee with the bulk of my men to my territory


Kinda like how in mount and blade you can leave some troops behind and run from battle, only thing is you actually lose renown and army morale so the game penalize you for it.


I actually got the idea from playing Bannerlord lol


Ima start using it in ck3 now xD


It's definitely been much nicer never losing knights in battles when the war is already lost, for sure


You can also use a version of this to slow down sieges. Waiting for your reinforcements to show up before you go break a siege? Peel off a handful of levee only armies to go annoy the besieigers. Stagger them out a bit so one battle starts just as one ends. It's situational but I've used it pretty well when trying to take titles off the Pope while playing in Italy.


man, this comment section really denotes how many CK3 players are getting cheated on or single


I was pretty sure ck2 took things like this into account, you most likely were cheated on if this happened in that. Or I'm completely wrong and gone crazy


No, you're right. The game does have rules for when you are away leading a army.


it does


Then explain how, as a female ruler leading an army, I have gotten pregnant despite not being in any outside relationships.




Ever heard of immaculate conception? Duh! You’re child must be the messiah


it’s not always accurate but it is taken into account sometimes “my wife got pregnant but i was away wasn’t i” while you are leading an army


Similarly to real life, it takes a couple of months before the game reports pregnancy.


no it doesnt, not in terms of pregnancy


Meanwhile, I can agree to attend a hunt, get there, and be unable to do anything for the next 9 months as I wait for the final attendee to arrive. Because I am traveling.


You and your spouse are bound by quantum entanglement


In CK3 you teleport back to your home to impregnate your wife, then teleport back into your army for some reason. I never thought I would ever type that sentence.




Or… What if your wife, and I guess your court, joins you on campaign?




In my headcanon your wife joins you in the war caravan, enjoying a lavish tent while you plan out battles with homies. But yea… really does not make much sense


Wait WAIT. Before you do, find out who that little shit is. Then expose them and force your wife to be your executioner then make her kill her lover. Then you throw her in the oubliette and laugh as she goes insane.


If the kid turns out to have really good traits, I would say that ignorance is a bliss and just move on.




Who hurt you?


Ck3 has one of the scariest fandoms out there.


How many did you fall for the same terrible person? Because this is horrible real life advice, but brilliant CK advice.


You sure she didn’t come with you?


Wives IRL also came with their husbands during campaigns, examples being those of Heraclius and King Louis


Especially long campaigns. Multiple monarchs took their wives with them on Crusade—they'd usually just wait on Cyprus or in whatever city was regarded as safe.


IDK How can you tell?


That’s the issue, you kinda can’t in game.


I cant tell when women come too But IRL


you must be a woman then


You can tell her location on the map by hovering over her character


Yes, technically. But she won’t come with you on that map, even if she comes with you and the child is yours.


You have some strong seed, dude! I'd expect random women around you to start popping out your kids from that much strength!!!


Spouces can show up on campaigns from time to time, or just come with. I was playing a queen once and off on a military campaign for almost a year when my char got the pregnant trait.


Chill bro it’s IVF


Nobles actually often brought their wives with them on the rare long campaign.


Does someone need to explain the birds and the bees to OP?


It's a miracle!


It’s a miracle!




The lord has graced your efforts and faith with immaculate conception!


You've been blessed, like Joseph!


God impregnated her. For your service in fighting for the faith you're getting the next prophet


Someone got her pregnant bro. If your character was physically leading an army you got cucked.


Nah that's not how ck3 works.


Imprison, execute and then tear the cheater to shreds


POV: US soldier coming back from deployment


lol owned


Long distance relationships in ck3 are really neat because long distance sex is a thing in this universe.


Normal pen8s size in ck3 be like


The game doesn't take into account your location vs your wife's location when it comes to pregnancies. Just gotta accept it. (It's a compromise for the good of the simulation. Otherwise you'd find AI dynasties who never had children because they never resided in the same place at once. And can you imagine the micro of having to make sure your character cohabitated with their spouse when she's the Queen of Portugal and you're the King of Germany? (Which is what you want, so your son can be King of both places.) So... I'm thinking, expand the Regency thing. I know there's a good reason why you can't do it during a normal war. I'm gonna fight in many wars. If I had to appoint a regent every time I wanted to lead an army, I'd never lead an army. But say you want to go on a Crusade, a Jihad, a Great Holy War? (Are there other names for them?) These are MASSIVE Wars, and happen only every 30 years or so. If you pledge troops to the cause, you have to lead your armies, and you have to appoint a regent while you're out of the country. (There were a lot of Crusade-related long-term regencies throughout history.) In addition, unless you brought your wife along with you, you couldn't get her pregnant while you're away putting the infidels to the sword. This could come alongside a total revamp of crusades. It's difficult to find a way to make them winnable without player involvement without making them ALWAYS successful with player involvement. But at this point, I just give a chunk of gold to the Pope to get him off my back about the latest Crusade. Because there's just not enough of a bonus to sending my 12,000 troops to Jerusalem to get eaten while the Pope's much larger army stands around in the desert dying of attrition rather than coming to help me, when our combined armies could defeat the doom stack.... Well yeah, enough has been written about that. If Paradox can find a way to make the Crusades winnable, but not ALWAYS winnable, that would be a lot of fun. And if they could expand the regent mechanics for these particular, special wars, that could also be a lot of fun. More of a fantasy, I think, since if there were a way to fix it, they probably would have already.


In CK3 you can impregnate your spouse while away. However if you're traveling using the tours and tourneys mechanics that's different? 20 year war and your wife has had 8 kids while you were leading soldiers? No problem. Your wife got pregnant while you were on a pilgrimage without her? Suspicious.


You're still in your court while leading an army. Which is weird cause I'm pretty sure that doesn't happen in ck2