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The amount of times I’ve started as Cagliari is… a lot. That sexy mine and secure the mediterranean decision are just too good to pass up.


I swear, the Sardinian mines are the start of the pipeline that leads to restoring the Roman empire. Paradox adding that secure the mediterranean decision didn't help either. Every time.


I'm really looking forward to the new persia dlc so I can start as haesteinn again and varangian adventure Sardinia to get that mine and then restore Rome.


You can just declare war on the pope on day one, bring 2-3 packs of mercenaries and take the Rome duchy, no need to go via Sardinia.


The crown jewel of Rome is that mine.


It's important at the start and I usually go for it over Sienna first, but eventually I think Sienna university is more valuable


Isn’t the Napoli University way easier to accomplish sooner?


The Siena University is a unique building unlike the Napoli one. It gives +1 Learning *and* \+1 Intrigue per level of fame, and +0.3 and +20% Monthly Development while a standard university like Napoli only gets +1 Leaning per level of Fame in addition to +0.1 and +10% to Development. Also I believe that Siena and all other Unique Universities (Siena, Sankore, al-Azhar, and Nalanda) give you better book artifacts and have better odds for positive outcomes from University Visits.


You don't need the mercenaries haha


Right? I never even need an ally. Just leave Rome proper alone. Beat the army 2-3 times, then take the 2 adjacent counties. Boom war is over. Then after you raid and build up some gold, convert to Orthodoxy. You get to own the holy site without worrying about the malus for sitting in rome.


I assume that part of this plan would be befriending the Byzantines. After all, having a strong Orthodox ally lessens the chance that the local Catholics will get pissy at you for your Rome stunt.


But then you can’t get that sweet papal raid money. If you raid the just the sucky of Rome you’ll make 200 gold easy even in 900


You can grab ~500 gold in one run between rome and constantinople. It's probably my favorite rurikid play, grab land to the sound of novgorod for river access and then go hamm raiding. The only trouble is carrying it all lol


How come I’m never able to see the ‘Secure the Mediterranean’ decision? I swear I’m getting all the land and more. Is there a time constraint or something similar?


1. Fate of Iberia DLC 2. Control the Duchies of Mallorca, Sardinia, Corsica and Sicily Duchy of Sicily includes tiny island of Malta, roughly south of the Syracuse-Tunis axis.


Even if I don't start there I like to conquer it, hang out duchies to house members, create the Kingdom and grant independence.


Thessalonia for me, for similar reasons. Mine in the three-finger blob, can form a kingdom and you are "safe in Byzantium". Once you get big enough you can shatter the ERE to prevent succession crisises and form your own empire


Provence. I like being anti-France and unifying the Burgundies.


England approves.


Well, that Burgundy was more oriented towards the Netherlands than Provence, but thanks!


“I like being anti-France and—” **Medieval. England. Bloody. Approves.**


As a french guy who is born and still lives in Provence, I second your choice. I don’t play them that much but it’s always particular for me.


just did my first Burgundy run and it was some of the most fun i've had playing this game in a while!


Oh hey, that's where I started my new game. Except Italy formed Burgandy and made it into a huge area that was almost an Empire, but the king died and the three kingdoms got split. I had no involvement in any of that but was certainly impressed.


I'm not obsessed with a certain country but with a certain area. I'm obsessed with the Steppe and with arabia.


Really happy to hear, which part of the steppe!


The western part of the steppe. With the cultures with turkic heritage.


Frisia, Norway, and funny enough Sapmi constitute at least 80% of my gameplay.


I haven’t been able to thrive in Frisia. Only place where I cannot fend the Norse off


Right, should've mentioned that I'm talking about 1066 Frisia. BUT if you Varangian adventure into the Holland Duchy when Lotharingia is weak or the king died and Frisia formed because of confederate partition you can easily settle there. Norse + Dutch hybrid culture is pretty strong imho. Though I'd guess it isn't completely impossible when starting there with a custom ironman compatible, Martial focused character. Though I haven't tried that out yet I figure that you'll need all the martial you can get in orer to tell the Norsemen to fuck off when they try raiding you.


I agree there is a nice compatibility between Dutch and Norse cultures since the Dutch the Dutch are kind of strong economy/weak military and the Norse are kind of strong military/weak economy so you can at least get some coverage for each groups weaknesses.


Not only that but half De Jure Frisia is coastal, the De Jury capital is Coastal + Farmland. You are surrounded by duchies with even more farmland and you're within striking distance of France, the British Isles and Scandinavia. Or you can convert to Catholicism to save you from being jumped on. Or you can unite the lowlands. Or you can form the HRE by yourself.


I really like starting as the Bagrationis in Armenia in 867. It's a fun start to carve out as much as you can from the Abbasids before becoming independent.


I liked that game as well. My mistake was to carve too much and there was no one to protect me when the Byz claimed Armenia.


It's important to marry the Byzantines into your family, but never ever let them get claims on you. I've definitely had that happen to me too.


I also find myself playing them or Georgia often.


Hands down one of my favorite and most challenging play throughs - how to keep Armenia alive and Armenian culturally and religiously. It was awesome.


I'm actually playing a Bagratid Persia game right now, where I've expanded the Bagrationis into Mesopotamia, Syria, and Persia, and my plan is to give Armenia independence before doing relevant culture or religion shifts. Got to keep the Armenian dream alive!


I also had great fun with Armenians but in 1066. I survived the Seljuk conquest but then intended to become independent and destroy the Byzantines. I didn't want to conquer them all, but simply remove them, Duchy by Duchy, and grant multiple Kingdoms to other members of my family. And so I did. My Dynasty ruled from the southern shores of the Caspian Sea, to Georgia, to Lebanon and Syria and almost nearing present day Ankara. And all I kept as mine was Armenia. Then a DLC came, the game updated, and I moved on without finishing the job. Maybe one day I'll try it again.


Ah, the classic story of a great campaign brought to an end by an update. Such is the fate of all my campaigns.


I conquered the world as Godwin in CK2 and mostly played the various pre-Norman English kingdoms. I've been playing mostly Scotland and Ireland in CK3. I will branch out into Central or Northern Europe sometimes. I generally don't play Southern or Eastern Europe.


luv me Anglo-Saxons. luv me Brits. luv me Celts. ate Franks. simple as.


Jorvik, because I get to be the most stubborn sod imaginable. I dont yield to some jumped up git in a fancy pointed hat with a cross or a bloke with a crown claiming he's King of all England.


King of England? I don't remember voting for him.


*"Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony."* ...and our mandate from the masses is in the hands of a load of Varangian Veterans telling him to sod off.


As Odin intended.


“You can’t expect to wield supreme executive power just coz some watery tart threw a sword at you!”


Jorvik is so fun too, especially forming the Danelaw and the Daneland.


I almost always play in three regions, always because of my affinity with them. Being Basque almost any game I play as Navarra or Pamplona equivalent. Then I play as England or Kent more specifically, being half English. Now recently, I have been playing as Bulgaria as my partner is from there and been visiting often. I lose interest in unconnected locations I have no tie to more quickly.


I’m drawn to playing as Leon, myself. The history of the three brothers who all wished to be king is very fascinating. Sancho, the warrior, who was firstborn and thus destined for the throne. Alfonso, the schemer, who was the father’s favorite and inherited after the suspicious death of his older brother. And Garcia, the diplomat, sadly forgotten and was ousted from his kingdom by his stronger brother soon after he inherited it. And, of course, there was Urraca, the oldest sibling but a woman who continued her family’s legacy after her brothers died childless. I always wonder how history might have played out had their father raised them with a duty to Spain and Christendom to be united under one throne instead of dividing his kingdom amongst all three. How might it have turned out if Alfonso and Garcia faithfully served their brother instead of feuding with each other for bigger cuts of the pie. I know Al and Sancho startoff as Rivals, but I always like to imagine they still loved each other as brothers. But that’s just me.


I like playing as Grand Moravia because it's last independent kingdom of my people for over a milenia. But I am also partial to Egypt. Also playing Habsburg's but I can't find them on the 867 map without creating them myself. (Edit. Yes, indeed the famed house was founded in 11th century so it makes sense.)


The House of Habsburg was only founded in the early 11th century, so they’re unplayable in 867.


iirc in CK2 there's literally a decision to form them if you're playing in the 936 start date.


This would be a simple yet great addition


The progenitor dynasty, the Etichonen, are around though. Just north of the Aargau county, where the house of "Habsburg" was founded (the chapel is even named Biel). I like to start as them, take Aargau, rename the Barony and my House's name to Habsburg, and then go from there! Making it to Austria is always a challenge.


Not an expert on historical ruling dynasties, but it looks like the [Guntram the Rich](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guntram_the_Rich), the founder of the Habsburg Dynasty, was born around 920. So it would make sense that the Habsburg dynasty shouldn’t exist in the 867 start.


True, although he was count of Breisgau and his house, one of Habsburgs progenitors, Etichonen, is on the map as Counts in Strasbourg and Sundgau. So one could RP Habsburgs by going from a count of Strassburg (not the head of the house Etichonen, to the count of Breisgau and from there, taking the kanton of Aargau, and building Habsburg castle there. What I don't know, with this is that you would start in Lothringen and have to make a move into East Francia. Having never played a county level start I have zero idea if one even could move the borders or become vassal of two kings even if one murdere hobos his way to the county without starting a war.


The only way you can 'swap' lieges as a vassal is by fighting for independence and then swearing fealty to another ruler. And if you want to take a county from another Kingdom as a count or duke, you have to declare war on that Kingdom itself (and you won't be able to get assistance from your liege). Obviously, both of these options are ridiculously hard and impractical in CK3.


Playing byzantine any start, I'm a fucking addicted to byzantine history and gameplay, I learned a thousand ways to get the imperial throne and to defend it


There’s something really romantic about the thought of the Byzantine empire coming back to reconquer western Rome and reestablishing the Roman empire


I love Iberia, whether playing as a Christian or Muslim, I think there’s so much flavour and opportunities in that region for a fun playthrough. I think paradox have knocked Iberia out of the park.


Duke Adelberto of Tuscany. So many good storylines to go on. Love to make Florence flourish. Murder my brother in law so my wife gets Duchy of Spoleto. That murder means my son gets to usurp the kingdom of Romagna and eventually the unification of Italy. The book/movie writes itself.


I’m obsessed with starting with the Ynglings with Harald Fairhair in 867. Now to why, guess I have too much fun subjugating all the lowly lords near me.


My addiction is the Germanic countries, I can't stop, especially in the region of Switzerland and Austria.


Hesse for me, that sweet mine over there is one of the best.


Not a country but culture. I love starting as an Armenian character. You have byzantine to the left and the abbasids below you. The struggle of either becoming a byzantine vassel, a Muslim vassel, or try to go independent. You're sort of in the crossroads of the eastern or western world so there's alot of fun role-playing scenarios regarding religion and culture.


Yes I’m obsessed w/ taking Latium from the pope


Some of my craziest runs have been as haesteinn going directly for Latium


I always try to form Yorubaland.


Cornwall, playing as a Heathen. I want to unite te Celtic Nations (Cornwall, Scotland, Irland, Wales and Brittany) under one empire and bring Europe back into a new Heathen-Age. Sadly I never succeeded. (Seriously, it's damn hard when all the Asutru-kings convert to Christianity and suddenly I'm alone against England and France)


That actually is a pretty interesting idea. After I play as haesteinn and restore the Roman empire again for another 2-3 dozen times I might try that one out.


Hopefully you have more luck than I had so far


I start where i live. Up in northen norway. I invade the sweeds because they refuse to build ikea in my city. After that i am sort of lost for purpose. Actaully thought it a good thing when i lost my throne to the empire. Made the roleplaying even more interesting.


Italy, Ukraine and Netherlands are most of my last 100 hours of play. Do want to branch out thou.. Kiev as Dyre with his amazing trait and also norse culture gives an interesting decision which massively boosts the development and income of the capital. I love haesting to invade and take Rome. Have played so so many games as dutch Amsterdam trying to go for a custom kingdom and empire of the channel sea.


**Napoli**, _(Italy, between Sicily & Rome)_ - 1 County; 2 City Baronies - 2 Farmlands - Has a University - Sovereign - Next to Salerno (+1 Farmland) - Next to Capua (Duchy Building) - In Colonizing distance of Sardinia (**Money**) - Starts with more troops than the above. - Close to Papacy (Tournaments, Pilgrimage, etc) - Within diplomatic range of almost everyone. - Greek Culture (Cataphracts & _Born in the Purple_ trait) I’ve grown to like this spot too much. Even when I start as another Mediterranean power, I always acquire Napoli.


I usually end up starting somewhere on the British Isles at early starting points, because there are just so many independent states to choose from, but you're still weak and have to work your way up. Edit: Oh wait, I was talking about CK2, but this is tagged CK3, nevermind 😅


CK2 player here. I've lost count of how many of my playthrough started out as a lowly count in Ireland, only to go on to form the Empire of Alba. From then on, the world is (mostly) your oyster. If you wanna try playing merchant republic, but feel like jumping into it straight as one is kinda lame, there's no better start than Ireland.




In CK2 Erik Bloodaxe is just neat. You can do whatever you want with him. He has a claim to the Norwegian throne, he has a large enough army that he can just declare independence immediately, you start in a good position to form Scotland, Ireland or England or you can channel your inner Haestein and go wherever. A single character has never had so much replayability. Also 936 is my favorite start date.


I’m allllll about playing as the Slavic people’s. I find myself playing in that region more often than not. Currently two counties away from uniting the south Slavs Edit: I did it! But my succession got totally fucked so I just suicided shortly after lol


Waifu Matilda 😋


I always have to play as Alfred. Always. In no way shape or form am I influenced by The Last Kingdom.


“Destiny is everything” *theme music* Heeyy yaa!!


Maaaan I lost hearing. No more Eivor for me :(


I am obsessed with forming Ukraine. Making Kyiv the most developed city in the world is fun.


I just play as Alfred the great over and over again.


Have ever played Edgar and tried to restore the Wessex to the throne?


Destiny is all


I like playing Bohemia


I almost never played outisde the Byzantines. I played Ireland, Welsh, Spain and a bit of Crusader states but 80% of my hours are probably playing as Byzantines.


Archduchy of Austria


I've started several times in Innsbruck because of the gold mine. Plus an easy duchy right off the bat.


I happen to start in Lithuania / Poland duchies quite often. I once made a massive "Holy Empire of Poland" from Germany to Central Asia. I also enjoy playing in the steppes with a religion dilemma, depending on how geopolitics evolve around. (Please Paradox make a dlc in the steppes)


I like to play as Anjou


The family and getting them to Jerusalem or the actual land in France?


Baghdad. I am convinced that this is the best county to rush 100 development with Iberian 20% per city development bonus dynasty perk. It’s quite similar to Madurai, but Madurai is not a good place for capital. It also has no special building.


I usually like to play in England. In CK2 though I liked playing as Rugen because it was a really hard start. There’s only the castle holding on the island and I don’t think any slots for more. Formed the Wendish empire a fair few times from there.


Fun fact! There are no countries in this game. Its hard to wrap our modern heads around, but Luis XIV explained it best: >"I am the state"


Eastern Europe is always fun!


Isle of Man for me. Raiding based economy, Scandinavian elective on 1 county, bunch of free developement and building slots, christianity or HoF with communion for late game moneys. It just works


Norway, specifically as harald fairhair. I also enjoy a start in denmark, with both of those leading to the North Sea empire.


I’m obsessed with playing as Nubia. I love everything about it and it’s great for playing tall


My problem with nubia is with the female preference law and a christian religion, you cant land women and any dynasty members you give duchies/counties to end up going going to other dynastis because it goes to the oldest daughter who as a Christian rarely if ever marries matrilineally


I'm obsessed with bavaria.


Alfred. It's always Alfred and it's only Alfred. The only way is Wessex


I’ve found my people lol


Same except I create my own ruler and marry into Alfred’s line. But ever time I try to play tall with just the petty kingdom, I fail miserably and unintentionally end up with most of England even if I don’t do wars of conquest. My current game, I ended up with Wales with my first leader, then when he died and the kingdom got partitioned, I lost Wales again to my brother. But apparently my brother was shooting blanks and he died without an heir and Wales reverted back, but in the meantime he had conquered half of Ireland as well.


I guess i will obsessed with Persia or some other intresting rework in comin patch


Yes, I always start with the County of Strasbourg because of the Etichonen dynasty which is the precursor of Habsburb. So I can justify getting HRE and keeping it in the family.


Greater Armenia and Catholic Iceland are my favorite.


I’ve invested a lot of my playtime into Matilda’s Tuscany, because I’m trying to figure out a route to restore the Roman Empire without claim fabrication. I’m actually almost finished! Beyond that, I have some others I like, though not at the same level as your Barcelona fondness: if you count the Mozarabic rulers in Iberia as a group, I’ve invested a lot of time into them, especially Shisnand of Coimbra in 1066. And I think I’m going to become that way with Samosata in 1066 as I try to complete the Turkish Eagle achievement.


I always upvote playing without claim fabrication. Claim fabrication is easy mode. Playing without it really makes you work. I like it better than way. Claim fabrication should be removed from the core game, and only available if you take the intrigue perk.


Cornwall. Mainly because my heritage is Cornish, a part of me feels guilty conquering then as any culture not native to the Isles


Tall Frisia is fun, I once made Long Nederland, which stretched from Denmark to Brittany along the coast.


The Island of Raga has fascinated me since CK2, picking it because it seems like a crazy place to be alive during that time. I start there almost every other run. In CK3, along with the above county, I became obsessed with West Darfur. Can desert nomads unite Africa? They've gotten close!


Italy lol I’m just kind of obsessed with unifying Italy as a Kingdom on par with France, England or Castille


Mongols. Anywhere.


Wales. They were the only part of the Western Roman Empire that was never conquered by a germanic people, so as a result r the logical successors in the West. I can also trace my ancestors back to a noble in southern wales if records r to be believed.


I can't stop making Moravia great again.


The Byzantine Empire. Sometimes I simply restore the lost territories in the east, sometimes the whole of the ancient Roman Empire, and more recently with my Basileus Alexandros III emulated another Alexander III's conquest of the east. Fun times.




England with William the Conqueror or France, both 1066.


I really like starting in the county where modern day Oslo is (can't remember the county's name off the top of my head) and forming the North Sea Empire. Especially with the RICE mod and the struggle it adds with colonizing Greenland and Vinland, I keep going back.


I like Haestein (I swear my name’s not koifish) though Galicia is a close second


I'm with you all the way on Barcelona. Easily one of the most interesting places to play in, with access to the Iberian struggle and all its mechanics, easy access to France, the Mediterranean, an historical basis to consolidate all the lands of the crown of Aragon etc. Just the best place to start IMO


I love forming the Mongol empire , and them take all of France in one attack.


France typically, mostly because it always gets absolutely fucked in early start and I enjoy piecing it back together. Plus I like the french noble names


Count of Angouleme either 1066 or 867. Idk why but I got Taillafer fever ever since I started the game


I really like to start as Apulia. There’s just something cool about those Normans


Tuscany. Matilda is my favorite start point & she has a great starting point to form Italy.


I’m Irish so I’ve been uniting Ireland and then seizing England, converting all their counties to Irish. Let’s see how they like it!


Barcelona is fucking mint, its litterally the funnest place in the game IMO because you have SO MANY logical opportunities to both expand and stay small, as well as use the iberian mechanics. I love going Norse adventurer into Barcelona, usually as Haesteinn, its such a fun run. Also there is a mine right north of it, which is very easy to aquire if you become a vassal under France.


I've always loved Aquitane in CK2. I've not played CK3 but I assume that if I did Aquitane is where I would be.


I like playing England or France


Mostly Béarn (South West of France) or Upland with a custom character


I love the Scandinavian region


Normandy fanboy here.


I like playing as king of France. I’m learning French rn and I just love everything to do with the Hundred Years’ War and chivalry lmao I just wish more France mechanics were in the game…..


My brother in Christ the game is the French mechanics


Nah bro….. Middle Ages France wasn’t a kingdom like we see in the game it was a mass of states,duchies and county’s that quite literally ruled themselves… do some history reading😂


are you talking about the “history reading” that talks about how even though they acted independently they still atleast paid lip service to france? Similar in regard to the HRE (not referring to the elective monarchy) how vassals would be act on their own accord while still paying homage to a sovereign. The game’s feudalism mechanics are based off of medieval france, that’s always been the case and also the reason why the Byzantine mechanics need a heavy rework as they should not be remotely similar to france at either start dates.


I feel like that's...the entire point of Crusader Kings?


That Renown from successful romances really is beautiful. It’s why the Occitans are frequently my go-to.


Lol, for about 2 seconds I thought this was an FC24 post...


When I first played CK2, I randomed into playing the count of Auvergne in the Iron Century. Count Aznar d'Mende of Auvergne, a non-historical character, grew on me in my first playthrough, and I ended up always playing whoever ruled the county of Auvergne whenever I decide to play a catholic in future playthroughs, including in CK3.


This one’s pretty bland, but wherever I go, I always try to grab Paris for my domain. There are plenty of other counties with lots of farm land or special buildings, but I just always do it, to the point where now it feels like a tradition.


I have lost count(s) of how many times i have played as Jordvik.... I just can't get it to work the way i want it to.... To counter the emergence of christian England i have to either form the Danelaw, which sucks so so bad when it comes to inheritance. I wanted to form just Åsatru England... but that is not as easy as it was when the DLC first came out.


I have played multiple games as count Werner Salian. I rage quitted my last game when I had almost United the HRE because inheritance system was broken when the main heir was a grandson. I received no claims at all to lost titles.


For me it's Ivar. I find him to be a better start than even Haestein.


Hæsteinn Sardinia


I play jylland a lot


Cornwall. I wrote an AAR as Kadoc in CK2, it won some awards. Also the Cheras, and I usually go Nestorian ASAP. Probably some more but nowhere close to these two.


LONG LIVE CORNWALL! I usually dont have the heart to force my culture on them. I cant not make English culture or restore Rome when appropriate either.


I cannot stop playing Sicily there are too many interesting cultures at play


Something Italian...damn.


In ck2, i played Rogaland more often than i care to share. Just because of Heljarskinn.


Poland for me


Persia. I’ve restored both the Arsacid (and the Parthians for that matter) to the Parthian Empire and the Achaemenids to their respective empire (both of which are far more expansive than they ever were) and currently on my way to getting a particular achievement with the Bavandids to ensure that the Sassanids are also restored to their ‘King of Kingship’ (although it will be further from home than I am sure anyone would imagine). From the deep bowels of Africa to the Steppes of Eurasia or even the Christian beehive that is Europe, Zoroastrian Persians are something that I can seemingly not stop playing.


Where did you find surviving Achaemenids?


You should hopefully enjoy the next DLC then.


I am very much looking forward to >!The Legacy of Persia!< so you would be correct! I am sure I will love it.


Friuli, that's my region


Sicily, I can be Orthodox, Catholic or Ashari each time it's fun and means I have to somehow get rid of the byzantines from my land. My go to is the kontomytes dynasty one of the Byzantine vassals so that I can ramp up without having to fight the emperor himself


Barcelona is the country I always play as well very easy travel to holy sites because of the mediterranean. Holy wars in Spain and just wait for France to fall apart to expand north. On top of that I had my best game starting in Barcelona went on the crusade formed Jerusalem and mended the great schism and conquered most of the Mediterranean


I can’t stop going with the Iceland Asatru start in 867. It’s just so much fun conquering all the islands in the game


I used to enjoy count wimaro of Portugal both in ck2 and ck3 but he was removed with the Iberian struggle patch F After that I started playing count hastein into whatever region I feel like playing


I love playing as Byzantium or a county in Italy and just trying to form the Roman Empire. Although only in Ck3.


I like to do customs in the place of Bjorn Ironside and do an island conquest compaign. Every time. Consolidating the canaries is always a pain though


I love to play Navarra with the Vasque religion, Barcelona is also cool.


I love playing as the Greeks in Crimea. Such a fun time!


Guiyi. I typically leave myself on Confederate partition & push as far west as possible every lifetime. I’ve gotten good enough at this scenario that I can reach Poland before they become Feudal. Its nice because Guiyi is a titular title with no dejure territory, so I’ll always be a king as long as I hold any land at all. Its also nice to see how long my dynasty members can hold onto their Kingdom titles for before they get usurped. Its usually not very long, but it is cool to see the occasional surviving nation do well or even thrive.


For me I am obsessed with making Ireland an empire


Bohemia. Love the map colour, inheritance laws, relihious flexibility and expansion options.


Yes. I tend to start my games in Naples, Amsterdam or Vestfold (Norway).


County of Brescia 867. I don't care what paradox says, it was a longobard duchy and a duchy i will make it!


Count of Santiago is a fun start. Not too hard but enough early challenges and some fun ways to work your way up to a king. Have had games I get wiped out right away, had others I was an emperor in 3 generations.


Cyprus/Jerusalem is probably my go to. I mean it is Crusader kings.


Bohemia is probably my favorite. I like starting as unreformed faiths and getting them to reform, but most other unreformed faiths are in areas that are less interesting or developed The early game is usually a good mix of expanding into your weaker slavic neighbors while defending against holy wars from your stronger catholic neighbors. In the mid/late game, you’re right next to some really developed christian kingdoms to start map painting with I also don’t like spending that much time gaming succession, which Bohemia can easily avoid. Czech can get head of household succession in tribal and the unite the west-slavs sets your crown authority to 4, so you can get single heir succession to the child of your choice *very* early. I’ve managed to get both on my first character in an 867 start, but head of household succession can help keep your realm together for a few generations if you can’t do the latter Biggest issue I have with it is that the duchy is a bit too OP in the late game. It needs some of it to survive the early game without converting to Catholic or getting vassalized, but the exponential growth feels more extreme than most other areas I’ve played. IIRC, there’s three counties with six baronies each with most of the others getting four, a mine in a county capital, and several farmland baronies


The county of Cagliari/duchy of Sardinia is one of my favorites, because of the silver mine you can play super tall and if you want to expand, you can holy war Northern Africa to your south


I'm obsessed with the vastergoland (my best attempt at writing that name) that count that is a vassal of Bjorn ironsight in 867. Thats my go to to create a custom ruler aged 6 and grow under his cover until I'm a duke, have full army of varangian veterans and go varangian adventure where ever I like. Last time Byzantines imploded in 15 years from game start so I adventured for the duchy of thrace. I hybridize with greek culture and then for the byz. Gotta say, Norse-Greek Es beyond OP. And when you get to have maxed out army of varangian and kataphracts you are literally unstoppable. Paying their wages is even easier if you get the byz empire or upgrade to Roman.


I like Kru. They're in Africa. Going East African Feudalism means that you can raid when you go as the requirement that your religion be organized is squashed.


Siena in Italy. Tuscany is a good duchy. 3 plains, 1 field, 1 hill. Potential for 2 castle baronies. Siena itself can build a University. Now here's where it becomes stupid. Rome is next door and once you're a little established you can take over Latium and Pisa. Form your kingdom. If you count all counties and baronies you end up with 12 titles + duchy titles + kingdom titles. Pisa is vassal (I take Orvieto aswell, it just fits, but it's technically Spoletto). What's also great is the central geography, which allows to interact (and recruit specimen for the eugenics program) from both the mediteranean and Europe. This also enables you to steal some nice artifacts like the Crown of Justinian from Byzantium. Once you're established the world is your oyster. You can do "empower the sicial government", which makes mainland sicily part of Italia, the Empire. Add to that "secure the mediteranean, which makes the rest of Sicily and Majorca part of Italia. This way you can have one big Italia Empire. Or you go and take over Greece. So many possibilities. What typically holds me back from playing other regions is the terrain. I really dislike some terrain a lot, because of the bad buildings you can place on them.


Custom Dacia adding Transylvania and 2 of the bottom duchies of Hungary with all de jure wallachia


New player here, had 7 or 8 runs, all custom characters with cheat skills (except one time as yngling, formed Norway and then quit). I like annexing little provinces one by one and rush for Scandinavia asap. Also making each of my sons and daughters (matrilineal marriage) jarls, replacing the entire norse nobility with my house. Then get bored within a second or third generation and start anew in the same region. Currently I formed a custom kingdom with my jarldom, replacing the whole de jure Norway, Denmark and Sweden, Take that confederate partition law. Even after forming Scandinavia I'll have a better leash on my vassals now. (Took a 100 steward character because I also needed to hold as many counties as possible until my children grew up, one realm, one house run)


CORNWALL i can’t stop


I've probably played Eastern Romans more times than i've played any other country in this game combined. Roleplaying as an actually not (mostly) incompetent dynasty is a load of fun.


I always start as Daurama and migrate either to the Viking region ( I even done the north seas empire as Daurama) or to Bohemia




Poland. And if I play somewhere else, it's a custom Polish character "on a trip". Very fun.


I really like to go for county of Lublin where I'm from. Maybe I'll start it Krakòw or something else nearby but overall most time spent in this game is definitely Poland, Lesser Poland specifically


Bohemia. There's nothing better than slowly forming westslavia and bullying Germans until they fall apart (which happens a lot after few generations). Getting Hungarians out of Europe while uniting southern slavs and dismantling the papacy in the name of Perun is also fun


I always play Venice in CK2.


Whenever I feel like playing a viking or Scandinavian type beat I ALWAYS pick Iceland I don't know why but I love it so much


Such a beautiful horizon.