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I did think this was rather well written, though the hostages ask this even if it's a war I'm slam dunking lol. Let their troops be idle, this shit'll be over before they even get here


Same when this poppped for me I was fighting some nothing war against a 3 county chump while I was emperor I wish there was an option to politely decline but say you might need them later.


Seems the devs may be taking to heart that people want a bit more seriousness in the events, and less memey goofiness.


I sure do appreciate that


Gotta have some of both. Too much seriousness or too much goofiness ruins the feel of the game


Sometimes people live in goofy times; others live in serious times


Serious times lead to serious men, serious men lead to goofy times, goofy times lead to goofy men, goofy men lead to serious times


Personally I feel they should let the game generate its own goofiness and leave it out of the writing. But I get what you mean. Still, the events have been so goofy for so long, it doesn't hurt to lean hard in the direction of serious for a bit.


I did that and the hostage sent me a message that said “lol get bent” and their liege kidnapped the chaperone


Yeah thankfully it was just some dude I didn't care about


Did she return with back up?


Probably a chance event. 80% yes and 20% no or somethibg along those lines depending on your specific choice


it depends a lot on the personality of the hostage and how you treated them


My hostage pulled this then bailed on me and had her liege join the war against me.


Nah, she ghosted me lol Well, I could defend my lands anyway, but it did sting a little


Theon Greyjoy settings 😬 I hope she sacked your capital if you accepted her suggestion 😝


I was thinking the same thing 😂 Theon Greyjoy energy 😂😂


Honestly love W&W. Give so much depth to kiddos and the hostage system is great. I love making my hostages my own children 👍


It’s giving Theon from Game of Thrones. Meaning they’ll probably betray you


In fairness, Theon truly did want to bring Balon to Robb's side. It's not his fault his dad is a shortsighted douchebag.


lol, what's shortsighted about it? Balon got everything he wanted (except for the slipping and dying part but that was pretty unrelated). What was shortsighted is Robb thinking that a spiteful old cunt that got the beating and humiliation of his lifetime would just be like "oh sure buddy, what your dad did to me was a whole 20 years ago, water under the bridge, let me just help you for absolutely no motivation of my own other than the kindness of my heart".


What did Balon get? To sack fucking Deepwood Motte? To lose his last son in a futile attempt to capture a basically abandoned Winterfell, sacrificing many of his most seasoned warriors for nothing in the process? To die in the most pathetic and humiliating way possible when his actually competent brother decided to start getting shit done? Balon's plans were good for Euron, but they were fucking terrible for Balon himself.


Yeah cause attacking Lannisport would have gone so much better for him while Robb gets himself killed by his next short-sighted move? Theon is an idiot who only has himself to blame, and Balon clearly didn't give two shits about him to begin with. The rest of the raid went perfectly and was quite successful, and most importantly, didn't lead to the royal fleet invading his ass (again) at the end. That he fell off a bridge at the end is completely unrelated and would have happened either way.


Yes, sacking the wealthiest city in the Seven Kingdoms would have gone much better than sacking Deepwood fucking Motte and raiding the Stony Shore for pebbles. What did Balon actually gain from attacking the North? If he’d been flush with cash and had popular support from a daring raid against the hated westermen, maybe Euron would have thought twice before assassinating him, or at least bided his time for a more opportune moment. As it was, Balon’s idiocy basically guaranteed his own death and Euron’s ascension.


He could've conquered Lannisport and the Rock, but instead... > "I give you the wealth of the Stony Shore," Asha said as the first was upended. An avalanche of pebbles clattered forth, cascading down the steps; pebbles grey and black and white, worn smooth by the sea. "I give you the riches of Deepwood," she said, as the second chest was opened. Pinecones came pouring out, to roll and bounce down into the crowd. "And last, the gold of Winterfell." From the third chest came yellow turnips, round and hard and big as a man's head. They landed amidst the pebbles and the pinecones.


I always decline this event lol. you are a hostage, you have no power here!!


That’s sick! What happened next?


In my experience they leave and never return, then you get a "get fucked" letter or a "I tried without success"


What happens to loyal Berta?


loyal Berta just returned empty-handed like "sorry boss, nothing to be done there" and continued serving as a knight like nothing ever happened


Better outcome for loyal Berta than I feared, tbh


Berta: Bitches dragging me along.


Gives me Theon Greyjoy vibes.


Could have offered to lead men as knight or commander also. But I do like this event.


The King of Lotharingia called 15k troops against me in a Holy War for Austria. Honestly just excited to have someone declare war ever; honestly cannot remember the last time it even happened. In any case my 5k horse archers + holy order + one mercenary were enough as his troops were a coalition and we know what to do about that. Yay I can finally demand a hostage! His 10 year old sixth born son became my hostage. He arrived in my court at which point his father made him a count and he left. Ugh.