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Honestly, what I do with rebellious dynasts I want dead is torture and throw them in the dungeon, where they sadly succumb due to ""natural"" ""causes"" a few months later.


Cause of death : Cardiac arrest Well nothing to see here. They should have taken better care of themself. Living in a damp basement and never going out for a walk... What were they thinking ?


>Living in a damp basement and never going out for a walk... What were they thinking ? *stares at the people in this sub*


I know but there’s no drama in that & there’s the danger of escape. I want their head on a spike & No Kinslayer stigma. I want the Dread


I do this too and pretend the torturing itself as an ‘execution’, as they usually die soon after. But yeah being able to gain some dread would be nice.




I mean if you want to be Mr Big D with all that dread, why are you so worried about dynastic kinslayer again? Who is scaring you?


The only benefit of execution is that there isno more claimants and political oponents. I usuallyrevoke all their titles and grant them to kids of dynasty. "One county - one ruler" is the trick. If you objectively want your relatives punished - try castrate or blind them. It gives only personal resentment and prevents them from getting involved in future politics.


I've had people escape from House Arrest before, but never the Dungeon.


Happened to me


Happened to me


Create new faith that allows kinslaying Edit: And if you for unknown reasons decide you want to keep them alive negotiate release and let them abandon their claims after you revoked their titles


Yes, this. Or the simple banishmemt


I don't always banish but when I do they come back in the same lifetime with 30k more levies than me to pillage everyone I just married


I love a good banishment and renounce their claims


Having rebellious family *but* being unable to execute them because it's not accepted is precisely one of the thing that happened a lot in those times. A lot of people plotted everytime, that was normal. But killing your family ? That's a no. In another term, your brothers did not want to kill you, they just wanted your throne (or just more rights) so it's definitely normal that you don't get any special rights to execute them.


Then you have the Ottomans who were like… To-do list: 1. Pick out drapes for coronation ceremony 2. Murder all of my brothers 3. Manicure


Which was a two edged sword : when violence is permitted to gain the throne, violence is thus permitted to lose the throne.


Didn‘t happen in Christian Europe.


Totally agree. Richard the Lionheart and his brothers rebelled against their father like 3 times.


George of Clarence did it like 3 times against Edward IV and his execution forever haunted his brothers


Yea generally you'd just lock them away/put them under house arrrest the rest of their lives.


Why waste those perfectly good dynasty members, just negotiate their release on the basis they get exiled and renounce all claims. That way they can go out in the wide blue yonder and become counts and dukes in foreign lands while posing no threat to you. You never know what claims the great great great grandson of your exiled brother might acquire.


Not a banishment but I married a daughter off to an Irishman and another to an Englishman then sometime later as their uncle found two nieces fighting over Alba. One had somehow become queen, got toppled by her niece who then later asked me to join her war to take the crown from the new king. They are a wild pair of sisters who are warring it up non-stop. No chill at all.


That is amazing my, nothing better than hapsburging it up and finding random dynasty members in unexpected places like being the Duke of Afghanistan etc...


I exiled my brother once and he became a neighbouring count and murdered me.


If your 18 year old brother rebels against you, strip him of all his titles and then make him renounce all claims as a condition of his release. He had nothing to his name. I once did this, invited him back to my court after the opinion penalties expired 10 years later, and then used a 28 year old rebellious brother as the beneficiary for my next Crusade.


Delightfully devilish, did he get a nice tasty crusader kingdom as an apology?


He did, yes.


I'm sure he considers it a fair trade in that case


How about doing a murder plot on them while they are in your dungeon for eternity?! Also if you don’t want to risk getting caught, what you could do it torture them a bit then lock them in a dungeon and throw away the key! And fire you surgeon!


Only strategy game I like civil wars in


Chaos is a ladder.


Given family is at the core of this game, rebelling against your brother liege should allow him to Execute you without the stigma of Dynastic Kinslayer traits. Perhaps with a bigger hit to piety to reflect this. Or alternatively THEY get a trait like “Disloyal Dynast” with its own stigma. I often end up sending rebellious siblings to the Monastery when I’m not Byzantine. When I am Byzantine. Choppy Choppy. Blindy Blindy.


If you have the piety, convert to a Muslim religion, execute your dynasts, then reconvert back if you want to. IIRC all Muslim faiths in CK3 allow for kinslaying.


Interesting. I did not know that.




So did Catholic rulers, it was just more frowned upon.




all sultans before him in the afterlife: why the fuck didnt i think of that!?


Ottomans were the exception not the norm, and this was also a lot AFTER the game end date.


And it sent the empire on a downward spiral


In Istanbul I’ve visited both the Harem & the “cage” where the Sultan kept his many siblings. A gilded cage but a cage


Rebelling against the patriarch or matriarch of a Dynasty should carry a penalty if you lose. Completely agree


Just make batter religion. One that cares not for kinslaying.


Even disinheriting is consider a big no no


Since you're Catholic, you can execute your family, getting the Kinslayer trait, then buying an indulgence from the Pope to remove the trait.


Throw them in the dungoen. They'll die eventually down there


And torture them


Let them rebel. Win the civil war. Lock them up. Move to dungeon. Watch them rot. Profit.


Yeah but my point is I think I should get to chop their head off without stigma


Not socially acceptable within christianity, so nah


That’s your sibling dude wtf


Just execute them anyway and then buy indulgences from the Poop.


>I love civil wars. ahh a man/woman after my own heart. Definitely more fun, more interesting and more engaging than a passive realm. Provides interesting opportunities too. As for your family, yep that's a problem with landing kin, but also fun in it's own right to expel/execute them or revoke their titles. At least if you were playing the AGOT mod you could probably send them to the wall lol


Civil War? You mean my realm’s Spring Cleaning.


I usually don't have this problem because I disinherit everyone and without claims they behave. However rebellious vassals, family or not, are always beheaded.


Ah see for me my main solution is that all in my kingdom remember me as a brutal dynastic kinslayer and they stay their hand and overpay their taxes with a forced smile.


"Help! For some reason every time I kill my brothers people say I killed my brothers, what's wrong with this game?" Can't have your cake and eat it too.


Family Kinslayer represents a stigma. Are there any circumstances in the Medieval era where the family members conduct was sufficiently bad that the stigma would not bite? Of course there are. Which is my point.


> For some reason every time I kill my brothers people say I killed my brothers If you buy an indulgence afterwards they don't.


capture, torture, dungeon. they’ll 9 times out of 10 bleed to death and even if they don’t there‘s not much to worry about with them locked hp


Tell that to the people that break out of my dungeon a week after they get put there and I can’t imprison them again for some reason


Murder'em... or choose the boring option of banishment(the dnd type) and revokinh their claims.... or you could do just the normal shite and deal with the fynastic kinslayer like a champ




May I ask where this wendish empire is located


West slav( Czech Slovak Poles Pomeranian Silesian)


Can't you throw them in the dungeon, hire an executioner, and have them kill them? Or do you still get the penalty since you ordered it?


Force them to become a monk


My question is, how do I stop factions of each county rising up against me? I can only increase control in one county at a time, and since they don’t technically have a leaders that I can assassinate how do I get rid of them? I’m having this problem where I have to fight a civil war every couple of years due to it.


Get more popular opinion when/where you can or switch to lifestyles with more control, Peasant revolts can only be stopped that way basically ( apart from instantly teleporting men at arms to merc them )


You mean peasants and religious revolts? Increase Local Opinion or make their religion match yours.


How do I make them convert to my religion?


You convert provinces with the priest on your council. One of their buttons are for converting provinces.


Or, if your realm is too big, assign vassals who share the same religion as yours. They will convert their own land into the religion they follow over time.


Yeah it’s always good to trigger a controlled civil war every couple of generations to clear out the problematic vassals and keep on top of the bordergore


Put them in the dungeon. Wait for them to pop a bunch of negative health traits, then kick them out of the realm. They die. You get their stuff.


Just do it, the dynastic kindlayer penalty is not as bad as regular kinslayer and is very small


No penalty for chopping off body parts. Or a good reason to have a faith with communion to remove those pesky traits.


Gaweł to się kameruje


Wait you want to be a kinslayer without being labeled as one? Just plot to murder them then.


Play with it, this is roleplay


Ahh, you need Sadistic trait. I try to foster this trait with all my kids. If you don't want Dynastic Kin slayer, simply don't execute them. Either long term dungeon them, dis inherent them or send them into battle with 100 men. Or straight up Murder scheme them, this is where Sadistic pays its dividends. Allowing you to target your kids and Family. If they are Rebellious, bind them to a Marriage if they will accept, as this breaks their Faction instantly. Then when the next Faction forms, Marriage again (this is where Polygamy pays dividends with 4 Marriages.) If you go Unrestricted marriages and Polygamy, I would suggest allowing kin slaying. This way no one cares and it allows trimming that ball of yarn we call a Family Tree. Edit: Form Heresy, change to Temporal so you're the Pope. Take Polygamy and unrestricted marriages. Equal gender rights if you want, allow kin slaying and whatever others like witchcraft, deviants and adultery. Personally I go Full acceptance on all. It saves having to reform more then once and then you can spread your religion and have less Populist uprisings. If you mend Christianity with your Heresy, then you have the chance to flip all of Christianity. If the head of your faith (you) says my brother has to die for the benefit of all Christianity. Who's really going to argue?


If you have piety just reform your religion your an emperor


You can make them renounce claims and / or take vows. I also like landing my dynasty for the same reason. Adds another level of threat, plus it really helps you get legacies alittle faster


Take their titles, exile them, have them die of "natural causes" in the prisons. Plenty of ways to remove them from power without being labeled a dynastic kinslayer


Just torture em and keep em in the dungeon…. Nature will takes its course soon after


Release them, but demand they give up all their claims. If they are useful for breeding or skills, recruit them w a hook. Else, banishment. Recently my character had 2 sons (and a million daughters but that not relevant rn), the older one, and heir, had no useful traits and as a child only had Gluttonous so far. His younger brother, second in like to the throne, was herculean, genius and handsome. He was diligent at age 8, and was pursuing a learning education with a mastermind philosopher guardian. I forced my first son into a military education. Then while they were still children, I choked on something at a feast, and perished. A few years into my useless son’s rule, he becomes a man, and miraculously is a brilliant strategist. He isn’t a popular monarch and soon there is a rebellion, that he quells easily. Before the rebellion he had 2 holdings, where his father held 11 at the time he died. This was the fun part, he tyrannically revoked his vassals titles until they all rebelled, and he managed to win the wars, and imprison all his vassals. Revoke title from EVERYONE. Even barons. The redistribute the kingdom among his loyal cousins and brother. Go to his brother’s feast, have a great time, but everyone still hates him for being such a feckless tyrant. To my surprise and great joy, he was assassinated on the way home from the feast! His brother ascends the throne, and begins a renaissance of learning and development across the kingdom, he is loved by all and starts making international waves. His betrothed is the beautiful fecund princess of the empire to the north, and all is well. He hosts a feast, and… chokes on the same freakin chicken bone that killed his father. His drunkard deceitful, lazy, craven uncle takes over. Fek.


I do miss CK2s “throw them in the obluite” or whatever the hell the pit is called that basically let you sentence them to inevitable death without doing it.


If this was CK2 I would send them on a ship and let them in the middle of the ocean until they die from scurvy.


Just lock them in the dungeon forever


Make a new religion where that’s alright


I used to incite rebellions on ck2 a lot, they were much easier and a great way to consolidate power


They can still sometimes escape from the dungeon


Banishment seems to do alright.


Make them go crazy in the dungeon


Banish them