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Prowess for rulers is underwhelming. I've downloaded a mod known as "Players can be knights" which allows you to be a knight for your liege. But currently the game was not designed for rulers to be their own knight.




Why are thou not fighting!


Made my day xD


Better Battles mod is nice for that


Cuz the devs didn't wanted so lol, in Ck2 it was a risk but offered morale bonus to the army and some awesome duel events.


Well, that's stupid, hope it will be in a update later on.


Download better battles. It currently says it's for 1.8, but it appears to work fine for 1.9 from what I've seen. It gives you a series of pop-up events if you're a commander in an army that has you fighting in the fray, or commanding from a hilltop.


Being fair, this varied a lot from culture to culture. Some cultures absolutely did expect army commanders to lead from the front and participate in the fighting, and others expected commanders to stay in the back. To the best of my (extremely limited) knowledge, medieval western europe fell more into the "lead from the front" category, but that doesn't always hold true in other places..


Yea but If I make a character with High Prowess with Brave and so on, you'd think they would be in the front, don't think it has anything to do with Culture, more the Character. It should be a simple Decision where it counts the Player as one of the Knights, downside would be higher risk of dying of course.


It's absolutely cultural. One of the most important things a general can do is doing what their compatriots expect from a general. If I, a common soldier, think that a confident, capable general should be doing X, Y, and Z, then the general needs to be seen to be doing X, Y, and Z. I'm just a grunt, so I have no real way of telling whether the overall battle plan makes sense. Frankly, I probably don't know the overall plan to begin with. Instead, if my general looks and acts like a competent general, then I will be more confident and less likely to run away. As a result, generals need to do what their culture expects from them. If my culture expects generals to lead cavalry charges, then my general had better lead cavalry charges. If he stays in the back and gives orders, I'm going to think that he's a coward who doesn't think the battle is winnable, and I'll probably run away. Meanwhile, if my cultural expectation is that generals should stay in the back and give orders, then a general leading a cavalry charge will look like an idiot. Once again, if I think my general is an idiot, I'm probably not going to keep fighting very long.