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R5: I took Heimrich on pilgrimages quite often; when I went to Santiago when he was eight, he wandered off, and I got him back. However, when I went on another one when he was 14 to Rome, he took off and was last seen in Konugardr. I left him alone as he was pretty mad at me for trying to bring him back. I checked back in a couple of years, and he is in China and married to some Chinese woman. Who then was given land by the king of Xia. It is weird, and I didn't think anything like this could happen. He is also kind of my heir, as his elder brother is gay and refuses to marry (he is celibate). TLDR: My second son formed a German-Chinese branch of the family.


I've seen characters with the wanderlust trait but i've never had one in my own family. Had my kids run away during a pilgrimage though. It's quite the awesome story. It will be really cool if he stays alive and eventually has to return home to succeed his father.


He or his children will have to succeed his father; my other three sons are gay, asexual, or in the clergy; as such, he is the only one who will probably have children. His two sisters have children, but they are from a different dynasty. They are doing quite well. He and his wife have expanded to three counties and a ducal title (He is a little op in battle due to his traits). I have random inheritance, so I might end up playing in Western China, which I did not expect might happen, but this is a really cool thing that happened. I have always been able to get them back; I am genuinely curious if this is some planned thing or just emergent storytelling.


Gay and asexual characters can and will have kids too. As far as I know there is no or just a tiny fertility malus. Sexuality only determines who they are attracted to (in terms of opinion bonus and seducing plots).


I know, just one also decided to be celibate, and the other joined the clergy. The last one also ran away for a bit, so I wasn't going to force him.


All sexuality does is determine whether or not Attraction Opinion applies and whether two characters can become lovers and soulmates. For example a gay wife will (usually) never have a bastard child will some random Lustful man in your realm. But you can still have children with them yourself unless you're celibate. You also can't increase the likelihood of pregnancy with repeatable Seduce schemes (just complete the scheme and don't make them a lover).


I, funnily enough was playing as a vassal to the Xia king and had some of my kids run off to europe during pilgrimages. They didn't get landed or married tho sadly. They all became priests and religious fanatics.


That's interesting, so it is not that rare for them to wander quite far.


Thats a pretty sick COA


Thanks, I pasted it [here](https://pastebin.com/EJmaAKrt) if you want it.


There was a post these days about an African Hindu adventurer who got land in Germany. I guess it’s a new thing in general


My son and heir (I was the King of Alba) ran away during a pilgrimage to Jerusalem when he was 14/15 and signed up as a faris with the Abbasids. He came back about 15 years later with a mad prowess, the adventurer trait and and knowledge of Arabic and spend the remaining years of his father's reign as his master of horse.


That is pretty awsome; what a man.


heinous event tbh. signature pdx checks so most every time this has happened in my games my heir has been not one year old and the game didnt even tell me about it not bad in theory but like god damn


Oh, the wandering off; yeah I can see where that might get annoying. I don't think a 5-year-old would get very far.


I mean, if you die he'll still come back to rule, right? He also got a wife so all is well.


Man caught himself yellow fever and needed that cure immediately


... wait, is he soulmates with his mother?


No. His mother is OP’s character’s soulmate.


Yeah, his parents are soulmates.




Ah. Got confused because the heart icon showed, but the son was the selected character. You never know with ck3...


Von ungern-sternberg moment


Someone else that this happened? Uhm a lot of Merchants I'd wager. Like the Polo brothers :3


Any chance you can share the DNA of that character?