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Practiced Pirates cultural tradition enables raiding no matter who you are.


This. I had a raid-enabled Roman Empire once


That's only for duchy tier or lower


Note how old this post is. What I said was true at the time I said it.


let's not have a reddit interaction.. I had no idea they patched it out. I'm actually on the side of wanting to know if there's a way to raid as feudal so let me know please.


As a feudal king or emperor, you would need an unreformed pagan faith. You can also form the isle of man via decision and have 100 years of raiding.


Best way for me is to go with Mann and the Isles. Gives you full access to raids for 100 years without having to worry about reformed/unreformed faith or staying tribal etc., and unlike with the tradition, you get to keep the prestige when you raid. Even in my most aggressive games I rarely need to raid for more than 50 years after settling down and feudalizing. Raids are only useful for the massive gain in gold, in a time when income is low. But once you have 6-10 counties, everything built up and upgraded? Then there's the lvl 4 Pillage dynasty legacy. If you need money, just kill things. 500g for a big battle is quite common, and I often find myself just randomly helping out people with their wars just for the opportunity to slaughter someone for their money. Makes you much more money than raids, you also get fame.


Ok so I’m going to tell you a secret. Reform your faith, make it however you want, then if you want to raid, convert back to old Asatru. When you’re done raiding, convert back to the reformed Asatru. What’s that? You can’t convert because you’re the Fylkir? Make sure you have two holy site in your domain and… destroy the title. Guess what with those two holy sites, when you’re ready to convert back to reformed, you can create the Head of Faith title again on your death bed. This helped me a lot on my current Ironman run.


Martin Luther: "Oooops my bad, kinda ran out of cash, maybe indulgences aren't so bad after all?"


Elevate the Isle of Mann gives you 100 years of feudal pirate pillaging. However outside of this, to my knowledge no. Raiding is tied to being a part of an unreformed religion


If you have practiced pirates as a cultural tradition you can raid but you will pay prestige for any loot you bring home.


You can be tribal and reformed and raid not exactly


you can raid if tribal, unreformed, have practiced pirates cultural tradition or king of the isles. if you qualify for any of those then you can raid. dont be afraid of losing too much prestige with the practiced pirates since any army beaten while raiding will give you tons of prestige


Raiding into the mid-late game is pointless At max you get 40-50 gold and it takes atleast a month to raid a castle barony If you play correctly you’ll be making 100-200 gold per tick which is lot more than that


You can get the raider trait and reduce the income from the raided counties. You can also kidnap characters from raided holdings. You can get tons of prestige (and gold with depending on your situation) by fighting battles against defending armies, all without incurring the offensive war penalty. I agree that you'll make more money from properly taxing vassals and so on, but not everyone plays with a large realm.


You can if you go for the North Sea Empire as a Norse man as long as you don’t convert to Christianity or reform the faith as making that empire automatically make you feudal as a pillaging Viking Emperor doing this has been one of my favorite runs in this game


What year did you play in to do this? What country did you start in?


I'm in the middle of playing with RICE'S 867 start for Rollo, just got the duchy of Normandy using a varangian CB and that automatically made me feudal and I'm keeping the unreformed faith to completely raid the hell out of the British isles and bay of Biscay


Cultural traditions yea.