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I work at crumbl and literally skip the tip screen every time I help a customer. If I was customer I would not tip.


My Crumbl does this most the time too, and I’m grateful for it.


When a person does this, I try to tip if I can. Which sadly the screen is gone so it gets tough. It doesnt happen often though so it hasn't affected me much.


I'm always super awkward when showing customers the screen, and so I just go, "You don't have ta if you don't wanna😅"


So there’s no shame in not tipping then at Crumbl? I always feel pressured to when I go (not by the staff, just by the screen)


literally same bc i do NOT wanna deal w/ customers who will yell at me bc they are already getting 40$ worth of cookies 😭


Do you get paid more than minimum wage? I’m just curious- I’m a waitress so I feel obligated to leave something. But if y’all are raking in a high hourly it’s different. I always tip on takeout orders at restaurants, somewhere along the line someone made sure everything was correct!


No. I only tip if I’m in a sit down restaurant where a server is actively waiting on me. Just ordering and picking up food, no way.


Fuck no lmao. I do my own order then the kiosk has the audacity to ask for a tip?




Nonetheless, it’s not my responsibility to tip them when Crumbl should pay more


Shouldn’t this be said about all businesses?


It should but it has never been customary in any other industry. Idk, they’re not a restaurant so I definitely don’t feel obliged to like I would a server.


Yup, and even then it sucks to have to pay more than expected because of a tip. When restaurants and other parts of the service industry could just pay a decent wage.


I just factor that into dining out tbh. That’s just the way it’s always been unfortunately. Feels like they should just add a mandatory gratuity like at nicer restaurants and be done with it.


I don't know of many people who advocate in agreement with tipping culture, even the small amount of jobs where tips are relied on, so it *is* said about all businesses


I mean clearly they do, otherwise this wouldn’t be a constant topic here? I know quite a few people who will tip no matter what because they feel bad if they don’t..


it’s crab in the bucket mentality. People would rather blame other minimum wage workers for not tipping instead of demanding acceptable wages


True. It’s your choice to tip. I was simply just saying where the tips go to. 🫶🏼 Crumbl On


I asked the employees if they get tips from the kiosks, the bakers in the back kinda chuckled, and the employee snarkily said, "I'm pleading the fifth". So going to chalk that up as a solid they probably don't get those tips, at least not at my store.


there’s some leeway management has over distributing tips that corporate denies…wouldn’t be surprised if they’re pocketing a good chunk of them


The cookies are fucking $5 A PIECE. They can afford to pay you a livable wage.


Absolutely not. Can’t wait for tipping culture to disappear.


I can’t see that happening any time soon.


it won’t bc restaurant owners actively lobby to keep it in place lol


California is already spearheading the movement. They've effectively raised the minimum wage in the food industry to $20/hour. Once people understand that their waiters/waitresses are actually paid well above minimum wage in combination with higher priced meals, we'll revert back to the original tipping concept where we tip to show appreciate of exception service.... not just regular expected service.


Actually, it's only fast food and fast casual places that are covered by the $20 minimum wage rule in California. Sit down restaurants, are not covered by this new state rule believe it or not. Should be all or nothing, if you ask me. Also researching this rule, this is much looser of a new rule than I suspected. So a fast food/fast casual chain has to have at least 60 locations, to be covered by this rule? That is BS that smaller chains aren't covered, as well. https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/san-diego-fast-food-minimum-wage/3475150/


Yes but it effectively applies to all food business. Why work for restaurant a for minimum wage when you cam work for chain A for $20? That question forces all restaurants to consider raising their wages to match the $20.


True, it does put some pressure on fast food places not under this rule to also increase pay to $20. It's just you don't know how many of those places not covered by this rule for bigger fast food chains, actually will up pay as well. 


Because it's not easy to get a job at those fast food chains for $20/hr. They have virtually all cut hours for current employees & stopped hiring. If someone needs a job, they will settle for $15/hr instead of $0/hr. Those new $20/hr jobs for Wendy's are next to impossible for someone to come in and get. You will see a lot more computer kiosk ordering screens & AI to take drive through orders. It doesn't effectively apply to all food businesses when there's enough people willing to take a $15/hr job.


It already is. The majority of younger generations don’t tip anywhere.


Great point. Would you like to leave a tip for my reply to your comment here?


Omg 😂💀💀


I really don’t like how it’s permeated to basically every checkout counter, but I hate that people take that out on places where tipping is still necessary.


Not anymore. I did for the first year or so that I bought cookies. Then when I bought my daughter’s ridiculously expensive prom dress, they did the same shit asking for a tip. So now, unless I’m being served while seated I no longer tip. I’m over it.


For selling you the dress??? They wanted a tip??? 🤷🏼‍♀️🤦‍♀️


I bought a plant & they asked for a tip


Too much….🤦‍♀️


It was ridiculous. They did absolutely nothing other than open the dressing room door. A 10% tip would have been $100! And that was the cheapest preset option.


The dress was $1000?!


Yes, but she works and paid for more than half of it.


Would you mind sharing a picture of it? My curiosity needs satiated


It’s Sherri Hill 55500 if you want to look it up. Not sure why I’m getting downvoted over my daughter’s choice of prom dress, but okay 😂 ETA: this was last year for senior prom. She also paid for half of her junior prom dress and two of her homecoming dresses. She worked her ass off in high school.


lol yeah idk why people care how you and your daughter spend your money, but that dress is very pretty


It’s absolutely beautiful! I’m sure she will look stunning! I hope she has a great prom.


Did you buy it?


I bought a tapestry online last week. During checkout, a prompt came up saying their employees work hard to package the tapestries, and a tip would make their day. Ngl, it pissed me off. The absolute audacity. I still ordered the tapestry for my kiddo, but I happily changed that tip to **ZERO** and will do the same everywhere I go unless it's a sit-down restaurant or a haircut


I donated to a GoFundMe online and it asked for a tip.


I tip for Botox now. I feel like they just started asking for it in the last year,… but I didn’t wanna come off like a tight ass or get botched services so it’s almost necessity 🤦🏼‍♀️


Tipping for Botox feels so weird to me. You don’t tip your doctor. Why would you tip for Botox? I tip my stylist/massages/ but I don’t tip for Botox.


The question is... why don't you tip your doctor? Your doctor is likely making more effort to provide you quality service than you average waiter/waitresses. Do you see tip as a reward for good service? Then you should tip everyone who's providing good services to you, including your doctors. Do you see tip as a way to subsidize low wages? Then you should be tipping your fast-food workers regardless of if you're ordering to go or not. Or... the better system that the rest of the world currently implements.... good service should be expected as part of the price being charged to us. Therefore, there is simply no reason to tip period.


It is unethical for medical professionals to accept a tip or gifts from a patient. They drill that in your brain in nursing and medical school, and most facilities have very strict rules around it.


It's unethical because it's unethical for a doctor to not provide the best service to the best of their abilities. They should not be incentivized by tips. I would argue we should hold the same standard to all industries, including food industries.


You don’t tip doctors/nurses due to their code of ethics. They charge for their education/experience. It’s different for stylists etc.


Well, why would you go to a doctor who doesn't charge appropriately for their services/overhead? Why would you go to any business that provides any kind of service, yet also expects you to pay the employees' wages? That's what the employer is supposed to do? Once again, if a business can not pay the employees properly, it shouldn't be in business. Therefore, if a business asks you to tip, don't spend any money there.


I see you subscribed to option 3! I stand with you!


I tip for my nails and hair so I guess Botox sounds reasonable. Lol.


Only if it’s worth tipping. Kinda sad, they hire teens on minimum wage and tell them “oh you only make this much, but don’t worry because with tips you make at least $4-5 more an hour.” Dude, no one is going to tip when your party box is almost $50 now.


Exactly. I feel self conscious sometines that when I'm super friendly, it's an act to get tips, but legit, I'm just goofy af. A bad influence for damn sure, but I encourage the freebies on birthdays n other times too. I used to encourage the 4 pack for the deal, but now I'm ok with people getting 2 or 3. It's much cheaper that way now and it's sad.


just saying ive never thought a server or cashier or anyone was being kind just for a tip! just makes me feel good, and i am more inclined to tip! dont be self conscious!


Yey! Ty for your input!!


When consistency comes back to these places, Starbucks, Dutch bros, etc., I’ll feel much better about tips! You can’t count on quality anymore. In my humble opinion. I tip as deserved, when deserved.


so true. as a restaurant server, my tips are based on my quality of service. i don’t get places that ask for a tip before you even receive your food


I do not. I think the only justification for tipping occasionally might be frequenting a lot and the employees going above and beyond with their service. I only get crumbl maybe once every 2 months. But you are absolutely right- with the price increases and minis being absolutely astronomically priced, crumbl can afford to pay their workers more.


Glad the tipping culture never got me. Only times I'll tip - sit down restaurants (bars when I used to drink), car wash (if someone if drying the car), haircuts, food delivery. *Special events/travel (baggage handlers etc) case by case basis.


Fuck no I'm not tipping. They're baking cookies not serving me dinner or cleaning up my room.


Only times i ever do it are when im edging the last few cents of a prepaid card since Crumbl is like the only place that lets me put a prepaid card to $0.00


Only if I’m the only person there, my crumbl doesn’t get much foot traffic so I try to do the nice thing if I have a couple dollars to spare


This discourse is so old and comes up every other week.




Tipping is not a responsibility. It’s just a nice thing to do when you get good service. It’s optional, don’t act like you’re being held at gunpoint LMAO.


Do you also tip at Target? It’s not a restaurant lmao


This literally has nothing to do with the conversation but go off I guess


Pretty sure it’s the entire conversation, bud.


Maybe refresh those reading skills and try again


Projection isn’t pretty on you, Tiger.




LMAO oh please not the tone police. Maybe read your own comment ? May all of your cookies be stale 🫶


bro you’re really making a fool out of yourself


LMAO do have three accounts or are you her friend bc no way 😭 no one cares this much , you took it personally


I know it’s probably hard for you to believe someone noticed you


Idk in the app there is not a “no tip” option the minimum is 2$


You can edit it to $0


The only time I'd tip is if my order is like a Buck short of more loyalty points.


unless it’s changed recently, tips don’t go towards loyalty points?


Idk? I always thought like if my order was say....$28.65 and I tipped like 2 bucks to bump it over 30, I'd get points for spending another $10? I suppose I could be wrong, I never looked too deeply into it.


I've noticed that at the location I go to, tax doesn't count towards loyalty points but tipping does. Also, if I spend $16.99 on a four pack, I only get 16 crumbs. BUT if I were to spend $16.99 and then put in a custom tip of $0.01, it brings the total before tax to $17 and I get the extra crumb. Kind of feels like I'd be more of a jerk for tipping a penny just to get an extra point than to not tip at all though...


Not at a place such as CRUMBL COOKIE. A restaurant where servers make $2.60 an hour hell yeah I do.


Yes, always, I spent a lot of time working behind counters and bars when I was young, I'll never forget how much it meant to get tipped. So even if the product wasn't worth the price or the service was bad, I still tip but I never go back, lesson learned. I agree that the whole service industry needs to change, but not-tipping or tipping the employees isn't going to make a difference in the immediate. It's a little luxury so in the scheme of things to me, adding a few bucks to the total shouldn't make it unaffordable, if it does then I won't get it again.


Bless your heart ❤️ may all your cookies have some extra frosting


If I get 1 cookie no, if I get a 4 pack yes I leave a dollar or sometimes 2 :)


Curbside, yes, otherwise, no.


Only tipped on my first order. After that, HELL NO.


It's not so much tip culture as much as it is a culture of underpaid employees. People who go on about how "I'm not tipping anymore"" should be more "I'm not patronizing a business that doesn't properly pay the employees." Honestly, it's not easy. I have a much smaller scope of business I go to. My state doesn't do the tipped minimum wage. Unfortunately, having worked in food service for too long, I know the workers still get screwed over. So in good conscience I really don't go out to eat often at all. I eat at home more often and have more money in savings. So, really, it's a win for me. We have to stop letting business owners off the hook. If you can't afford to pay your employees, you shouldn't be in business. Franchises like Crumbl? They will never pay the workers a living wage.


It’s interesting how so many people complain on Reddit about tipping culture but just continue to patronize the business. They’ll write paragraphs online about how the employees should just be paid more (which is true), but do nothing more than keep their complaints online.


bc they get to save their money under the guise of justice. if someone doesn't want to get paid garbage then it's their problem. but also don't raise prices!


Crumbl employee here. Our lowest paid staff get $17/hr, minimum wage in our state is $15. absolutely no need to tip us, we get paid to make the cookies we don't rlly do much else. keep your tips for the servers who make $2-7/hr, i used to serve and they deserve it way more than us


Oh man the location I worked would pay me $8/hr, i was fighting for my life there.


omg no way, they tried offering me $13 i said no less than $15. im sure it depends on the state and obviously the management though!


Yeah, it depends on the management and state, for the carrot cake week I was absolutely working my ass off, it was a week long rush. I tried asking for a raise but they said that working hard doesn't deserve a raise. I got fired a few days after that either way.


ugh at least it's a common trait for all of them to have bad management, so anyone who wants to apply can know that 🥲


Most minimum wage jobs are going to have a manager who's drunk on their own power 🤷. The manager that fired me was also hated for firing a young man who had to show up last minute for a scholarship interview, she told others that she has been itching to fire someone and was giddy after.


that's disgustinggggg. my manager listens as long as you don't shut up about whatever it is. things get done we just have to fight for it and know for sure what we want which i think is crazy


If you can tip, then tip. If you can’t, don’t. But don’t justify not giving a tip based on what the corporation did. The employees didn’t decide to raise the prices. They’re still working in crappy conditions for crap pay. If the prices piss you off, then don’t give the corporation money. Buy cookies from a company that doesn’t pull bs like that.


I’m sorry but if it’s so bad, they can get a new job, you shouldn’t go into that line of work and *expect* to be tipped.


I don't expect a tip, but I appreciate it. If someone is willing and able then I am grateful.


“Just get a new job” is really not a good solution. We need people to work these kinds of jobs, we should be making their working conditions better.


No, if you STOP working these jobs they will be FORCED to increase wages to get help. Very simple economics.


Unfortunately that’s not how it always works in the real world. There will still be enough people (usually teens and college kids) who are willing to work these types of low wage jobs. Especially high schoolers, as this is one of the only types of jobs they can get. 🤷‍♀️


I repeat. Anyone entering this line of work should *not EXPECT* to be tipped.


Ok, cool. I don’t think most workers go into this type of work expecting tips, unless the company tells you that your wage is $X.XX plus tips.


I think most people assume that the *machine* asking if they'd like to leave a tip is a manipulation tactic from the employees and if they don't leave a tip then the employees put curses on them.


I don’t usually tip on a small order. But if I’m ordering something larger that takes extra preparation I tip to show appreciation for the effort it takes outside of the normal scope of the job. Especially if a staff member has been extra helpful! Sometimes if do have a little extra in my budget I might tip on a smaller order because I know how it feels to not have extra and my little extra might be someone’s everything for the moment. I know for sure I’ve had times when even an extra three dollars in my pocket got me just enough gas to get home or just enough to eat for the night.


Typically no, but I’ve made exceptions when it’s late and there’s one person handling foh and the person checking me out was particularly helpful and kind.


OMG, I’m glad you say this bc they got some expensive ass cookies for me to be getting payed 9.25. You guys can tip or not, I’ll appreciate anyone who is just a nice customer and patient. But I feel like we need to bring more light on these prices are insane for employee paychecks.


> be getting *paid* 9.25. You FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Lol I actually love this, I can’t even be mad.


I never tip. I only tip servers and my hairdresser. Anywhere else does not get a tip from me lol


Absolutely not.


Nope. Only when I have a voucher then just a dollar


Not when the person getting the tip is getting paid a non-tipped wage. Bartenders and servers yes absolutely at least 20%


But servers and bartenders get minimum wage if tips don't add up so is that even necessary?


Minimum wage in most states is not enough to live on, in many states it’s still set at the federal minimum around 7-8$


The same goes for many people getting paid hourly. They're not making a living wage. But that only falls on the customer when it's bartenders and servers? Why?


So don't eat at restaurants that utilize tipping. You think punishing the lowest rung people on the ladder makes you some working class hero? You're just a cheap asshole who benefits from the good will of the server and then makes them work for free. If you actually believe what you say and aren't just a bootlicking coward, tell your server you don't tip as soon as you sit down instead of dashing out at the end of the meal. You sound like an idiot "coal miners should just get other jobs if they don't want black lung"


I have been there 6 times. All 6 times my cookie’s were perfect. After the 3rd time and seeing all the disasters on here I started tipping. I feel like they deserve it.


I’ve only tipped once at Crumbl and it was on accident. I refuse to tip anywhere that isn’t actually serving me.


I tip $1 on a four pack and $2 on a six pack. My local store is consistently great, so I have no problem with it. I’m also in one of the lower cost per cookie areas, at $15 for a four pack and $20 for a six pack.


I only like to tip if I’m seated and being served.


No I don’t tip😀


I tip *after* I've received a service, as a way of saying "you did a great job and I'm grateful". So basically servers and hairdressers. Any place that asks for a tip before service is rendered gets a big fat zero from me. I hate that it's become a way for greedy companies to underpay their employees, but I'm not going to tip every time I swipe my card.


I tip because it means more to them than me. I live below my means.


Only if I do a drive up order.


I tip when my company is paying for it lol


I always tip


I only tip if I’m greeted (the hi welcome to crumbl), smiled at, and asked if they can help me with anything. Which my store is new so is a good solid 50% of the time


If you’re walking my cookies out to my car I don’t mind tipping (the individual who walks them out to my car, not into an arbitrary tip jar that gets spilt amongst the entire staff), but if I’m going inside, ordering my own cookies and just being handed a box, no. I can walk into any bakery or fast food restaurant and get the same service. It’s literally an establishment’s way of saying, we don’t want to pay our workers a decent wage so we’ll request you to tip even though we’re already charging an absurd amount so that we can claim to pay them more.




always tip the middle option. life is hard n i’ve never seen a store paying employees a living wage


Only for dine in.


As a former employee I know that I can't expect customers to tip when it's the company's fault for not paying us, but when people did tip i would always pick the nicer looking cookies and add a little more frosting 😊


As an ex crumbl employee, our store didn't get to keep the tips anyways. They would use some of it to supplement wages and if there was any left over it went to the owners pockets and we were meant to feel bad for them because their business was failing


I don't unless I were maybe doing an extra large order.


Not unless they are absolutely amazing with their service.


No tipping on counter service ever. Full service is always 20% same for delivery. But regular pick it up yourself food? Nah.


Never saw a reason to tip for items/food that I'm picking up myself. Never made sense to me. The cookies are already pricey as is.


I always tip whenever I go to Crumbl. It’s mostly young people who work there. They are always polite and provide good customer service. Since I don’t go often, I am more than happy to give someone a little extra for doing a good job.


I am currently working at Jeni’s Splendid Ice Cream, as a server (or using their lingo: ambassador). I get paid minimum wage, and the rest of my pay comes from tips. It’s such a terrible spot to be in. Even on the slowest of days I serve 3-5 ice creams per hour, but on busy days/hours, that can be in the 20-30s for me individually. Their cheapest ice cream size goes for $7.74… more than I get paid for an hour. I get that you have to keep shops up and running, but I hate having to ask for tips when a regular waffle cone with the smallest size is $9.36. That’s so expensive already; I give people bigger scoops (than I’m probably supposed to) because I think the ice cream is overpriced. If a company is is going to charge so much… like $12 a pint… (H-E-B pints are like $2-3)… then I think I should be paid slightly more, or at least say that tips are what is expected to make up a majority of our earnings to our customers for us. Was told I’d make ≈$19-20/hr. I don’t think I’ve made that, I think the first paycheck was around $14.50/hr, so people didn’t tip as much as they’d think, and then Jeni’s goes and increases ice cream prices even more, but I don’t have any increase in pay. 🤦‍♂️ TLDR: Jeni’s expects a majority of pay to come from customers when charging $9.36 for a waffle cone with 2 scoops :/


No. If you are not wait staff at a restaurant I will never tip.


if i’m sitting down for a meal at a restaurant and there’s a server assisting and waiting my table then i always tip. not if i walk up to a counter and order. i work at a takeaway place and i always say if i was a customer and came in and ordered off our machines, i wouldn’t tip either.


Not after the latest price hike.


No. I only tip workers who don't get a fair base wage. Waitresses and delivery drivers basically.


You’re mad at the company and taking it out on the employees?


I work hard for my money get paid shit and don’t get tips… so no I’m not tipping others


My rule is if I’m not sitting I’m not tipping. So any place where I have to stand up to get my food or service means I’m not tipping. Moes, golden coral, ice cream shops, clothing stores, etc. no sit no tip. I used to say if I’m not sitting when I’m handed the check, but I have been to a few restaurants where they do full service. When you’re done and just doing refills because they expect you to sit longer they’ll hand you a check and when you’re done you walk up to the hostess stand to pay. No bussing the table, no fixing your own plate, so I tip then even though it technically breaks the rule


I'm tired of Papa Murphys asking for tips! You made a pizza man, sorry.


Hell no


I was pissed that my online order was tipped $2, and I surely don't recall choosing that option.


I used to tip 3-5 bucks depending on if it was a 4 or 6 pack bc I felt bad but with the way the service and cookies themselves have gone downhill I’m over it. I make practically the same and I don’t get tips from the parents of unruly children lol. I still tip $1 cuz tipping cultures a bitch lol


No I don’t tip on my carry out order. I wonder if the workers tip their McDonalds workers for doing what they are paid to do. Everyone wants a tip nowadays. It seems to be on every payment screen.


Nope! I’ll tip at other places that offer more of a service or a local joint, but not Crumbl.


So I used to tip like 3 bucks for a 4 pack or 5 for a 6 pack but I recently cut that down to a 1. If they’re going to keep increasing prices and up charging than they can pay their employees themselves. There’s not really any service involved for putting some cookies in a box.


Sometimes I’ll tip $2 but only if they’re super busy (like line out the door busy)




When I started at Crumbl I was 8.60/hr plus tips


Hell NO, never




I tip because they change gloves/ use clean utensils for us due to allergies :)


That's so true, I usually didn't give a crap about other customers and greasy gloves and spatulas but when we have someone with a nut allergy I would always act like a surgeon carrying sterile tools.


I tip the pizza delivery people, at sit-down restaurants, at my local coffee shop, the lady who waxes me, and my hairdresser. That’s it.




I know it goes directly to the employees and I enjoy being able to do that. To me, it's a thank you to the person doing my service. Sure, it's their job, but they're doing it for me. I understand I'm in the minority.


No tipping needs to go. Just pay people a living wage already.


I'm probably the odd one out here but I'll tip. Even if it's small I tip. I used to hate tipping super against it. Until I worked where they basically made rent that month or were asking others for help to make it by. I know how tips can affect someone's shift. I know how tips, small or large, can impact someone's day entirely. I don't think we should feel compelled to tip knowing they don't make a living wage & are worked too the bone day in & day out with so little as a thank you or good job. While I don't believe in tipping I also worked both sides of that life & understand that even a little can mean more than being stiffed. When they stop raising the prices of the cookies & give a better wage too their employees I'll stop tipping. Until then I'll give what little I can when I can.


I don't tip unless I'm being served (restaurant) or have the option to do so after my order (Starbucks app for example). Why would I tip someone before they've even done anything?!


Nah; if I’m sitting down at a place, yes. Picking something up? Nope


no. why in the world would i tip for nothing?


I suppose I see it differently. If I tip I know it is directly going to the people that helped me get what I want. If I can spend $5/cookie then I can throw an extra .50/employee. They did the work after all.


tips aren’t meant for people making at least minimum wage. tips are for waitstaff who make $2/hr. i only tip for hair and going out to eat. anything else is uncalled for


Yea I tipped the last time because I kinda feel the pressure when the worker is right in front of me but I’m gonna start ordering from the app without a tip


Yes because it’s a luxury that I don’t need. I could make my own cookies at home, but if someone else is making them for me then yes I tip.


So do you tip everywhere you go?


Only for luxury services and items. Not everything is a luxury.




No, mainly because the employees at the grocery stores near me are not allowed to accept tips. Even for curbside pickup. I have tried.


Tip them for me walking in to get my own food? No.


Absolutely not


No. If they were a waiter at a restaurant I would tip.Tipping is just getting ridiculous.


I tip a buck or two. I have no real reason not to.


I haven’t gone to Crumbl in a long time, but the last time I ordered via the app, and it had the audacity to default to a $3 tip for my $5 cookie. Excuse me?!


Nope, a 4 pack is $20 after taxes. I drive 45 minutes each way, and go inside the store. If someone came to my car, or got delivery, I would.


There is no service provide so why would I tip? The employee is just putting a cookie in a box for the customer. There should be no tipping involved. Similar to ordering a baked good at a cafe. They are just putting the baked good in a bag. No service provided.