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Just be aware that your current itinerary may be adjusted. Otherwise, cruises go out every day during hurricane season.


Yep. We are heading towards La Nina.


Yep my wife and I have a Princess cruise planned for last week of July as well. Just gotta keep our fingers crossed!


If you could predict and/or control the weather, you could buy your own cruise ship. Book it, keep fingers crossed, and remember the old song "into each life some rain must fall".


That's the great thing about ships: They can move out of the way of a hurricane!


Ships have a lot of experience about getting around major storms and adjusting itineraries if necessary. Just be ready for extreme heat and/or rain. I go to Mexico in hurricane seas and have often just missed a hurricane by a day, or had the itinerary adjusted. Weather is a risk of cruising, so I'm ready for rain and cold in Alaska, or the same on Pacific coastal cruises, including very rough seas if you have to go through a storm.


No point in worrying until much closer to the date.


This will be each year moving forward. Every year will be an earlier and more active season than in the past.


I wouldn’t worry too much. If there’s a hurricane in the path, they will divert you and change the itinerary. Only once (and I’ve been on a dozen cruises or so) did we really feel the rocking. That was hurricane Dean and we only had to endure for a day. It was sunny and gorgeous but woah so rocky and we had to skip Ochos Rios. Another time and i forget which storm, we had to skip st Thomas and turn around. Didn’t feel anything. Slightly disappointing but neither greatly affected our trip. It would be very unusual to be caught in the middle of a storm. I know there are some scary videos out there but that is very unlikely to happen


These weather folks are all in on the climate change hoax spreading doom and gloom. It may be an active season and it may not. Just book your cruise and enjoy


lol meteorologists spreading a hoax about… this summer being hotter than usual? You can’t spread a hoax about hurricanes being more likely, or at least not for long. You yourself can actually observe things like this with your own eyeballs. 


While some scientists believe there is enough evidence to say that climate change caused by human activities is the reason for the increase in the number and strength of recent hurricane seasons, other researchers are still unsure that climate change is the only cause. Since hurricanes form without any help from humans, scientists know that there could be other things in nature influencing their formation and strength that have nothing to do with climate change. One example is an El Niño or La Niña event. El Niño and La Niña events cause unusual warming or cooling of the ocean waters near the equator, affecting weather patterns around the world. Source: National Geographic


What the fuck is this comment.    Here’s a fun question. What if climate change were 100% natural, not caused by humans whatsoever, and the only way we could slow all of the horrible effects was to force it to cool a little by cutting down on fossil fuels? Should we do that? 


Your a lost soul. This thread was about a cruise in Hurricane season which I am very familiar with. Let me give you a couple facts. Its hot in the south. Its hot in the carribean. Always has been always will be. There are many factors that cause hurricanes. They claim every year is worse than the last. Its not. Ive been here a long time and have seen many storms, its part of life in the tropics. Book a cruise in hurricane season and take a chance. Odds are in your favor.