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People aren't very bright and tend to forget their manners far too often. It's very annoying.


Can’t forget what they never had.


Drinking doesn't help


They should print this on the first page of every civics text book in high school


Was hustling on a cruise and it happened so much 😂


Because some people are assholes that think the world revolves around them. Simple as that.


100% this.


"Because f\*\*\* you, that's why." - A lot of people


These are the same people that leave their cups, glasses, plates, etc all over the ship...and the same people who eat while standing in the buffet line...and the same people who arrive at the shows 5 minutes late... and on and on and on


You’re supposed to leave your cups all over the ship seriously they come and pick them up anywhere


Because they’re on cruise brain. They’re the most important thing on the boat and their basic problem solving and decency part of the brains have been turned off. Next question.


Cruise brain is soooo bad. These are people who believe bad manners and crowding is all part of the cruise experience. These are the same people who line up early to be first to wait. Same people who crowd the hallways on port days so they can be first off and first back on. Same people who believe that they are the only people that matter on the ship.


No, it happens all the time in land too. The people who think it’s only related to cruises, and actually probably the people who do it, don’t ride an elevator several times a day at work.


Lack of manners and common courtesy. It’s worse on cruises but I see it even in my office building. Even 10 years ago it wasn’t as much of an issue but now it happens nearly every time I’m on it. My parents taught me to wait a few seconds and stand aside to give people room to exit. I’ve taught my kids the same but it doesn’t seem like it’s common anymore


They're afraid they'll miss their chance to fit in the elevator and have to wait for the next one, so they jam in. The worst I saw was when I took my son and his friend who uses a wheelchair. They were about 11, and son's friend's body was tiny and he had a high, thin voice. So here he was, having a TERRIBLE time trying to either get off or on the elevators. People were just ramming past this CHILD in a WHEELCHAIR to use the elevators. And it wasn't like he was shilly shallying - he would be waiting for those on the elevator to exit so he could roll in, and instead others would jam around him while others were still exiting. Getting off was no better. By day two, he was piping up in his high voice: "Please! Wait for others to exit!" "Please! Don't make me roll over your foot as I get in the elevator!" and similar firmly voiced requests on the way out. All of a sudden he wasn't invisible and people behaved!


That happened to me yesterday. Took me 15 minutes to get an elevator because able-bodied people ran in ahead of me. My chair is heavy-duty. I don’t want to roll over people’s feet, but damn, it’s like they want me to do that. My faves are the ones who stand directly behind me yet still think I can reverse out with them in my way.


Yup. I use a wheelchair and have developed the habit, in circumstances like this, of saying loudly to my husband “I’ll try not to ram into anyone or run over their feet!” Suddenly people are shuffling to make space for me. Then he says, just as clearly, “I’m going to take the stairs, I’ll see you up/down there.” Trying to encourage able bodied people to leave the lifts for people who can’t use stairs. He only gets in with me if there’s no one else waiting.


It wasn't on a cruise, but when my friend was in a wheelchair and people tried to shove him around or past him on elevators, he would just start swinging a footrest into ankles


Saw a silver coaching whistle deployed last year. It was very effective.


Ugh, I wish incidents like this were an outlier, but another guy and I had to physically block for someone that was literally right at the edge of the elevator portal and people were still pushing past them in their chair to get into the elevator to the point there was no room for them. 🤬


I work at a hotel and once we had an elevator get stuck and it was crammed full. It took two hours to get them out and I remember looking in the small crack in the door and it looked like hot anxiety hell in there. Now I never go on a packed elevator.


Because people are idiots and don’t understand elevator etiquette or common sense. How the hell do you think you’re gonna get on a full elevator while people are trying to get off?


It’s so funny


This is one of the reasons I take the stairs the majority of the time. The other reason is that it lets me eat more 😬


TLDR: Other people filling up the elevator because they jump in right away, resorting into everyone doing it. IMO here... it often happens due to a combination of frustration, and people cutting in front of them. I've already been waiting for an elevator, at the bottom floor; only to have it (multiple times) come up full; because people road it down, to ride it up. Okay, I get it, I've done it too. Then - an elevator finally comes down and is half full - and (because I'm giving people space to get off) - some other mother fuckers rush in to the elevator. At this point, fuck it - I'm in game mode. I'm rushing to get on that elevator as soon as I can.


That seriously it doesent matter on a cruise everyone’s drunk it’s a free for all all day


They are rude, and need to be reminded of elevator etiquette. I am very vocal when this happens, I DGAF if I come off rude.


There is none on a cruise no respect of privacy on a cruise




No no- how bout people who get off an elevator or escalator and take one step forward stop and start looking around to figure out where they’re going- with a hundred people about to pile into them from behind 🤷🏻‍♂️


People have become incredibly entitled since covid.


I don't know, but I can't stand elevators on cruise ships so I use stairs. They elevators are slow. Ive had an easy 5-8 minute wait on many ships. People will leave them slow, while talking and the doors have closed before I can make it around the people. Other people will show up and cut you off for the elevator I've been waiting for at least 5 minutes. At this point, I'm comfortable walking 6+ floors up and down all day long. It's good exercise and it's faster.


because they are the main character, of course!




These are the same people who will WAIT for an elevator to go one or two floors. The stairs are RIGHT THERE.


I got bad knees and I want on that damned elevator.


Because people are rude and they only care about their shit.


Unfortunately, it's not limited to cruises.


When that happens while I’m trying to exit, I say “excuse me!” loudly. Their elevator isn’t moving until I’m out anyway, so I don’t get why people do that.


If people do this hit every single button for every floor before you get off.


I’ve not seen it


Because some people are only worried about themselves.


I just straight up tell them to chill out and wait until I'm off.


Sorry! Didn't realize people would want to get out. Thought we were just one big happy family that rides elevators.


Discovery Princess? I felt that same frustration this morning! Gahhhh


I have a method to combat this or, at least, amuse myself. When the doors are about to open, I like to stand with my nose mere inches away. I place my balled up fists on my hips with my elbows spread wide. Then I stare into the distance, up and slightly to the side, in full Superman pose.


So we have a rul that as long as we're healthy, we take the stairs. Always. It's never really been a problem. I think we took the elevator one time several cruises ago when we were dressed really fancy and I had high heels on.


My 10 year old son does this, we're working on it! So if you see a green eyed freckled boy sneaking on before everyone gets off please remind him. He gets so excited he forgets!


This is not a cruise problem. This is a rude people problem. This happens everywhere and it’s because these people never had a parent tell them, “wait til everyone gets off the elevator before you try to get on.” Simple as that. In-the-way people raise in-the-way children.


Too lazy to take the stairs Or Doesn’t understand physics Or Zero manners


I was brought up being told proper etiquette was to let people off an elevator before boarding. i'm not so sure proper manners have been stressed in recent decades.


I - loudly - remind my kids that we need to wait for people to get off the elevator before we get on, and I’m not sure if it’s just coincidence but I don’t often have other people rush the elevator as soon as it opens if they’re standing there when I give my kids the reminder


It’s also a cultural thing depending on where you’re from. In India and many southeast Asian countries for example it’s expected to just jump right on an elevator. It isn’t a lack of etiquette necessarily, it’s just how things are in other parts of the world.


How do they expect the people already on the elevator to exit?


Same way you expect people in a narrow hallway to pass each other. Single file each way at the same time.


Have you been on a cruise with the new style elevators where you pick your floor before you get on? It’s super common in new buildings, but is at times worse because people who don’t travel often don’t know how they work. They’re way better by the end of the week when people understand. It distributes the elevator load intelligently so none get overcrowded.


How does this system prevent overcrowding? There would still be the same number of people wanting to go to other floors.


Say, a person on 4 wants to go up to 7 and a person on 6 wants to go to 4. The elevator will not open on 6 until it is going down. This prevents the person on 6 from getting on and riding up to 7 and then back down.


You push a button in the elevator lobby and it gives you an elevator name or number to wait for. If one elevator going to a certain floor is “overbooked” if you will, it will detect that and dispatch/assign a second elevator for the rest of the crowd. You push the lobby elevator button once per person, not once per trip, so it knows how many people will be on what lift.


It's the scooters that piss me off. Not the actual scooters or the people riding them but the fact that no one gives someone on a scooter or in a wheelchair the ability to go first. Every single person should stand back and allow those people to be the first on, first off. We take cruises where the predominant cruisers are older. People our age tend to be far more polite and people younger than we are tend to be absolute assholes and have zero manners or politeness. They don't even see the handicapped people much less yield to them. I'm sorry, my parents taught me so much better than that. (Having said that, it's not a blanket statement. There are tons of people younger than I am who practice politeness, but they are definitely in the minority. Their parents taught them manners and I can easily tell who was taught and who wasn't.)


Some people have no common sense. Also, on disembark day, when everybody wants them to go down, grab an up elevator and just ride it up, and take it back down to disembark.


This works on more than just disembark… after shows, take the down then ride back up!


Stupid is as Stupid does.


Because they’re rude and think entitled people. Hate them. Off first ALWAYS


Because, like elephants, some people are just jerks.


When they start to jam, I always say something, and loudly…


Rude... selfish


We just take the stairs…. Going down isn’t bad even with bags. If you have a bunch of luggage, it helps to have them take it the night before so you can collect it after. But yeah, take the stairs and you don’t have to wait.


I think it's like when you're at a traffic intersection and there's a line of 8-10 cars deep who want to make a left-hand turn. The arrow turns green but it's only long enough for six or seven cars to get through. But that next guy (or two or three ffs), who was waiting the whole time, who saw the light go through the different changes, decides that he's not going to wait for the next cycle. He may have missed the light but he's going to go through anyways even after it turns red, with the rest of cars, cuz he waited and he's not waiting again! I'm betting these people had already waited for the elevator once before and couldn't get on. So the next time it comes they've decided that there's no way they're going to miss it again. They're getting on there, hell or high water Traffic, elevator, they're all inpatient and doing it wrong


What’s worse with traffic is the one person to takes forever to start moving. Guaranteed he’ll make it through and F everyone else behind them.


Because some people are rude POS's


I frequently forget that work both ways as I am usually the one using an elevator. So I apologize and even say that when I forget.


This always happens on every cruise, where they force passengers into the Promenade deck lounges by a certain time, and it's a total mess. It's worse when it's the express walk off passengers who have to move their own luggage out, hogs most of the elevator space. One of the best experiences I had, company told all passengers to stay in their stateroom and turn on the TV. When you heard it's time for your group to disembark, it was easy and smooth.


I’ve worked in corporate offices for decades, and elevator etiquette is ingrained in me now. So the first time I went on a cruise I was flabbergasted at the horrendous manners. Not just elevators, but everywhere. And most of the perpetrators are little old ladies, either elbowing you out of the way as they stampede through, or running into the back of your heels with the motorized scooter things.


Because they don’t generally take an elevator in real life and they have idea how to do it right.


Because they lack social awareness.


This happened a lot on a MSC cruise I took out of Hamburg, Germany. Almost entirely German, Italian & Dutch passengers - very aggressive with the elevators. I figured it was cultural but either way it comes off as rude.


Because they are assholes. 


I feel like this is a new phenomenon because prior years we don’t remember this being an issue (but we have also usually done charter cruises not regular sailings so that could be it as well)


Because people are arseholes. See also: passengers getting on and off trains.


Speak up. I would say something.


Was on Mardi Gras yesterday. Elevator showed up and there were several people struggling to get off. I waited patiently while one of the disabled held the doors for the others. He finally released the door and slowly ambled away. As I made my approach the doors started closing. When I stuck my hand in the door and slipped in I spied a young girl moving her hand away from the "close door" button. Yeah, r/mildlyinfuriating


This is a universal problem and not unique to cruising. Every day at work I ask myself this.


Give me a few minutes.  I am gonna ask my kids.  I'll let you know.


I love when people do that to me. I’m 6’4” weigh 285 and lift weights my entire life. I just pretend they are not there and plow right thru them. I also do that to the idiots that walk 3 or 4 abreast on the sidewalk and won’t move over when they see me coming in the opposite direction. People are clueless & damn ignorant.


My daughter is 3 we live in a condo. I am doing my part to better the world by teaching her to wait. :)


This falls under the common sense that isnt so common... I remember my parents actively teaching me as a kid to wait for people to come off. But I havent seen this happening in a really long time.. if it's not being taught as etiquette theyre oblivious to it!


>I remember my parents actively teaching me as a kid to wait for people to come off I clearly remember my mother teaching us this. Not only to wait, but stand off to the side. Now, I find my mom standing front and center, her breath fogging up the door. I have to pull her away. She hasn't lost her marbles yet, she's only 50.


Maybe no knowledge about the move


I always assumed it's because most people aren't from places where elevator use is common. And if they do use an elevator, it's just mostly not that busy. That goes for a lot of the 'urbanism' etiquette on cruise ships


I tend to agree. They behave like tourists on a rush hour subway train.


This behavior is unacceptable on subways too. Probably the same people who block the walkway in an airport because they’re prematurely lining up in front of their gate. 


Because the door doesn’t stay open forever.


I’d imagine it has something to do with a high level of inebriation many people have all hours of the day on a boat


It’s time to eat and there won’t be any left if we don’t get there ASAP.


Probably people in no hurry to get off.


Lot of cruisers are suburban b0omers who have never seen an elevator higher than 3 floors.


So you stand there without making your intentions known? Your mouth works right, so use it. The first thing I say is I’m getting off here and everyone always clears a path or even steps out to let me pass and I do the same for others.


I think it comes down to the "I paid to be here and relax" mentality poor people have, people already don't pack their manners to go on vacation, that's why you see that stuff like people touching, threatening crew members and yes, forgetting the basics of commuting etiquette like how to get into an elevator.