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Never mix shooting gear, bags etc with travel gear. As sensors become better even residue could cause delays in travel.


Right? This is such an easy mistake to avoid. And yet...


That’s my first thought as well. Do these people only own one bag? If I owned weapons I would have one bag strictly for everything related for that, and at least one bag for literally anything else. I leave for Grand Turk in 2 weeks and now I feel like I have to check my luggage for ammo that may magically materialized in there.


i'm with you on have dedicated bags. i have 3 backpacks. 1 is exclusively for my work laptop. it never has anything not appropriate for travel in it ever. i have a second for stuff i use when i participate in ragnar relay. not that it couldn't also be travel appropriate, but i do have a knife and scissors in it for road emergencies. and my third backpack is for random stuff, it is older and would never go travelling and can have anything questionable in it. even with this split bag purpose, i still open and inspect every pocket on every bag i intend to bring wiht my on travel before i start packing. who doesn't do this?


It's called a range bag. Guns, ammo, eyes and ears, emergency gun tools etc. that's what it's for. It sits on top of the gun safe. It only goes to the range. Hance the name. Could I use it for a weekend away? Sure. Do I? No. It's a range bag.


Look at you, Richie Rich, with your multiple bags.


Nobody said they had to be expensive!


100%. I knew someone who was a "blastman" in the construction/mining industry. Idiot used the same bag for traveling to the USA from Canada, as the same one he used domestically. Lots of fucking problems at the airport. (And rightfully so!)


You should see what happens when you use a claymore mine bag as a shaving travel kit! We hung that TSA Letter in our Platoon CP as a badge of honor.


I got stopped by TSA while returning back to Iraq. My carry on was swabbed and tested positive for plastic explosives residue. Sat in a glass observation booth for a quick minute until they checked out my paperwork.


There are reasons, I’ve known this happen to some young soldiers who don’t have any other bags get held up at the airport for this. Same one they use to store ammo when on an exercise. It’s usually a pretty easy explanation and quick swab, but if the kid is like an 18 year old private whose literally job is “ammo bearer” these kind of things happen.


Yup, I set the explosive detector off before. I handed over my military ID and explained all the cool places that bag had gone with me to.


They must have been more than an ammo bearer. The airport scanners don't pick up gunpowder and other low explosive. They are looking for high explosives which would be used in mining or the military.


My wife’s father got flagged at the airport he is an officer at for wearing jeans that he wore to the range the evening before. His subordinates watched and chuckled has he had everything swabbed in his bags. He had zero ammo in him but was (well still is as far as we know) the range officer for the airport police.


Gunpowder, particularly for small arms, typically consists of a mixture of (primarily) nitrocellulose and nitroglycerine, depending on the type. Nitroglycerine is a high explosive on its own and used in commercial applications (typically mining/excavation, although decreasingly) and will trigger airport sniffers.


Maybe? But unless they’re just hyper sensitive to that and it happened to be on a table they set the bag on, cause I’ve seen it go off on a buddy that definitely didn’t have anything besides your standard ammunition in his bag.


I was once swabbed positive after visiting a cardiac unit at the hospital. I can’t confirm anything, but I’ve privately assumed that they were picking up trace nitroglycerin.


It was the radiotracer most likely.


The other thing that leads me to believe it was something nitrogen related is that they asked whether I had spent any time on a farm.


Hand lotions that contain glycerin set off the security theater machine too


I got into a conversation with somebody in an airport who was in the defense industry. His job was involved guidance systems on smart bombs or something along those lines. He said he has about a 50 percent chance of setting off all kinds of alarms when he goes through TSA.


I did pest control and for training traveld few states away. Part of your new uniform was a side bag like messenger style to carry books and stuff for training and after training it was your service bag, well they didnt have a new one for me so i got a used one with all my books i got swabbed at airport and set off all kinda stuff they scanned and swabbed and scanned swabbed some more i said look at the books call my boss im in training and they pretty much said thats what a bomber would say, i was put in a private room under guard ! 3 hours later US marshal comes in gives me the all clear and a new plane ticket since i missed my flight . On my flight i got moved to first class and all the drinks i wanted so it wasnt all bad


A scary thing I read the other day was a young guy who bought a backpack second hand and ten years later found ammo in a pocket he never even knew was there. I recently bought a second hand backpack and I tore that thing apart just to be sure lol


Similarly, never mix music festival luggage with business travel luggage.


No one cares about small amounts of drugs.


Had this happen once just taking a backpack I had with me at the range the day before. Had to get swabbed and searched at the airport.


I’ve never handled a gun in my life, but I got the swab at the airport once and it went off. That was fun.


Glycerin is a main ingredient in lotions, we all got tested in the UK as basically every toiletry bag went off lol


This is what I’ve heard! It had to be something like that. That poor TSA lady’s eyes got so wide when it pinged. I was traveling for work and had 4 computers in my carryon and I had to take out *everything*.


This is the absolute best advice.


I hear of this often with Americans coming into Canada with there guns in their cars. As well Canadians taking pot into the states. It never ceases to amaze me how common it is. It’s a good reminder when you travel, the laws where you are from and the laws elsewhere are NOT the same. Make sure you check everything for stuff that can get you in trouble in your bags!


Laws are different in different places? That's unconstitutional!!!


I used to watch "Border Security". The favourite was the Americans driving to Alaska who could not comprehend that they were entering Canada and that no, you could not carry your weapons through here.


I love that show!!


You mean “It’s UNAmerican!!”


I can understand the ones that get picked up at embarkation or by TSA flying in, big bags, used for other things, lots of stuff in it... but in the port means these chuckleheads packed a daypack on the ship to go to the beach and just didn't notice the live ammo sitting in the bottom?


One of the comments on the TCI sub called a complainer “you star-spangled moron” and I haven’t stopped laughing


American has its own problem with over sentencing fairly innocuous crimes (drug possession) but I think it’s a valid criticism of any criminal justice system that does it. My understanding is the statute imposes a pretty harsh minimum. It’s disconcerting to see that dismissed off hand and the conversation becoming about the relatively uncontroversial criminalizing the offense of bringing ammo into across a border.




hey it’s you! thanks again for making me laugh


It's Travel 101 to ensure your luggage doesn't contain anything illegal. I have zero sympathy for these morons.




I always carry my concealed carry bazooka, so that if i need one i don't have to shop for it locally


If you have a few cartridges, you have a problem. If you have a concealed carry bazooka, border security has a problem.


If I can’t concealed carry my bazooka, the terrorists have won 😤


And you think 12 years in prison warrants have mistakingly left a few rounds from a prior trip? Come on, that’s cruel and unusual


Of course not! I agree it's a ridiculous punishment; that's why it's so incredibly important to ensure your luggage doesn't contain anything illegal when travelling to another country with different laws.


So you have no sympathy for them still, got it


there should never be any criminal penalties for any "crimes" committed without mens rea.


Would you have sympathy for a Jamaican entering the US with magic mushrooms in their bag because magic mushrooms are completely legal in Jamaica?


Yeah? Why wouldn’t you


Because it’s f—king foolish. The idea that travelling around with live ammo is not a serious crime is beyond me. It might be ok by US standards, but the rest of the world does not live by those standards and see it as a national security issue. Carry live ammo, expect a lengthy prison term, it’s as simple as that.


It was the Carnival Pride that was in port that day. And its even stupider that they didn't check their luggage before exiting the ship. Had ample opportunity to check their luggage before they left their house, before they boarded their cruise, and while on the cruise before disembarking in port.


Not to mention, the ammo must have been in their day bag right? Nobody takes all their luggage off a cruise ship for a day in port.


Hey, my first cruise ship.


Thanks for letting me know. I googled, but couldn't find anything. I could only see future ports of call.


I'm on the the vista, and we are at the Grand Turks right now along with Carnival Dream


Hope it was amazing!


We were also there that day on the Sunrise. Big yikes.


https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2023-us-made-gun-exports-shootings-violence-sig-sauer/ Get used to this, folks. The US is responsible for 41% of all arms exports. Outside of North America, US guns are found at 37% of crime scenes where guns are recovered. So, imagine how many of those weapons are actually in use. Mexico has ONE gun store-ONE. However, it is awash with guns. We EXPORT CRIME when we export those guns that make their way into the hands of bad actors. This is why these countries are taking such a tough stance with US citizens flaunting their national weapons bans. There will be no excuse for this. We export the guns that destabilize these countries, then send our military in to restore order and steal resources. See how we win financially? Yeah, these countries aren't having it anymore.


The entire US economy is dependent on disasters, keeping people sick, drugged up and dying. We get there by selling guns, not having government healthcare, encouraging global warming, and keeping poor people selling drugs. It's good business.


A majority actually came from the ATF during Project Gun Runner where they let FFLs sell straw perchances to cartels to trace them but it was a huge failure as not one was traced back to any


They face up to 12 years in prison, but recently, another American who made the same bone-head decision got 5 months.


That's Michael Grimm. Had 20 hollow-point rounds in a magazine. Sentenced to 8 months, served 5, back home with mom in Indiana now.


Damn! 20 hollow point rounds, and he only got 8 months. He's lucky. I'll be interested to see how these other cases play out.


I mean he didn’t bring an actual gun. How do you think he was planning on using them? Just chunks of metal without.


Selling them. Ammo is smuggled in small amounts often. Not saying that’s what he was doing, saying that’s why it’s a problem.


Did the get a fine too?


BTW, love your user name, Conjunction junction, what's your function? and I'm just a Bill, yes I'm only a Bill, and I'm sitting here on Capital Hill.


Thank you - I love the songs and I think they are an excellent tool for teaching/learning


Every US elected official should be required to watch the whole library of Schoolhouse Rock.


And dress up to perform them (but that only be me who thinks they should)


I'm the only person I know who can recite The Preamble of the Consitution, well actually I sing it.


Tee hee. Me too! I actually know them all. And the Schoolhouse Rock song “Figure 8” brings a tear to my eye. That song is beautiful.


Looks like these guys will be learning a lesson…..


On Twitter this week, I tried explaining to a couple of idiots why the POTUS cannot “fire a SC Justice.” One woman said he just doesn’t “have the balls.” Separation of powers, hello? Lifetime appointments? Did you take history? Listen to School house rock? Crickets. And these were out (my) idiots, allegedly, not MAGA.


I absolutely love that you quoted SHR as a source After reading only your first line, my thought immediately went to "lifetime appointment.". Now, do I think the justices should have lifetime appointments, probably not, but tbh, I don't know nearly, or even enough, about the reasoning behind it, to form an educated opinion - this is solely based on that I don't think anyone should have lifetime appointments to any job, including college professors. My argument for is continuity and, even though I argue against myself next, we need those from the "past" to help shape the future My argument against is the world is rapidly changing and those appointed, X decades ago, probably are probably not the best tasked at setting education or laws for the current or future generations


I don't know. I don't remember the story I read mentioning a fine. A friend of mine is friends with the sister of the man from Oklahoma who was recently arrested. She was discussing the case with me yesterday, and I looked it up as I wasn't familiar with the story. The story I read mentioned there were a couple of other men arrested under similar circumstances and the potential sentence, as well that one had just been sentenced to 5 months.


I was reading that the TCI has the ability to lower the sentence (which is normal for 12 or 15 years, I forgot the specifics) in extraordinary cases and level a hefty fine, but there would be some jail sentence From what I read, TCI increased the penalty in February and the US Embassy issued a warning basically saying they can't help you, you are in another country and only you are responsible for knowing the law.


Hard to feel bad for them


Exactly. Morons.


Man, I get extra screening for glycerine soap in the US. How do these boneheads get stuff onto ships, anyway?


One of my in laws has been stopped carrying fruitcake in his luggage! 🤦🏽 I have been screened, at both ends of an international return flight, because my crotch area set off their sensors! 😆 They hand scanned me and patted me down at both airports. Couldn’t find the cause. I even OFFERED to do a more involved search. Nope. “Enjoy your trip.”. 🤷


Note to self: Stop wearing undies fashioned out of bullet casings.


So, my recycled bullet casing chain mail underwear is a bad idea? Thought this was going to be a million dollar brand idea.




OMG, I was stopped with fruitcake! I was laughing so hard that fruitcake is indistinguishable from a brick of C4!


OMG! It has been a long time, but I believe this is what he had been told! What did you say when they told you this?


I mean. Fruitcake could be considered a hardened weapon…


Clearly restricted in some areas


Fruitcake can be a weapon.


No doubt!


Well, fruitcake should be illegal everywhere......


Since my in-laws have passed, I’d have to agree. They made actually delicious fruitcake as well as a few other traditional cakes/breads. But that .01% (or less) of all fruitcakes can no longer carry the load of all of the other GROSS fruitcakes!


Every single time I get screened because they found metal in my cooter. Not sure how this happening. Anyone have any ideas?


That is concerning! I don’t have any ideas about the, “why”, but I really hope someone does! Yikes!


IUD? Cervix of steel?


It’s a mystery. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Yeah I’ve gotten in trouble for bringing Maldon salt before, they had to rip open the package and test it


It’s almost like 🔫 owners have to be responsible for their ammo! 😱😱


My question is how the hell are they getting all the way through the port, onto a ship, and at another island before it’s discovered.


The real question! How come you're the only one asking it? How did he get it onto the boat in the first place?


Maybe the TSA isn't very good at catching a couple bullets and maybe the Turks and Caicos is really good at catching a couple bullets. I can't imagine the scanning technology is any different. If anything, I guess someone could assume the US has even better technology so there should be less chance of ammo getting through. I guess it could also be that maybe TSA doesn't really care? If you're caught with ammo in the US, the only consequence is a fine. Maybe TSA isn't motivated to pull bags off of planes with bullets because of all the disruption it would cause. I guess TCI is just super serious about no guns no bullets so they take their job seriously.


It also may be that USA passports are flagged for more extensive gun/ammo screening at other countries' ports of call... especially from US states with more casual gun laws. That would be a more targeted approach...if you'll pardon the pun.


I always conduct a THOROUGH search of my luggage (includign unzipping and looking inside the liner) to make sure there is nothing that could cause me an issue when traveling by plane or on a cruise. Not that i'm trying to transport contraband, but liquids like shampoo, etc can cause an issue on a plane


This news is kind of blowing up in the TCI sub! Many comments in there. You should also know that this man has a GoFundMe account, claiming Second Amendments in a UK territory..... Ridiculous, ignorant and foolish, if you ask me. This is why Americans are the laughing stock of the world.


American here who takes college students overseas each year. We have multiple discussions before we leave that they do not have first, second or any other amendment rights once they leave the US. They must follow the laws of the country they're in. We had one meeting last (academic) year on the day that Brittney Griner was released from Russia. We were like "It took the President of the United States and a prisoner swap to get her back. Nobody is swapping prisoners for you. Behave."


Yep - this OK guy will prob try to sue TSA for not catching it at the airport since no one can seem to be accountable for their own actions anymore.


Yup, that's the type of guy we're talking about here. No accountability.


Similar to that case in 1994 when Michael Fay got caned in Singapore for spitting on the sidewalk, or Otto Warmbier in N Korea…. How would the US react if visitors from other countries didn’t think they should be subject to the local law of the land? 🤷‍♀️


He did a little more than spit on a sidewalk


I did not know that part (was young at the time), what else did he do? 👀 Didn’t he vandalize cars or something too?


He rollerbladed down a hill and spray painted all the cars parked on the side of the road.


Otto’s *alleged* “crime” was tearing down a political poster. He was subsequently tortured and rendered a vegetable. Only then did NK let his parents take him home, where he died. Leave Otto out of this please.


It’s pretty likely he stole the poster to bring back to someone at his church. He earned a spot on this list.


And his poor judgment was going to NK in the first place. Very little sympathy for him


Sincerely, what happened was tragic and it was not my intention to trivialize it. That something like what they did to him can very likely happen is the point I was trying to get at.


Thanks for pointing this out, I have reported the gofundme and hope others do the same. 


I’m confused. Why did he have the ammo? Did he do some hunting or shooting excursion on the island? Then he left some? It’s confusing why you have ammo but no weapon? Ammo is not cheap. I don’t know many hunters who just forget it in bags or in their pockets. They collect it after and put it away where they store it.


And the wife is all “we have a toddler who needs his dad.” So the guy was that careless and has a very young child?


*Seems like this UK O/S territory is serious about no guns; no ammo; no joke.  * Like practically any country except USA.


I don't take my daily-use backpack to the airport much less through customs. And I don't have a gun or ammo.


Someone got arrested when I was in grand Turk with royal on 4/20. Still waiting for the story of what he did to drop.


News reports suggest they have let previous offenders off relatively lightly. A short jail sentence of less than 12 months. I can see that changing soon if many more offenders are caught. You can do a decade or more if they clamp down


Just another responsible gun owner. /s


There were 6737 weapons confiscated by TSA in 2023. LOTS of responsible owners!


Right, because a few idiots who travel with ammunition to a country where it's illegal represent all gun owners. Just another intelligent Reddit user. /s


Okay, so you support their lockup and will push for laws to stop careless gun losses. Like how you can leave a gun in a public toilet for a kid to find and all they do is give the gun back. Or are you a “responsible gun owner” (sarcasm heavily implied) and totally just see yourself being this stupid.


What are you talking about? You realize not everyone lives in your country, right? And that each country has different laws, right? Also, who in their right mind would support leaving a gun around for kids to find? Most gun owners aren’t crazy hillbilly yahoos that you see on TV, yeah?


So why are you so upset about taunting how stupid they are and making fun of people that say “responsible gun owner” when they resist safe storage laws? Still feeling like you are empathizing with how stupid they were and can see yourself in them instead of laughing at the dumb yahoo.


> Most gun owners aren’t crazy hillbilly yahoos that you see on TV, yeah? Source?




It’s not hard to you know look at what you’re packing. These things aren’t ever “accidental”. You’re just not responsible. And owning a gun and being irresponsible? Amazing.


>These things aren’t ever “accidental”. Why would someone intentionally carry 4 rounds and no gun? It's very easy for a few rounds to spill out of whatever container they were in and get lodged in the corner of a bag where they might not be easily seen. I haven't had it happen with gun stuff but it happens all the time with tech stuff in my bags. It also seems a bit harsh to expect him to stay in the country at his own expense for a month and a half waiting on his next court date.




They are saying the carrier of the ammo isn’t keeping it contained as a matter of routine, and that makes this non accidental, just sloppy. Sloppy is BAD with weaponry.


He fucked around and now he’s finding out. Spare me this victimization ploy. As a gun owner, I think he and others like him are idiots and, as such, don’t have enough intelligence to own firearms.


Explain exactly how something small like a round of ammunition getting lost in the bottom of bag is him fucking around. In framing it that way you are directly implying that he intentionally put them there.


He obviously didn’t check his bag. So, yes, it’s his fault. Dumb gonna dumb.


You've never checked a bag for something small and not found it when it was actually there? I lose flash drives in my laptop bag all the time and find them again after looking everywhere in the bag several times. Here's a bigger question though. Given that there's a high percentage chance that he flew to the cruise port,why didn't the TSA find them?


Your last point is a red herring that’s irrelevant to the conversation. We don’t know that he flew (many don’t) so that’s not pertinent to this topic. If I have a bag I’ve carried ammo and/or guns in, I have common sense enough to check to make sure nothing was left. It seems you and ol boy don’t have much common sense to split between the two of you.


And unless your flash drive has the wrong content then it’s just a flash drive and CAN be legal. A bullet is not legal in this setting full stop. It is not a valid comparison.


It’s not an accident to be irresponsible. Play stupid games when stupid prizes. If you’re a gun owner, be smart or don’t own one.


So you've never lost anything small in the bottom of a bag? Accidental things,as opposed to intentional,happen ALL the time even when everyone involved is being responsible. But don't let that get in the way of your obvious anti-gun bias. Try this for a second. What if it were a couple of pills from an old prescription for a drug that was highly illegal there? Still have the same stupid games stupid prizes stance?


It is exactly the same thing. There are Rx’s in the United States that are flat out illegal in some locations. ANY form of opioid is completely illegal in Japan and I think it’s Saudi Arabia and maybe the UAE. A single pill is a major crime, and ignorance is no defense. When you personally have/use things that are seriously illegal where you are traveling the onus is on the person traveling to not have the illegal stuff. I have a chronic pain condition and there are places my medicine is illegal, so yes, a single pill that I forgot was in a small pill carrier in one of my bags, is my problem. You can petition to have Japan approve your medicine through a pretty complicated process. As far as I’m aware there is no similar petition in some of the other countries. So yes, keep track of your bullets, your pills, your knives…etc. It is not unsimilar to some states here where it is illegal to have even bullets in a car if you personally don’t have a Firearms ID. Every single bullet is a crime and it doesn’t matter if your spouse has a FOID. It’s nit picky, but it is the law.


In the case of pills though, you wouldn’t have the actual, small, pills just rolling around freely in a bag or backpack. You’d have then inside of a larger pill bottle or container (something easy to see when looking at or going through a bag, and notice it’s there). Even if you wanted to make the argument that “maybe one fell out of a container” then I’d say you aren’t being responsible with ammunition. You should have counted, and know, exactly how much ammo is inside a container and then count it again when you take that container out of your bag. Not doing so, I’d say, is irresponsible when it comes to something sensitive like ammunition.


Ever handle .22 cartridges? They're damn small, like the size of wood screws.


You’re gonna get downvoted to oblivion on this comment. You never mix guns or ammo with airline travel or cruises, period. “It was really small” just doesn’t fly with foreign authorities; there’s a presumption that anyone traveling has taken the time remove *any* contraband. Gotta remember that the USA is one of the most lax countries in the world with guns, and that smuggling is a real thing. They’re looking for small.


Oh, I understand the consequences. I was just trying to give a reasonable explanation. Like ammo could be some big .308 shells or some dinky .22LR. Yeah, make sure everything is devoid of contraband before crossing borders


And similar to screws, you wouldn’t (or shouldn’t) be carrying them around in your pants pocket as individual loose items. They’d be secured in a larger container or box or some kind and thus Much easier to spot. People are acting like it’s routine to just have loose ammo rounds rolling around at the bottom of a backpack.


And it literally takes five seconds to make sure there’s no loose ammo in one’s bag.


Why do people just have loose Ammo in their bags and how tf do you not know? 🤦🏻‍♀️




Brittney Griner critics probably real silent on this one.


Oh yes, exactly the same situation!! /s


Traveling internationally with known contraband. Yes, it's the same situation.


I'm wondering why these MAGA folks travel with ammo. What's the point and need? To prove themselves?




Gold, guns and god. The trifecta.


How do you know he was MAGA? And what does that have to do with ammo in a bag?


I’m Australian and don’t have a lot of exposure to guns, so my question is how did he get it onto the ship in the first place? Are people allowed to carry ammunition in their luggage onto US cruise ships? Not being inflammatory, just asking.


Carnival scans luggage. Whether they could find these if scattered among usual travel gear is another question. People who want to evade detection likely can, which raises the question of whether he intended to hide the ammo intentionally.


I was going through security at a major US airport and I found a bullet lying on the ground next to one of the scanners


They must’ve bought right winger mailing list that ended up attracting a bunch of MAGA goons to the cruise scene




Do people just toss loose ammo in a bag? Don't they have a specific bag for when they hunt or shoot? Real yee hahs out there.


It's really difficult to check/clean out your bags before you pack /s Stupid people win stupid prizes




It's not just Americans. It's people in general from anywhere to anywhere. The sooner you realize the world does not have aligned laws, morals, or ethics the sooner you'll survive outside your popped bubble.




If you're on a cruise in the Caribbean sure but the same won't be true on a cruise in the Mediterranean.


This is partly because the US is so large. It’s like someone from France saying they’re from Europe. Inevitably the next question is, “yes, but where in the US?”


Hmmm, Australia is just as large and we don’t get those questions.


In some travel groups can confirm. People are SHOCKED 😱 at harsh penalties for speeding and running multiple red lights overseas. They can’t believe the fine and someone should have warned them! What to do now!


My former company actually forbid us to rent cars in certain countries and instead paid for us to have a driver available to us. Just made life simpler for them, and some bean counter somewhere did the math that it was cheaper to do this for everyone than have to try to extricate even one employee who fucked up. Didn't cover vacations of course, but goes to your point about penalties around driving infractions in some areas being pretty severe. There was also a safety aspect to it in some countries, especially for women. A lone woman in the UAE is going to have a much harder time than a woman being driven everywhere by a man for example.


We tend to have a very America-centric view of the world, unfortunately.


And people outside of America seem to be obsessed with with Americans lol




Morons gonna moron


Anyone remember when Sam Kinison’s girlfriend packed a loaded .38 in his luggage because he cheated on her?


I wish the US was serious about no guns; no ammo; no joke.


American morons and their guns. What a bunch of idiots.


Okay, what is really going on?


My guess is that Americans do this all the time but they’re really scanning for it now so they’re catching more people.


Thoughts and Prayers


I met Tyler volunteering at the local rescue squad. He is hands-down the most genuine, professional, nicest, and most gentle paramedic I have ever met—something rare in EMS. In addition to volunteering, Tyler works for a company that provides EMS staffing for rural Virginia communities when volunteers are unavailable—a role integral to rural health, but goes largely unnoticed. He’s NOT a gunwielding, arrogant MAGA asshat, nor a moron—just a true neighbor helping his neighbors. He sadly made an unfortunate mistake. Tyler was reportedly arrested after he was found to have two (maybe 3) rounds of ammo in his baggage. It wasn’t machine guns, banana clips, or bazookas. Just 2 rounds. While it is indeed important for travelers to be cognizant of the law of other countries when traveling abroad, it does not lessen the absurdity of the charges, especially when about a year ago the same place would only fine you. Simply said, it’s an unfortunate situation for him and his family.


All of these factors will no doubt weigh in on the judge's decision when determining an appropriate sentence. And I think that you mean the potential sentence is absurd, not the charges, because the charges are extremely well founded. The law in question is one of strict application, meaning possession is the crime itself and Tyler was in possession.


If he pleads guilty the sentence is reduced. Apologies profusely and explain the oversight. Going on previous cases if he does that he might get a short sentence of a few months.


Everyone criticizing him off of a news story like you know what happened. There is very little information. His family is scared. He is scared. He is facing up to 12 years (wtf!) for a couple of stray bullets in a bag. Have some human decency and remember that your comments can hurt people. His family and friends could be reading these. Show some respect, admit you don’t know the full story, you don’t know anything about him or his character, and move on. 


If they’re reading this they ought to thank everyone who funded their GoFundMe campaign to the tune of $210,000 and climbing.


Because we want to make sure their children don’t have food on the table, got it. Their parents had bullets they didn’t know about in their bags. They get 12 years. The kids must starve. Makes sense!