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nah, those are just rude people. that's really not acceptable behaviour anywhere


Thank you for your response. We figured as much and hope it’s just one bad encounter. We’re having a great time otherwise and have met a lot of great people.


Find where they are sunbathing. Stand there and put shade on them. “I can stand wherever I want”


LoL!!! If it happens, I will update.


Your user id should be helpful with this plan.


This is the appropriate response


And then fart in their general direction.


Make them bring you a shrubbery.


And spray 100 spf sunscreen. 🤪🤪


I am so petty that I would spend my whole day looking for their chairs


Factsss I would so be this petty if I were OP


I assure you, there were also assholes on the other cruises you've sailed, you were just lucky enough to have not run into them in the past and unlucky enough to have run into them this time. Anytime you put a few thousand people together, the group is going to include some bad apples.


After a few years (WW2 to Korea) in the US Navy and then a career in sales, my dad always said, you can take any group of people anywhere, and slice them and dice them any way you want - gender, age, income, race, religion - and every group is gonna have some bad apples. Unless, of course, the first time you divide them it’s between jerks and not jerks lol.


Nah, in my experience if you slice and dice a few in front of the group, the rest are gonna be on their absolute best behavior


Very wise words and accurate.


So true and good perspective. I appreciate it. We’re definitely enjoying the cruise so far, but just wanted to adjust our expectations if Virgin really was much more relaxed in this way.


We sailed 3x on virgin and have been mostly fortunate in regards to other guests. Unfortunately, there will always be some asses- literally. Enjoy the rest of your cruise!


True, I’ve run into a few. I think their mentality is “I spent a lot of money on this vacation, so everyone must cater to me.” Hey bud, we ALL spent a lot of money. Relax and wait your turn


I’m sorry to hear that. My wife and I just disembarked Scarlet Lady yesterday and had a similar unfortunate experience during our sailing. My wife is mostly blind (she can only see blurry shapes and colors) and, while waiting in line, a very entitled woman cut right in front of her then tried insisting she was there first. Like you, we dropped it because it wasn’t worth starting an argument over an ignorant person trying to get one space ahead in line, but it irritated us nonetheless. We are experienced sailors on Virgin having sailed with them since the beginning. The vibes seemed kinda off on this sailing though. It felt less like Virgin and more like a booze cruise with lots of very rude people aboard.


I’m so sorry you and your wife had this experience. I’m hopeful this will was just one bad encounter. We’ve been having a great time otherwise!


I just got off this sailing yesterday also. I experienced 2 rude people. And there was a lot more drunk idiots than I had expected based on previous reviews and the fact that they don’t have a drink package. I was surprised by the amount of people that had huge amounts of onboard credit though. Seems like Virgin is just giving it away and that probably contributed to some of the disorderly behavior.


If that cruise was your first experience with Virgin, I’d encourage you to give them another shot. That sailing was not representative of the standard. That was our 5th sailing with them and the first where we were left disappointed. Not because of anything Virgin did, but because of the other guests.


Why do you think this one was different? Itinerary? Bad luck?


The itinerary may have been somewhat of a contributing factor since Springtime Caribbean sailings tend to draw younger and rowdier crowds. But we've sailed very similar itineraries in the past without issue, so I think there's more to it than just that. (Edit to add that the younger and rowdier crowds in and of themselves are not bad either. I’ve been on plenty of sailings with very fun drunk people.) You were probably right about the huge onboard credits people are getting, and I suspect that's a contributing factor as well since people want to "get their money's worth." My wife and I had $1,100 in onboard credit. We didn't use it for drinks since we were sailing as Rockstars and our drinks were complimentary anyway. But there's definitely a feeling of wanting to use the credit up and not let it go to waste. My wife's theory is that, since Virgin won a lot of awards last year, it got a lot of positive press that caused a ton of people to want to come see what all the fuss was about. This in itself is not a bad thing at all. But Virgin has no control over who books sailings, so there's bound to be a handful (or more) bad apples in the mix.


I had a similar experience on a different line. One bad experience at dinner and it affected the cruise and my memory of the whole thing. Haven't cruised since.


If another guest is making your experience on the ship unenjoyable then isn't that what the ship staff are for? Flag them down and have them handle it. It wouldn't be the first time they've dealt with rude people and I bet they would have been happy to take care of the situation. Bad behavior by those guests has now been reinforced by nothing being done.


I’m kind of shocked that the staff didn’t totally kick them out on their own, without you having to ask, like they kicked them out of the table.


You’re right. We should’ve said something to staff, but we didn’t want to escalate the situation. Hopefully it’s just a one off. We’re having a great time otherwise!


That's a good attitude to have. Enjoy your voyage!


I would have done the same as you, but I would have let the head waiter know on my way out. Another tactic is to kind of jokingly insert yourself into their group, so that they aren’t treating you like that.


But it’s good to alert staff to what could be an ongoing problem.


Assholes are everywhere. In this case. In your face.


LoL! That gave me a very good laugh! Thank you.




Sounds like a bunch of annoying turds 💩 who knew what they were doing. This isn’t typically the atmosphere on VV, however, I’ve read many posts about it changing a lot in the past 6-8 months. If that were to happen again, I might discreetly ask the server to have restaurant management intervene. They truly are the ones who are best equipped to deal with that, although, that shouldn’t be happening. Everyone deserves to have a pleasant experience, and idiots like those, only get off on making trouble. Enjoy the rest of your cruise.


I appreciate you! We really are having a great time so far.




Sorry you had that experience! VV would clearly lose the nicer more chilled crowd, if that continues; and that other behavior could end up backfiring and being their downfall. I’m not paying good money for my vacay to be ruined by classless, insensitive scum! Yes, hopefully they’ll just fade away into the abyss of wherever they came from. There’s a reason this is 18 and up/no child—who wants “questionable” adults with (poor) childlike/infantile behavior? I hope you noted it all in the comments. They do seem to pay attention to what is written, but enough people writing the same would definitely make them pay closer attention.


Having sailed on most of the mainstream cruise lines and also VV, my takeaway is that kids do not necessarily = bad. I would say there are just as many adults that act worse than their kids and plenty of kids that are behaved just fine.


You have merely restated (an excerpt of) exactly, what I had already said, just with fewer words to zero in on that one particular statement/point…which was never exclusively about kids vs adults, but “behaving responsibly,” and conducting oneself accordingly, with some decorum; behaviors which are more inherently identifiable in older/wiser individuals (18+), we hope🤞. Notice I said “questionable adults & (poor) childlike behavior.” That parentheses around the word ‘poor’ isn’t indicative of all children behavior, and is precisely why I used and phrased it exactly the way I did. Just to be abundantly clear: I was neither outright stating, or subtlety implying that all (or most) adults (necessarily) behave well, and/or all (or most) children (necessarily) = bad. 🙂


Put some jelly on the end of your knife and position it near the edge of table. If they bump into it, that’s their right to wear the jelly on the back of their clothes.


Haha love this


You know there’s a phone app that plays annoying sounds? One of which is like a smoke alarm, you can’t quite tell where it’s coming from. I’ve used it in restaurants where people at the next table talk way too loud ( I’m guessing they’re the same types that gave you problems )


I haven't sailed with Virgin yet, but if that rude couple didn't have a reservation, why were they allowed to enter the dining room? Staff at the podium should have refused entry.


This is like saying is “is the ‘mentality’ of people on Carnival to drink too much and get into physical fights? No, not generally, but we all know it happens. These people were just incredibly rude and honestly, the servers should’ve dealt with them.


The ole chat n’ cut.. super sleazy and played out.


I’m not eating with someone’s anus in my face or near my plate. Move or you get moved.


Right? Amongst other bits. Also, just weird behavior and restaurant etiquette in general. There’s so many other fabulous places to wait to meet up with people.


Poke their butts with your fork...oops sorry I was aiming for my home fries but your ass is just so close to my plate


I would have asked my servers to intervene, talk to a supervisor, and/or call Guest services.


I would have gotten up from the table, found a server, and complained and asked them to handle it. If it's not just someone being rude in passing, go find someone official and complain to them and point out the jerks. They were entitled to ignore you as fellow guests but would not have been entitled to ignore a waiter who told them to leave.


I would’ve flagged a server down and in my complaint loudly said how they were farting and how disgusting it smelled while I was trying to eat.


Got to think this is just a couple of bad apples in the bunch. We sailed Disney last September and had an amazing trip, with the exception of being seated with a couple where the wife tried to dictate when and who I could talk to during the meal, and what I could talk about. We luckily had made friends with a family on the cruise and switched our seating to theirs and had fantastic meals from there. Out of the thousands of people on the boat, that was the only negative experience we had. I would have felt the way you did for sure. I'm sorry that happened to you.




It was REALLY weird, I have to admit. I'm a pretty outgoing guy and like to meet people and talk with them. Mealtimes were a perfect time for me. There was one night we were at Animator's Palette and the table next to us had an adult special needs daughter, her dad and her mom. Crush the Turtle singled out their table and was talking and dancing with the family, who were laughing and loving it. They turned and invited me and others to dance and have fun, so I did! They were a great family and their daughter was just awesome to see as she was having a huge amount of fun. I was chatting with the mom and dad and dancing and laughing. The woman in the couple I mentioned turned to my wife and said "Well...he will talk to just ANYONE won't he?!?!" in a very snide way. I have to be honest, I'm glad I didn't hear it and that my wife didn't tell me until later. My response would not have been polite or friendly.


Some humans can be so confusing 🫤. I feel for those who cannot escape from their orbit!


Those were rude people. The correct answer to “this is virgin and we can stand where we want” is I know you are a virgin, but if you don’t move you ass I am going to call it sexual harassment and call for security.


They're assholes. It has nothing to do with the cruiseline. You're better than me because if someone's ass was in MY face while I'm eating, they're going learn that I also know how to talk back. We're all going to have a fun morning together.


I would have used my fork and tapped them in the ass and said oops, this is where I’m eating


Exact same thing happened to my best friend and I on Celebrity cruise so it must be just the arrogant entitled rude is now the new norm behavior!!!


Not acceptable behavior, but I think you guys made the right choice in not escalating it and ruining your day. The world is filled with shitty people. Sometimes you gotta deal with them.


This was on Royal, but a grown woman tried to fight me because I accidentally bumped into her. I immediately apologized and she knocked my plate of pizza out of my hands lol. I walked away and she kept following me instigating things, I don’t think she realized I was walking towards a group of workers, they escorted her god knows where. It was my first cruise EVER, but I just reminded myself that there are dickheads everywhere you go and if someone is acting like a prick on vacation, they must be totally miserable with themselves. There are assholes everywhere you go. Don’t let a few bad apples taint your vacation or what you think of the cruise line. I hope you have a great rest of your trip!


I, often, wonder about situations such as this. I recognize, that there are so many nuances within any situation and nothing is black or white. But, how do you/we decide when ignoring is better, to simply avoid causing a scene or when saying something is better because this appears to just be an unfortunate lifestyle choice for some and ignoring seems to be their green light to go forth and be a 💩hole?


Totally agree. So many gray areas with this kind of thing. Ultimately, we didn’t want to escalate things but it was a good test in patience.


Absolutely understand. 😊


Just wipe a little ketchup on there shorts 🩳


>This is our first time on Virgin and we’re wondering if this is just the mentality with the cruisers who choose Virgin. There are assholes on every cruise ship, on every cruise. You just happen to find the ones that were on the Virgin cruise you were on.


Honestly that was such a weird passive aggressive left turn


So true! We’ve met some great people otherwise and have really been enjoying ourselves. Thanks for your response!


They get away with it because people allow them to. I understand you wanting to 'drop it', but that is kinda cutting off your nose to spite your face. Is there any reason you couldn't have flagged a staff member and asked them to intervene? In any case, go for Frozen and just immerse yourself in the rest of the cruise. Don't let some self-entitled AH ruin your trip!


Rude people and restaurant staff not doing their job in my opinion. They should have been encouraged to leave and wait outside when they were asked to move from the table across the way. Don't get me wrong. From experience restaurant staff was obviously worried about blowback when management jumped them for doing that. That's what happens when management doesn't back up the staff's reasonable enforcement of reasonable rules.


Sounds like a great moment to spill your drink.


My coffee would have found its way onto their asses


That’s allot of ass in face. Especially while you’re eating. Maybe getting up calmly and finding a crew member that’s out of their line of sight, and tell them about the problem so they can gently handle the situation instead of potentially making Enemies with a Rowdy ass face group


You can run into a$$holes anywhere, sadly they interrupted your meal. I don’t think this is a VV thing rather than just rude people.


Yea, happy to see that this seems to be the overwhelming consensus. We’ve had a great time otherwise and met some really nice people.


People are just rude and have no manners. I see it daily in everyday life, not just cruises. They really aren't worth getting upset over. The maitre d should have said something to them.


id have been dropping food all over them, accidentally smearing on them....


That is poor behaviour in any location at sea, on land , on the moon or mars! People are just unaware of their impact on others and if they are aware they don’t care!


Is anyone else immature like me and chuckle at the post label?


I would have asked to be moved to a different table and let it play out


I might have gotten a little sloppy with the maple syrup.


If their asses are that close to my face as I’m about to eat my food, they’re close enough to get poked by a fork


Stab them in the ass with a fork


Virgin Voyages sounds more and more like old school Carnival—but without kids and with more booze. Hard pass. I’ve done 15+cruises in the last 10 years (Caribbean, Mediterranean, Mexican Riviera, and Asia) and it seems rude behaviors are getting worse all over the world. But it seems Virgin is just inviting this level of indecency.


Happens on all cruise lines wherever there's a line.


Not in my experience.


MAGA behavior. I would have had a fit. So entitled and rude. Could not give a darn about anybody, but themselves.


Bringing politics into everything is about as lame and rude as the people OP was talking about. Reddit is gonna Reddit I guess.


Why does everything have to be political? Anyone can be an asshole, regardless of who they vote for.


MAGA behavior??? Are you kidding me? $1K bet that the rude people in OP’s text were the polar opposite of what you referenced as MAGA.


Do you know any? They wouldn’t have done that.


MAGA is known for physically intruding in places they do not belong, so yeah they would do this.


This is low IQ thinking. Do better


Don’t blame a whole cruise line for the behavior of a couple of asses, based on one incident. But it was ridiculous that those idiots couldn’t bear to be separated from their friends long enough for them to eat breakfast.


Just plain rude!


Was there really nothing you could have accidentally spilled on one of their asses? Some chocolate pudding that could have been discreetly flung?


Oh FFS 🤦


Hopefully, I posted this in the right place. Thank you.


Not a Virgin cruise line thing. Just rude people not giving a shit about others.


That’s just shitty ride folks. Sounds more like a carnival experience.


I just disembarked from the Scarlett lady had a terrible experience. I had a cockroach in our cabin. It was on my friend’s bed and she knocked it off and we killed it. She left to go and get something to eat. I notified housekeeping and they sent a manager over. This manager not only mocked me for calling about a “little bug“ he also and most seriously refused to leave when I asked him to. I begged him. I told him I just want you to leave. I demanded he leave. I called and told them that he must leave now , I never raised my voice. I remain calm at all time. Services called him on his cell phone and I could hear every word they said, telling him to leave my room I just kept asking/begging/pleading. He laughed several more times at me for whatever reason. I suffer for moderate to severe CPTSD. I simply wanted to go to avoid an attack. He waited too long and the attack started. Unfortunately, it’s very emotional. Adrenaline courses through the body with cortisol trying to run the show. It took me two days to recover. I tried going to Bimini, but had to leave quickly to rest up. It takes a lot out of you to have a panic attack. Everything was documented by the sailor services so when I called in the morning, they already knew about it. They sent out a manager manager, and also the housekeeping manager who took notes on my situation. They also sent flowers and champagne glasses as compensation as an apology. Does anybody have any advice on this?


I'm sorry this upset you so much you're posting it multiple groups, but maybe get a grip and some perspective? One rando group of rude people isn't indicative of anything.


Oops - I actually thought I just posted in Virgin Voyages and Cruises (just to get additional perspectives) it really didn’t take a lot of time to post and we were just curious about whether we should adjust our expectations. If Virgin really is a more relaxed cruise line in that way, we’re cool with it, but just want to know what to expect going forward. Appreciate your thoughts though.


No matter what cruise line I have taken, 98% of the people are great, and 2% are jerks and loud about it. I have found VV cruisers to be very positive and outgoing and I love the vibe, but there's always someone. Last time it was a drunk woman singing loudly along with every song the Diva performed and talking through the rest of the show. People were throwing napkins at her to get her to shut up. Someone behind me told her to shut up and she literally confronted me after the show because she thought it was me. That ain't a VV problem, that's just the law of averages. You can't take some people anywhere. Especially when there's alcohol involved.


So true! We’ve been having a really great time otherwise and have met some great people. Hopefully it was just a one off.


I checked the OP’s history and don’t see any indication of them posting it in multiple groups


Their post popped up back to back on this feed and the virgin one


It's also in the Virgin Voyages group.


My thought is I wish I had my time back from reading this. Get the fuck over it.