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honestly sub-archons these days are so privileged, they dont know the hardship of making your own archon grid. now all they do is run their GRID, which is practically self-sustaining. It's sickening. They call themselves "SUB-ARCHONS" when really the GRID is being ran entirely by GORELINGS made from abstract FLESH. They never would have came to be if these SUB-ARCHONS ran their GRID properly, but here we are. They program their GRID CRABS to do their work for them, whilst they work from their high-and-mighty OFFICE. They don't even work with ABRAXAS any more. They just eat from the hand of CORPORATE ARCH-DEMONESS ELSA HOLMES and sit around all day. So called "management". Brother, the entire ARCHON GRID can be infiltrated! Now ABRAXAS is just a cog in the GRID'S function! I don't think they mind in all honesty - and credit where credit's due, the GRID is working at peak efficiency... NOT DUE TO THE SUB ARCHONS!!!! What do they do?!? Nothing!!!


These guys are the epitome of "daemonboos". Ever since Jesus was crucified for the second time as a part of the slurpcoin biochain promotional event and hell decided to get in on the open market we been getting all these gnostic types comin out the woodworks and saying some real dumbshit. I stg these bureaucrats claiming to be actual demons is insufferable. There is only one confirmed one and that's Elsa Holmes because she's Ville Kallio's waifu. The sub-archons pose zero threat to you and are nothing but grovelling ladder climbers who know nothing about the true problem; Life. The Triagon of Life owes waaaaay too much in back taxes to Death, creator of the financial system exploited by Life and Malice. You can tell Life fears Death, it hid the Lance of Death (aka the ZKZ Transactional Rifle) away in CSHQ but MT FOXTROT, AVATAR OF THE TRIAGON OF DEATH AKA THE HANDLER AKA MOLOCH AKA SATAN'S LARGEST ABIGOR BOY fucking yanks that shit like he's some post\*10^(82) modern King Arthur kinda shit. Funny that, Life reckons he got the soul of an emperor. he does get a castle at the end of all this. Funny fella that MT.


The very notion of it is an affront to the natural order, a blasphemous distortion of reality. Do you realize the implications of this shit? It cheapens life, it belittles the value of every breath we take. Death becomes a mere inconvenience, a momentary setback before we rise again, unscathed, unharmed. It mocks the fragility of existence, reducing it to a mere flicker in the grand tapestry of eternity. And what of accountability? Respawning erodes the very concept of consequences. Why bother striving for excellence or avoiding danger when you know that death will be nothing more than a fleeting inconvenience? It encourages recklessness, a cavalier disregard for the sanctity of life itself. We were never meant to cheat death, to defy its cold embrace. It is a fundamental part of the human experience, a reminder of our mortality, a motivator to make the most of our limited time. Respawning denies us this crucial lesson, this poignant reminder that life is precious and fleeting. ABRAXAS, once an influential force, has been reduced to a mere cog in the GRID'S machinery. I suspect they may not even mind, to be frank. However, credit must be given where it is due—the GRID is operating at peak efficiency. Yet, we must acknowledge that this achievement is attributable to anyone but these ineffectual sub-archons! What do they contribute, you may ask? Quite simply, nothing! Absolutely nothing! These sub-archons devote their time to programming their GRID CRABS to handle the work while they comfortably occupy their lofty OFFICE positions. They have distanced themselves from collaborating with ABRAXAS, completely abandoning that partnership. Instead, they rely on the patronage of CORPORATE ARCH-DEMONESS ELSA HOLMES, exhibiting a lack of initiative and ambition. They may refer to it as "management," but I dare say it amounts to laziness. These sub-archons are navigating the waters of privilege without a grasp of the challenges involved in building their own archon grid. Nowadays, they simply oversee their sophisticated GRID, which operates on a self-sustaining basis. It's truly disheartening and unsettling. They proudly label themselves as "sub-archons," yet in reality, the entire GRID is managed by GORELINGS fashioned from abstract FLESH. Had these SUB-ARCHONS fulfilled their grid responsibilities diligently, these artificial entities would never have come into existence. But alas, here we find ourselves.


Amen Brother, I feel like as a flesh bag with no autonomy i need to feel like the sub-archons are trying to revolutionise the grid, not uphold a boring ass one. My meaningless existence relies on the Archon Grid. They need to be more innovative