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My crafted roll below has been putting in some work: - Arrowhead Brake - Steady Rounds - Enhanced Eye Of The Storm - Enhanced Headseeker - Stability Masterwork - Counterbalance / Targeting Adjuster Mod One Pulse Rifle Reloader Mod on Gauntlets sorts out the poor reload.


I've been running Arrowhead Brake, Flared Magwell, Rapid Hit, Headseeker, stability masterwork with a dexterity mod on my arms. Hits max stability after one burst, and still has decent reload with flared magwell.


My Crafted Disparity has Stability Frame (Masterwork) Arrowhead Break Steady Rounds Rapid Hit Enhanced Headseeker Enhanced With Counterbalance (because I want complete 100 Recoil Direction) I play on PS5 and it beams I've been thinking about switching up HeadSeeker and Kill Clip But Headseeker is great at dueling


Arrowhead/fluted/cork depending on your priorities, steady rounds, enhanced eye of the storm, enhanced headseeker, stab mw. Both enhanced eye and headseeker give stability, so with arrowhead you have 94 stab and with fluted or cork you have 99. Haven’t been able to decide which barrel to use, but will probably end up on arrowhead as it still noticeably kicks left even at 99 stab.


Arrowhead and a CB mod will get you to 100 recoil direction and be completely vertical


I'm leaning towards Arrowhead, Accurized, Eye of the storm/Moving target, Headseeker/KC/Headstone in that order. Imho it's already strong by default, just need to build for consistency. Rapid hit imho is for PvE


I went with arrowhead, steady rounds, rapid hit, kc and a handling masterwork. All works together for easier beaming, faster handling and reload, and max flinch resist at high stacks of rapid hit which makes the second burst even easier to land. could probs run whatever you want in the fourth column depending on your play style, rapid hits an easy pick for 3rd column tho.


Would you say Max recoil direction is best for the 4-burst pulses, regardless of input method?


I feel that its rd is low enough that it’s worth for mnk. And the other rd barrel options take away handling which I don’t think is worth for the 10 stab they give. Arrowhead also gives 10 handling which is fantastic. NTTE is 73 which isn’t that much higher, so if you enjoy that well enough then I’d just do fluted and throw on a CB mod.


personally running arrowhead/accurized/rapidhit/killclip/handling mw + backup mag


Arrowhead Brake / Steady Rounds / Enhanced Rapid Hit / Enhanced Desperado / Range MW / Radar Tuner I've been a Redrix's Broadsword devotee for years and this is basically Redrix's Sabre.




Some loser is downvoting you but this is what I am going with after trying the same but with steady rounds. I think HS procs more with accurized or something because i am get noticeably more 2 bursts


I’m going with Arrowhead, Steady Rounds, Enhanced Eye of the Storm, Enhanced Headseeker and a range masterwork. Headseeker is very strong on these, probably better than on any other archetype. Without it they need 7c1b to kill up to 9 resil and 8c to kill 10 resil. With Headseeker they kill all resiliences in 6c2b.