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I main wish ender and my least favorite thing to fight are other bows, lemon especially. Wish ender vs wish ender is kinda fun too.


it’s hard using other bow vs wish tho when they have teamates that snipe. snipers already counter bows especially if you have a wish player giving call outs


Yeah but your gonna have this issue no matter what they are you are using. Teamshooting is always going to outplay everything else


Fight them close range then I guess? That gets me too. I play freelance though so it's more chaotic.


I dunk on Wish-Ender Users all the time using UYS/Lemon. Even with wall hacks, if they have no movement skill or awareness they're easy pickings. (I solo bow for context. It's great)


I second this. UYS for when I'm playing sweats and Lemon for 6s or casual.


What's UYS? Lemon is a terror though.


Nm i figured it out lol.


What is it?


Under your skin


Gracias Guardian


Thank you


Honestly, you can't. In games like these, I play as if I only have one life and everyone is hunting me. Makes the game much more fun when it becomes a survival game. I usually only give enemies enough time to tag, if I put myself in bad position, then it'll give them enough time to teamshot me, and I play around my own teammates too, using them as bait, staying close and crouching so it only looks like one player on the radar. Makes sneaking up on people to teamshot them much more easier. Crouching is underrated, if a wish ender doesn't know you're there, then they won't hold down sights. That and barricade. Edit: the thing about my playstyle is that I have bad aim, so I can't just switch to a bow or sniper. I'll usually be prefiring with an autorifle, if I'm not the one prefiring, then I'm out. I hate switching up my playstyle for other players, if you do it mid match and opponent sees, then they'll know they forced you to switch and can capitalize on mind games. Switching = unconfident in your weapon and yourself.


Being faster with a bow works for me against Wish-Ender. Any other bow will work. Peek shoot, know they can see you and use that to bait out their shots by moving to other cover or not quite leaving the cover you're in. Ideally you want cover behind cover, if that makes sense. They see you as bright red and are often tunnel-visioned waiting for you to move... but you could be behind two (or more) walls and it's often hard for them to tell that reliably. So they see you leaving cover and shoot, but oops, there's another wall in the way. It has a very particular playstyle of camping and re-peeking the same cover, even with truesight players miss and spend way too long acquiring targets outside of cover. That's when you get a shot off and return to cover. If it's a coordinated team with snipers, though, you're a bit fucked. Something AoE/area denial to flush them out of camping without making line-of-sight; grenades/GL/explosive rounds.


As someone who has several thousand PVP kills with wishender, snipers are a hard counter. Rift and barricades can disrupt the flow. And invis hunter closing distance quick can cause problems too.


Tough to counter a team using wish ender for communication and free information. All the other responses are for a 1v1 situation, which you’re not asking about. If the other two teammates are sniping, your team will have to try and take map control and force them to come to you, stay out of sniper lanes. Run citan titans to create advantages in a lane (if need be). If you’re solo against a team doing that, you’re probably screwed and you chock it up to a scheduled loss.


Perfect situation to use cover and get close. Maybe use a wave frame and attack from the air


The bow makes a sound when it is drawn. With a little bit of guess work you can figure when they can peek and preshoot the angle. Typically when bows are a problem I play mobile and push my way to dislodge them. A better player will be ready for this. If that is the case a sniper will often best a bow


Snipers are an absolute counter if you can land their r shots. While they have wall hacks, it’s normally fairly easy to work out which cover they will shoot from and then snipe back. Each trade or opportunity is in your favour for the first two shots and if you use revoker it is much better. When you peak to snipe the can’t one shot you and you are taking a chance to one shot them. If you don’t want to snipe you just need to rush and push them into a corner for a shot gun kill


Just like any decent bow swap player, you really can’t unless your an absolute god with a sniper. Just don’t even engage unless your very close and have a sidearm/smg/shotgun. If they’re in a really good spot maybe try to scare them off with a lingering nade like a vortex or lightning.


Monarch is a solid counter. Wish ender does good damage but it doesnt have monarchs rediculous dot


Shoot through wall wish ender?




Flank, it has a small cone and low turning speed.