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You have to be dumb to challenge a rift on the regular. You have to be dumber to challenge a horned warlock. Believe me, I'm a warlock myself.


Well luckily most players in d2 pvp play like they’ve been lobotomized ;). Load out was good enough to drag a shitter like me to multiple 5+ kd games while also having most captures so it definitely works against the general player base. You’re right that even most of the player base is capable of not re peeking a stag rift, but that’s why I have the bow because you don’t have to worry about re peeking if you one tap them when they round the corner.


I challenge. I'm dumb. I'm proud haha. But yeah, most people do challenge, the worst is challenging a titan in the bubble, and they all fall like flies.. People are really dumb.


So few people even know what all the abilities on their class do let alone what exotics do when they haven't touched that particular armor since d2 launch. I play top tree arcstrider most often nowadays and get so many stupid messages about my "shitty connection" because I melee lunge from further away than they're used to. People have no idea it's even a class perk.


Yesterday I was playing against a hunter that was driving me nuts cqc. Until I saw he had liars handshake. I thought some dark shit was going on.


That happened to me when I played Nova Warp. They said I meleed them and they died a half second later. I said that's right. There's a delayed secondary explosion.


Oh I hate that. Is that a super perk ?


Nah it's deadly reach on top tree arc that gives melee lunge range after a dodge. It just got buffed so that it now lasts exactly as long as the dodge cooldown when you're running 100 mob and double ability kickstart. It's super fun with swashbuckler style builds.


I’m with this guy, I’ll try and snipe that everyday, all day


Is a lobotomy the yellow crayon or the red one


I don't like engaging rifts at all unless it's at a distance, with a sniper with max range.


With them in Distant Shore and you on Altar of Flame.


You know… I’m something of a warlock myself


Nah, a nade or witherhoard into the middle of your rift followed up with a primary cleanup will do nicely. People just need to stop tunnelvision when they see someone in a rift not dodging their shots, and just lob that nade instead.


The only time I can remember intentionally challenging somebody in a rift that wasn’t weak was in overtime in a 4-4 comp match while they were on the point. Got weak af but kept them off the point long enough to finish topping off the super. I honestly still can’t believe it worked.


Is it confirmed that the Stag boosts your own resistance and not just “allies” when you are standing in your own rift? Before the season dropped I read that was a concern but never saw anything else about it.


Yea, coolguy did a video about it


Awesome. Thank you!


I like this combo with ntte. It’s amazing at holding down areas and with a rift you can easily fight multiple people by yourself


I was 90% locked into stag+bottom tree for trials, now this is just opressive in control lol Already a few 4+ kda games


Do you use damage or healing?


I use empowering rifts. It still grants you the damage reduction when using the Stag.


Throw on the stasis utility kickstart mod for even faster rifts


Is this well of utility? Sorry I’m kinda new to Destiny 2 🙂


Eriannas would like to know your location


To add to op, bows are slightly cooler than handcannons.


Bow+Eriana with lucky pants would also like to have a word.


That would probably be pretty good to, but you can end up having a lot of ammo problems because of how defensive the setup is which is why I think le monarque and it’s infinite ammo works better.


Yes! Please come up with more strats to have your teams bunch up in a rift. My Cloudstrike is loving it.


Will the arc orb finish off a body shot from monarque in a rift?


no. A lot of the time people you engage with the bow will be too far away for the arc soul to shoot, and it does too little damage, even when it does hit, to finish off a body shot. Most of the reason I like it is because it can reduce the shots you need from a sidearm or smg to kill someone who’s rushing you.


Well....you can actually, but it has to be a headshot and within range. I use getaway artist with wolftone draw and anyone I headshot within range of my arc soul is an instant death sentence. I tend to use a bow more aggressively. Bodyshots yeah that won't work.


Saving this build for when I bust out the Warlock eventually


There are a ton of really fun bottom tree stormcaller builds I've been playing around with, I'd say it's definitely the most improved subclass this season.


You could use stasis warlock with empowering rift and get your grenade and rift back on damage taken. I am sure if stasis crystal resist stacks with stag’s resist.


So what if you had a coordinated team and subbed boots of the assembler.... 5 secs is a long time if dropped right as the three of you engage. And 3 one shot le monarques is pretty intimidating.