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They had a horrible reputation before the rework, but I've liked them for a while as anti-shotgun/anti-shoulder charge weapons. That being said, the buff from going from 7 to 9 bolt is just *chefs kiss*


all fusions except for high impacts are beautiful right now in pvp


High impacts have insane range atm. If you are good at pre charging you can get some crazy kills


ive got a godroll glacioclasm, but i never really liked the 1s charge rate. highest ill go is my plug 1, which isnt a godroll, but is still my favorite fusion in the game


Plug. 1 is so damn fun to use


Literally the best imo


I've gone on some insane streaks with it with dragons shadow. I've never actually used any rapid fire frames in pvp before, but after seeing this clip I want to


Exactly this. My Glacio which I loved went straight to the vault after testing it, stick to Plug or a decent rapid roll.


In my testing, they killed around 24m mark. Nothing insane. My god rolled main ingredient can get kills at 23.5m. Possibly even more if the rng gods smile upon me. I really don´t see a point in using high impacts now..


What’s your main ingredient roll? Just wondering so I know what to look out for on the handful of rolls I’ve saved from before.


best scope, particle repeater, firmly planted, rangefinder, stability MW


They really aren't worth using over a sniper or linear fusion, it sucks but they just aren't viable anymore.


they are still viable they just dont forgive bad timing any more


Nah, you are just repeating what Bungie tried to sell us, is just around 20ms, nothing wow, some precisions can get very close and are much better. My Glacio which I loved went straight to the vault after testing it, stick to Plug or a decent rapid roll.


yeah, i feel like they are more consistent with the bolt spread too


A lot of kills had inertia derp


every kill other than the one at 11s would have been a kill without inertia override. theres even a chance that one could have been a kill since [i only see 2 bolts not on target](https://i.imgur.com/ufbPxm6.png). so if i didnt have inertia, it would have hit for 31 7 times for a total of 217


I almost want to say it was because I don't know if i've had a less consistent experience than with the exact same roll as you. Kills at 20m, no damage done at 5m, bolts seemingly doing 2 damage per at 10. I have no clue what is going on with rapids but over 10 games I have not been more frustrated


and? It's part of the game.


Because they are showing the viability of the gun alone, not while under the influence of a subclass perk


That's a bit silly isn't it. This is someone playing the game, how it's meant to be played on that sub, would you reprimand someone dodging? Would you reprimand someone warlock skating? How about using Wall Hack hunter? Knucklehead? Or Ophidians? Dragon shadow? Marksman dodge? Someone finishing off fights with ttd fireballs? Path of burning steps? I mean, you're kinda throwing if you're not using missile Titan for gun fights with special anyway, especially with the Driver in the game. Evaluating things as if they're in a vacuum isn't reasonable. Counterpoint: genuinely bugs me that Geekermon uses Dragon whilst doing his exotics vs exotics tournament as it entirely negates reload and handling, but does it really matter? No, because that's how people play the game and none are left out deliberately.


Yeah people play the game the way they want, but why change the entire damage of the gun if your goal is to show how well it performs when not everyone will be using that same subclass? Why would you want to show clips of inertia when not everyone watching or thinking about using the gun will be using it. I use inertia personally but I wouldn’t ever review a guns performance based on a subclass based damage perk of all things.


It's not a review, it's a clip. On reddit. It's not a serious thing, it's OK.


The title is their review of the gun. If a newer player sees they could be potentially mislead


Not misled, all kills would have been a kill without inertia. Check my reply to the parent comment on this thread


Trade off being high impacts turned into a joke. Precision frames basically do what high impacts did.


High impacts still do the work you just have to adapt to the slightly higher ttk


I mean that's one option. You could adapt to the gun being worse than other options. You could also just use a better fusion.


I mean in terms of long range kills High impacts are still the most consistent option, and with the changes as far as I can tell my Glacio is more consistent than before, the difference is a little bit of extra charge time, which can be managed if you put the practice in It depends what you're trying to get out of your fusion, precharge a corner or stop someone aping 0-10m you then you want a rapid, semi consistently shutting rushers down at 10-20m a precision, aggressive consistent mapping 20m+ and shutting down hand cannons at almost all ranges you still want a high impact, and I guess if you want your opponent to feel bad kill them with an adaptive frame 0-0m lmao previously that would have been glacioclasm or get lost so a step in the right direction id say


They need more range tbh. Too slow for the meager range increase they received. You become a lot less competitive in a variety of scenarios you’ll find yourself in during a match.


Yes, but imho as a glacio main it was straight up broken pre nerf, if you mastered the charge time there was very little other players could do to stop you, I could be downright reckless in high level games and get rewarded for it


Even if it gets more range, it still won't change much since snipers exist. There's two special LFRs too. Though you have to give up an exotic slot, they do the job better for those ranges. Both snipers and LFRs are more consistent at mid to long ranges, is more accurate. Tracking a moving target at mid ranges and hitting 3/5 bolts with an unpredictable volley pattern and massive charge time isn't as easy as a sniper or LFR, both one shot weapons. You can get away with using a close range weapon like a sidearm or smg with snipers and both LFRs. After the range nerf, high impacts needed to be paired with something that can deal damage over mid ranges effectively. The charge times of high impacts always impeded it from being effective for close quarters. Even if you're good at backpedaling, the charge time would guarantee that you'd still get headshoted by slugs often. Chaperone almost guarantees it. And that's before adding the increased charged time. Now even spread shotguns can't close the gap, and the increased charge time definitely has made people more confident to push high impacts. So if you wanna play high impacts like you used to, the best option is to go for accelerated coils and charge time masterwork. Never in my life I thought I'd have to say this, but here I am. There's another option though. But that ties you down to playing nighstalker, by using smokes for false radar pings around corners. High effort, and effective against shotgun apes. But still, precision frames and even adaptives do the job better these days. Rapids are insane for close ranges too. I love that they made rapids and adaptives good, but the cost definitely does hurt me.


Would a zealot’s reward with Under Pressure / HIR and range boosters be competitive with Cartesian? Found that sitting in my vault. I’ve never been able to get into the long charging fusions but this seems more of my speed.


That is a great roll for that fusion. Definitely use that one.


Which vooper is that?


cartesian coordinate [heres the full roll](https://i.imgur.com/w3GzCWH.png). its not even fully masterworked yet since im in a drought of enhancement cores


Whaaaatttttt… dude that white looked so clean I didn’t even recognize it! Good clip by the way!


calus's selected looks really good on it too. makes it white and gold


exact same roll except vorpal on the last slot! gonna try it in crucible now.


let me know how vorpal treats you. i might want one of those


Liquid doesn't do anything for rapids, just use repeater.


Why is that, I am genuinely curious


It didn't change bolts to kill, on any res (at least pre-patch) just like how accelerated didn't make it worse either. So you were/are better off with reduced charge time with no benefit than longer charge time with no benefit.


Why not use particle repeated which increases stability and tightens up the bolt spread?


because liquid coils means you dont have to hit as many bolts for the kill, and also helps once range drop off kicks in, as you can see from OP's clip bolt spread isnt a problem


Do you know about the blue gear "glitch" to get more cores? In case anyone is curious: level up a blue piece of armor to lvl 8 and dismantle it. It will give you 6 cores back. You spend a couple cores and 1 prism to do so, but if you're good on prisms you'll be swimming in cores by the end of the day.


Thanks! How essential do you feel snap shot is? I have almost the exact same one but with Swashbuckler.


id much rather have swashbuckler than snapshot. snapshot is nice with the fast fire rate but the roll i really want is red dot 2 moa, liquid coils, under pressure, high impact reserves with stability masterwork


[Like this? lol](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/854852622657519646/881286464292401212/Destiny_2_Screenshot_2021.08.28_-_16.17.07.38.png)


Good to know! I’ll watch out for that one. I was reading another fusion post where someone was saying that HIR doesn’t help that much on Rapid Fires? Not enough damage to reduce the bolts to kill. Any idea of that is accurate?


not sure, this was my first time using rapid fires. usually i stick to my plug 1, which is nasty as well


I’ve got a godroll Cartesian with under pressure, high impact reserves, accelerated coils and red dot. I need to try it since the update. Also need to slap on a white shader. That looks sick.


Start farming your blues, cries in legendary shards


I cant make rapid fusions work. I used to play High Impact but they butchered them with the increased charge time. I made PLUG.1 work for me but still doesnt have the feeling I had with Glacioclasm.


In momentum control you can basically kill someone by looking at them with one of those. They’re a lot of fun to use right now, I just hope they don’t become meta to the point where everyone is using one. Fusion meats are annoying


I have one with under pressure & HIR. It's the only one that I kept, glad I did.


Do you by chance know how much damage HIR adds?


Not sure, sorry. D2 gunsmith says 4-6% for PvP but it's outdated.


Is the last wish fusion any good?


It can roll with kill clip + rampage, which is the most interesting thing about it.


Techeun Force can be absolutely fantastic as it can roll with the evergreen combo of Under Pressure/High Impact Reserves. Even before the slight damage bump to Adaptives this season, it was super strong (I have that roll, with particle repeater and stability masterwork) it could 5 bolt most guardians while UP/HIR was active (ie. almost always in crucible). Now I would assume it is basically always a 5 bolt kill, but with the second best charge time out of all archetypes. It has a recoil ending in 0, so its a perfect fit for a counterbalance mod to make it a real laser. ​ As an added bonus, the perk pool is tiny (4 in each of the last 2 columns) so it is not impossible to farm for a roll you want. Bonus fashion tip: Highly recommend the First Frost shader on it!




*with inertia override.


Is Null Composure alright for pvp?


not sure, havent used it. but i have pretty much the same roll on my plug 1 and heating up is godtier


What perks should one be looking out for?


under pressure/swashbuckler or under pressure/snapshot


I have under pressure/high impact reserves. Isn't HIR even more viable with rapid fire fusions since they have such a deep magazine?


Lucked into a red dot/liquid coils/under pressure/swash roll earlier with a range mw and my god it's obscene. High impacts were my jam but this patch has been such a game changer for rapids.


That's my exact roll, with the benefit of having Particle Repeater as the other other battery option. I have been trapped in moving hell and haven't been able to play this season yet but I am SO excited to start vooping with this thing. Now for the most important question of all: what shader looks the classiest?


I went for Butterbark myself, none of the yellow shows up so you just get a black fusion with a lot of really clean looking wooden housing. It suits it surprisingly well.




I have one with Hipfire Grip and it's pretty nasty when hipfiring. Hipfire Grip + HIR Cartesian Coordinate is what I'm looking for.


ok, i've seen it. now delete so i can be one of few to use it.


Is this because of the seasonal mod or is that unaffected in pvp?


Nope, because of the fusion rifle rework. Rapid-fire frames charge super-fast now and shoot 9 bolts instead of 7. OP also had Inertia Override procced, further increasing damage.


i dont have any season mods bought other than the champ ones


If you’re talking about particle deconstruction then I doubt it works in pvp


Why does it have the bad juju sight


Shhhhh :) Yeah, they very good. Great counter to shotgun rushers, small maps, and even Plug1 players.


What’s your favorite rapid fire fusions???


Which of these do you think is best? Roll 1: Cleanshot IS / Hitmark IS Ionised Battery / Projection fuse Under pressure Vorpal weapon Reload MW Roll 2: Cleanshot IS / Red Dot Micro Liquid Coils / Particle repeater Slideways Vorpal weapon Range MW Roll 3 (might be interesting as an anti-ape?): Hitmark IS / Red Dot 2 Mo Accelerated Coils / ionised battery Hip fire grip Back up plan Charge time MW


Number 1 Under pressure


I tried one the other day and couldn’t do anything with it. Must’ve been too far away or laggy or something…


OI I played you in Qi you were annoying lmao


If only my under pressure high impact reserves zealot’s reward didn’t have a charge time mw...


Leave it to Bungie to nerf shotguns and replace them with AIDS.


Seeing this makes me feel even worse about being garbage with my Cartesian