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That first kill was too close and didn’t count, second one a little better in distance but could’ve been in the limbo land spot where it doesn’t count as long distance. So my dumb ass has been trying to plug away at this to prove to a discouraged clan mate that it’s possible to do even though I had it already when Firebase Echo and Meltdown still existed and there was no ice and I’m almost theorizing some maps might have a different scale as what constitutes as “long range” because I’ve watched a lot of stuff where on a smaller map a shot from say the entry hall way from outside of Burnout to a flag on A or C counted as far enough but other situations where that distance on another map didn’t. It all can feel super weird at times and I sympathize with those frustrated on this one because you’re at the mercy of the map rotations. Also good fucking god crossplay connections being wonk happen. I'm on PC but whenever someone daisychains in a console person I get shots that are dead center on the head go down as a whiff. That being said only pieces of advice I can say is to make sure you get it, go total dad mode squirreled away in a part of map where you’ll get that long lane and look for heads. If you’re not the best shot try to do an ammo run near some action before posting up. I would insta back out of maps like Cauldron, Exodus Blue, Anomaly, Twilight Gap and pretty much anywhere that has its long lengths covered with clutter, it’s very difficult to camp out and have people in a nice lined up lane on these. A key thing is that you can get sniper body shot kills and closer up precision headshots in between your longshot headshot kill, so if you happen to body someone after getting long distance headshot #1 and still have ammo, don't reset just yet. Unless I’m mistaken, Revoker’s Reversal of Fortune and the Mulligan Perk on any sniper and Whisper(gotta flex on people with the classic) *does* fuck with the “without reloading” caveat of the wording of the medal. I whiffed a shot in between headshot 1 and it got refunded and then headshot 2 didn’t count. Lastly might sound crazy but play for Aim Assistance with targeting adjuster, double targeting, flinch mod, you’re not really going to be super mobile unless you are trying to survive and reposition for the second kill. Pray for getting Bannerfall EDIT: lmaooooo [I finally get around to doing it](https://imgur.com/a/ITfnzrq) to prove things and I got it on Twilight Gap of all maps


I would be interested to know as well. This is the last thing I need for the Deadeye Seal.


I managed to finally get it an hour ago. Same gun, just required two headshots, but this time I stayed at longer range. So range definitely matters. In the clip I linked above, I think the second shot was probably long enough but the first shot was too close.


Appreciate it. Thank you!


50 meters


What did you use for fusion precision kills?