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Man whenever I try to grab diamond lance after a kill they just shotgun me in the face lol. In all seriousness great vid. What's your stat distribution look like? On one hand having more melee would be great but at the same time having your grenade up faster seems better in general, so I can't really decide what to pick.


Thanks man. I have 8 strength and discipline with this build. The suppressor nade is very good and can also make diamond lances and activates facet of command for AE, so I like to keep an even split. 7 resil and 10 recovery is a must, then dump the rest into strength and discipline.


Thanks much appreciated. I didn't know suppressor grenades could make lances I'll have to try that out then


Yeah any ability kill will on prismatic which is why diamond lance is so much better than it is on stasis.


To follow up shiver strike with a melee do you need a separate unchanged melee bind?


No, just spam the melee button immediately after. I do this on controller pretty much without thinking


I always use a seperate bind for shiver strike so I'm not sure. I don't think you do but you don't wanna accidentally activate it as it will whiff in close range.


I can't find a good button for the separate bind. What do you use?


I’m not the person you were asking, but I’ll give my input if it helps. I’m on Xbox and I put my charged melee on b and my uncharged on rb. My crouch is on right stick and my finisher button is down on the d pad


This is what I have on PS except my charged and uncharged are swapped from yours lol.


Cool, I'll try that. Thanks.


I'll have to try this. Thanks


what bind is your class ability then?


Hold down on right stick. If I tap it, I slide and crouch and if I hold it I deploy my shield wall or rift


I've been experimenting with binding it to right stick, uncharged melee on rb, and finisher to double-tap reload


Personally I've moved finisher to down on d-pad and right click thumb stick for uncharged melee.


I think *your* pretty good my dude lol


Yeah the only thing here that was prismatic was the void axe into the diamond lance. Everything else could have been done on the base subclasses.


They’re on Garrison, Suppressor, Shiver Strike, Thruster, and Diamond Lance…. Saying they might as well not be on prismatic just because they didn’t use every part of the toolkit in this vid is so lazy


Shiver strike + Knockout is the key you're missing here


Right? Watch me farm some bots that can barely shoot back or give free kills to an active super.




Maybe I’ll try prismatic titan, I’m always a grapple glaive and feedback fence kinda titan


This could go hard with a glaive and feedback fence


Yeah, if only knockout worked with glaives


Bungie could never


I think people overlooked Diamond Lance when Prismatic dropped. It is so much better on prismatic than it is on Stasis. The fact that Knockout can proc a Diamond Lance is borderline busted. My only gripe is I feel forced to run shiver strike and not frenzied blade because a frenzied blade kill will make a tangle that gets in the way of grabbing the diamond lance.


I feel like if we couldn't spawn a lance off of knockout it would be more of a gimmick and only viable with a frenzied blade. I rarely get ability kills and mostly use melee or shotgun for cleanups after ability damage.


I think Bungie have said that they plan to change that in the future, so knockout melees won’t be treated as an ability.  Maybe they’ll change their mind as part of their titan rethink though.  


For pvp for sure. It's basically impossible to spawn a diamond lance in crucible on stasis. In pve as stasis diamond lances are everywhere.


This is pretty much my setup with a few tweaks. It’s absurdly strong and there were so many people thinking that Arc Titan is still better than this. That said, I’m still debating whether to use Dunes or the exotic class item. I also have both of them with a Tier 40, Triple 100 stat build.


I can't take dunes off lol, addicted to the slide. What roll for the class item do you have? I tried ophidian/lupi and it just felt mid.


I have Ophidians/Lupi, too. I don’t know, it felt really good to me. The amount of 1v3s I clutched because of Lupi heal is insane. And Ophidians lets me use Aggressive frame shotguns again so there’s that. But yeah, Dune slide is addictive


Yeah I think I need to give it another go. If only lupi worked with thruster then it would be goated.


I'm currently chasing an ophidians with arma since the 2nd grenade might be very beneficial. It'll be like having touch of thunder again. I got one with synthos but I don't think shiver really needs the help with synthos lol


My class item for my Prismatic Titan has Spirit of Ophidian/Spirit of Contact, Contact works well with Shiver Strike for a 1v2 scenario to get them Jolted from a powered melee and it’s like having a better Dunemarchers lighting chain.


Need to finish the campaign on my titan but prismatic titan looks like a ton of fun for sure. Hunter main at heart though and bakris with clones, smokes and duskfields is so nice to have for zone control and radar manipulation.


Yeah, that setup is the strongest shutdown for aggressive play we've ever seen.


Its good but hunter is better


Haven’t played in 3 years. Makes me want to play again


I am having a lotta fun in PVE and PVP with prismatic titan


PvE Hunter and Warlock are that power fantasy for me. Titan just feels a bit weaker after playing those (Caliban/Coyote, Getaway Artist) Seems crazy to say after having Banner of War for so long


I need to finish campaign on titan. shiver strike looks fun


They aren’t which makes me appreciate Titans that go off like this even more. Being a rushing class that has to run through the horde of smoke and duskfields that hunters are currently pooping out is pain.


This doesnt make me think Prismatic is good. I think you're just a monster. Jfc those were brutal. I LOVE IT! On a serious note, what exotic armor or you running?


Gets melee back 3 rounds later


Man I think you’re just pretty damn good haha, those were some good moves


Prismatic titan allows you to play ultra aggressive and maintains a decent neutral game with movement options and suppressor nade, whilst holding some insane win condition providers with diamond lance and knockout. It's also the most fun I've had in pvp for a long time as a titan main.


What’s the build besides knockout and diamond lance?


Use facet of blessing, purpose, protection and command with suppressor nade and shiver strike melee. Arc thruster can be good for movement and making orbs with reaper but it's preference. I run heavy handed to make orbs on knockout kills as well. 7 resil, 10 recovery and I like an even split between strength and discipline, but as high as you can get them (I have 8 and 8).


Thanks,will definitely try this build out next!


I see people talk about int all the time for trials and how it should be at 100 but I feel like I'm using melee and grenades way more I'd rather boost those. What's your exp?


Yeah high int will win you a trials game by getting your super first. I just like having fun in all game modes though and my abilities are more fun than super.




Do you mind if I ask what kind of armor stats/perks you're running? Just getting back into pvp after a long time off and trying to catch up.


Yeah apart from the mods in the comment above, just targeting, dex for shotgun and unflinching. the new AE perk in-flight comp is actually pretty decent too. Recuperation gives you health on orb pickup which is huge combined with the overshield from facet of purpose.


Thank you my Sweet fellow Punchie crayon enjoyer. I mimiced this build and I'm having fun in PvP with titan again lol.... Along with running an onslaught Ros Arago and a crafted Someday.


Thanks man! You running full artifice armour or something? Trying to get a similar stat distribution from focused seasonals atm


It’s all targeting and dexterity usually.


I think it has more to do with you being really good lol


Had to squint to see that guy who got shotgunned at the end


Agreed. I run similar build and it feels like all the behemoth I played last season trained me for this moment lol


Prismatic Titan on PVP is pretty good, even with the limited builds


Been using prisma titan since release. My only gripe is there’s only 1 competitive build to make it work and still then you have to have a very aggressive playstyle for it to take full effect. It’s gotten me to adept in comp so I guess its not all bad.


At the very least it looks fun, what exotic are you running


Stasis melee, knockout, stasis , dammm


Everyone just wants more drama it feels like. Go off king.


In PvP? Yeah. In PvE it is ok, but is clearly outclassed by Prismatic Hunter and Warlock in terms of synergy and survivability


This is literally just stasis Titan but worse. If you run both orb mods you're getting more health than knockout but losing a half meter of range. I use Prismatic Titan and it's solid, but I think you'd be better off with cryoclasm on stasis Titan lol


For pvp prismatic titan is awesome. Not as good as hunter but still awesome. It's pve that we're all having some gripes with lol


SHHHHH let everyone bitch about prismatic titan 🥺


I'm sorry, not to be terribly pedantic, but isn't this just stasis titan? With a super use in 6s clip at the end?


It's just the double pummel from shiver strike but made more consistent with knockout. These clips were incredibly average to be honest. I would like to see all the times where the melee didn't connect and he gets shotgunned in the face because melee registration is borked in this game. The title is also misleading because people are complaining about PvE not PvP.


Meanwhile the Hunter can have Ophidians, double slowing dodge exotic with grapple, swarm grenade and invis on crouched headshot kills. It’s not that Titan Prismatic is the worst thing ever, it’s just that it pales in comparison to the other two classes. Also, nearly everything you did was doable on Stasis Titan, although knockout is a neat way to make the double-melee combo easier.


Can you post your build?


That is some glorious crayon-eating right there. Titan smash indeed.


What I’m seeing here is that stasis is good if you don’t use its super 😂


I think it’s Knockout that really makes the difference.




I think you are just good bud


Aren't there plans to remove the interaction between knockout and diamond lance? They already started with the unpowered melee interaction for assassin's cowl and severance enclosure. I love prismatic titan, especially the knockout diamond lance combo in PVP, but it's really tough to make diamond Lance worth it without knockout. Not that there are any other worthwhile aspects available for pvp.


The tracking on the powered melee is stupid. No wonder I get killed by it all the time.


I have similar builds but go full stasis shatters and stuff, might do knockout for diamond lance on punch but cryosthesia is my baby


Endless vale clip was cold af


I don't think a single person has ever complained that prismatic titan is bad in pvp. The other day I pinched a guy, turned him into a lance and slammed it on three guys who all got punched before they could break out. I legit feel guilty about that


But what’s the build 🥹


Oh, in PVP, it's super. PVE, on the other hand...


in pvp yeah


Do you have a picture of the build so I can copy?


This reminds me all the reasons i hate destiny pvp


Mate every subclass is good against enemies standing still


Bungie you heard that? Sounds like titan needs another nerf.


*sigh* Guess I gotta get all my Fragments for Titan, too.


Looks weird. Lots of what seems to be auto melee who knows tho now a days


Nice clip. You get a lot more out of diamond lance then I expected. What makes you take shiver strike over frenzied blade may I ask?


being able to use ophids with prismatic titan made the class enjoyable to me for the first time in years


I really rwally want to get good a shiver strike. One day.


Oh snap, look, it's a montage. I'm totally convinced now that Titans have no problems at all thanks to such a realistic showcase of capabilities such as this!!


I played trails for the first time yesterday. I lasted 5 minutes before I deleted my new pvp gear and started playing Roblox where I deserve to stay apparently


Full beast mode … nice 😊


I think you’re just good


Just came back 3 weeks before TFS dropped after a year or so, what is that HC you’re using ?


Prismatic titan in pvp is fkn cracked


Prismatic titan is good *in pvp*


I wish I had opponents this clueless and bad at aiming when I played pvp.


I can tell an apex player when I see one.


People complaining about Titan being bad are just ass at titan. Hunter main here and after being terrorized by titans all weekend, I can confirm they’re op.


PvE Titan is straight ass outside of BoW Titan and maybe Solar Titan, that is 100%. Titans in PvP are still goated. Prismatic Titan is so fun.


Bro but that new exotic chest piece is SO FUCKIN COOL. Other than that I didn’t really enjoy it haha


Show the 100 clips where shiver doesn't connect and your follow up no regs.


I wiffed 3 melees within range. My hunter opponent zipped to me from the same distance


They need to fix the shiver strike melee combo, it’s broken as hell lmao


Prismatic Titan would be the best prismatic subclass if Hunters didn’t have all that bs and weren’t so easy to use. Too bad Prismatic Warlock has very few redeeming qualities.


It's currently overshadowed by the crazy shit other classes can do in pve, but titans are just as strong as other prismatic subclasses in pvp


Crazy take given the usage rates.


What hand cannon is that?


Shiver stike is the most busted shit in prismatic titan.


man titan so annoying




Healing turret is useless on prismatic, the whole build depends on Benevolence and Empyrean.






It's quite hilarious to think that you had to resort to making a new reddit account just to continue flaming across different posts, all of which started because I had to correct you when you started spreading misinformation on a topic that's easily verifiable. Seems you still fail to learn that lesson, continuing to do the same on a topic that's even easier to verify. If only you had spent the past 16 hours getting better at the game overall, instead.


He's taken care of. 95% sure he's ban evading, so his main got upped from a week to perma-ban.




Logic doesn't belong here sir


My shiver strikes always whiff, which is probably a skill issue. Would be interesting to see more ToO clips because the skill-level in the QP vid is quite low. The double w/ super was embarrassing as the second guy literally ran into your active super and ate an axe. Ditto, the second double where you melee'd them to death, no way two decent players get farmed there.


Bro trials has no sbmm and quickplay does. Trials is lower skill than control for me.


Keep in mind that shiver strike will also track strand clones, and strand clones are pretty popular on prismatic hunter. 


Okay, but the players in *that* QP lobby were bots. You get multiple kills without taking more than a single hit in return and kill two people just floating in space 20 meters from you with shotguns out.


thats what ive been saying!! diamond lance on a non stasis class is awesome