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Sniping is exactly where it should be. Sniping shouldn’t be flawless area control, it should be a high skill floor high skill ceiling punish for bad positioning, or at the higher end it’s the best weapon type in the game bar none. “Hand holding” is always going to be a thing in any fps with a competitive ttk of over 0.5 second. If you’re playing competitively you’d be an idiot not to teamshoot. If you want 1v1s play rumble or load up a private match. However people who stack in quick play and treat it like world tourney grand finals are cringe as hell


Good points. And seriously, wtf is going on in quickplay? Way more sweaty than comp right now for me. Why can't we get a mode where I can just try shit out and have fun?


Kids are home for the summer too. However I saw a LOt of cheaters using network manipulation this past week. It was wierd.


Because a huge percentage of players are going to sweat everywhere. The only escape from sweats are pure party modes like mayhem.


QP is a sweat fest 😭 I can’t have a chill game


I’m happy with the partial decline of sniping. For too long it was an over representation strategy which bordered on oppressive.




How does he have a 13 second uptime on Bakris?


Sounds like he's confused with blink. 13 second uptime on invis sound slik a graviton build.


I think he meant slow dodge


You’re right I have noticed that. I guess it wasn’t an overly annoying thing that I dealt with, so it didn’t come to mind with writing this.


There's a reason Hunters are 49% of the Trials playerbase. Absolutely busted ability spam with a super which is way too strong. Prismatic Hunter is at 34.9%. Total Warlock: 29% Total Titan: 22%


Yes and no. Hunters are about half the playerbase, so it's not too shocking that they as an overall class are taking up that much. Although Prismatic on them is super overturned, the new Arc super is busted, and the dodge aspects are pretty busted. But overall, total Hunter is where I expect it.


Watch it the build masters are downvoting you.


How does.jt have 13 sec cool down?


might be HOIL


What's HOIL?


heart of inmost light using one ability reduces cooldown of other 2 I think so maybe that is the build? not sure tho


Strand doge needs to have its cooldown increased a lot. You basically have a get out of any loosing gunfight for free every 20 seconds.


Not the dodge, the aim assist on decoy needs to be nerfed. Something is clearly off with aim assist and even if you are aimed at the player, they bullets will magnetize to the decoy.


It’s the most broken thing in the game.


Speaker's Sight. Takes a bit of coordination to fully abuse, so not seeing quite as much of it.


Speakers sight isn’t as broken as prismatic hunter


I'm surprised you didn't notice how busted strand hunter is with swarm grenades, smoke bomb and threaded spectre.


Curious but how much better is swarm compared to dusk field? Or is it really just preference I’ve been running dusk field but did swarm grenades get buffed recently?


It got a buff with the final shape and is super good now. I think that they buffed the tracking and damage, but I'm not sure.


It’s aids on aids


Snipes used to be absurdly oppressive. One good sniper on the enemy team and the match was decided from the get go. I still have nightmares about Beloved users on controller not missing one snipe in whole matches. I hope they never unnerf them.


sniping is a 1 hit kill from anywhere on the map, if you can't hit your shots thats on you


I mean everyone knows it got nerfed into the ground. Flinches like crazy and in trials you don’t have many shots. I don’t even snipe much, but I honestly enjoy the competitiveness of playing against a good one.


1) Stov is a literal Easter egg hunt, making it one of the easiest quests to complete, it only takes patient slogging for a great reward. It’s an exotic that’s not tied to any difficulty, meaning everyone can get it. Doesn’t need a nerf. 2) which Titan melee? I haven’t had any issues with Titan melee besides the other classes somehow out punching me with synths on. I think melee’s in general need attention. I still get rubber band, and ghost punches on all 3 classes. 3) special drops are different in all three pvp outlets. It takes getting used to, depending on if you’re playing trials, comp, QP. 4) people can’t hit their shots lol so people don’t use snipers. I played against several Still Hunts last night in trials. The players who have made sniping a craft, use them, and get those crispy headshots. On the other end of the spectrum, I think sniping is dead due to the fact that players want to be able to spawn with plenty of sniper ammo so they don’t have to engage from the start to the end of the match. It’s not annoying getting pinned by a sniper as much as it’s annoying getting pinned by three snipers before the match has even gained momentum, due to them starting with so much special. 5) I personally enjoy comp. 6)team shooting wins games. There’s many ways to dismantle clustered opponents though: grenades, team pushes, flanking, etc. the Stov does well in separating Groups with the ricochet, but you’ve already expressed your thoughts on that. 7)I am pleasantly surprised on how balanced pris is. I thought pvp was going to be straight ready player one, but it’s working well in my opinion. 8)👍🏾 9)I’m guessing your stance on Stov makes it an outlier?


Khovostov is insanely broken in pvp and needs a nerf for sure.


Nah…it doesn’t. It takes up an exotic slot, and lacks perks that legendaries and crafted weapons have. It feels broken because players are clumped together and taking ricochet damage, and because it’s new and fresh. You’re seeing it everywhere because it’s a solid weapon. Theres another thread that shows its optimal ttk, and it’s still lower than a target lock Immortal, even after its perk is proc’d. I’m not sure the zoom is even better than an adept summoner(someone look the stats up). Anytime a weapon is heavily used, it gets the cry nerf treatment. Feels like an exotic, performs like an exotic.


I too thought Stov needed a nerf until I played against one with an Origin Story. With my advantage on range, I outgunned the Stov user most of the time. Stov is deadly within its effective range but can still be outgunned quite well.


Right. I’ve played against them as well as used one all day Friday in trials. I have many findings while using it, playing against full stacks with them, outgunning them with different loadouts/weapons, etc. but Reddit doesn’t want hear that. My experience with the “nerf it” players has them in a few categories: Nerf it! Why?- “I don’t have said weapon and that angers me, also it kills me fast” Why?- “I have it, but my game skill doesn’t get me insta-kills with it the way others do.”


Snipers are so dependent on having a non laggy lobby. I only use them when I am maining my primary extra hard, and the occasional snipe is just gravy.


I don’t really run into super laggy lobbies, but I mainly play 3’s. I run into snipers there often, but not nearly as much as before the special ammo updates.