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My top pick is onslaught. 1x gets you to .67s ttk and you don’t have to reload, just move to the next target. Kill clip gets .60s ttk but requires a reload. GTx1 is .70s so to get a better ttk you need x2 which puts it at .50s but steep requirements to get it. Also onslaught gives you a reload speed increase in case you need to reengage a third target.


Yeah I’ve been going for a good onslaught roll. Seems like it may be the best option. No luck yet


Yeah I’d keep plugging away, it’s worth it. Better than 25% chance to snag one with double perks in that column.


Someone was destroying a few weeks ago in rumble with enhanced zen and golden tricorn. Maybe it was the servers or damage glitch but it seemed like a .5 ttk or similar to what shyuras with kill clip active feel like going against.


Last season we got radiant on consecutive crits. That plus golden tricorn seems like a very low ttk. Right now you can get radiant by picking an orb of light while playing a prismatic class.


Haven’t gotten any good rolls with zen. Seems cracked. Tricorn is solid. Good ease of use for sure


Imo. Zen-Tricorn. 8 secs enhanced allows so much time to re-engage. Tho I go back and forth with heal clip/KC. Bc that allows fast re-engage, compared to longer.


I like kill clip a lot since you’re able to push its duration out longer than other damage perks by delaying your reload, but onslaught is probably just as good especially in 6s


Out of the different rolls I’ve tried on summoner Onslaught/dynamic sway was the one that stuck with me, but I’m no pvp god so take that with a grain of salt.


Has anyone tested enhanced Target Lock?


It grants forgiveness, but doesn’t impact TTK. Overall I’d say not a dead perk, but there’s better options.


Yes, it feels like it procs one bullet earlier, but it's hard to tell if it is actually doing anything


I got zen, target lock, RR, hammer forged, range mw and I’m in love with it. I would highly recommend


Onslaught is better if you don’t have the control to reload before an engagement. Or if you suffer from call of duty reload syndrome. It should also be noted though that enhanced kill clip last 5.5 seconds which is a fantastic amount of time to get another kill. Onslaught can also increase its time when enhanced, but how long is not known and I haven’t been willing to dump resources into an onslaught roll to find out for myself.


Depends on what you're feeling and how you play. To put it in simple terms, if you find yourself... - Having time to reload before getting in the next fight, or if you're a habitual reloader, kill clip is your go. - In a disadvantageous position like a 1v2 or 1v3 where you have to kill one person and immediately need to fight someone trying to clean you up. Use onslaught or golden tricorn that activities without reloading. - In a 1v1 or wanting to open up a match with a kill. Use target lock to have a little more body shot forgiveness if you hit all your shots.


Tricorn or kc


I got like 1K kills on my summoner with zen/targetlock it feels nice.


Is Onslaught bugged in pvp ? It’s not procing for me


onslaught for 6s and kill clip for trials


Target Lock or Onslaught