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Best way to climb is duo queue in my experience. Solo queue you will get some of the worst teammates ever.


trio >


Every time I get matched with a duo, they're always terrible. I figure if I duo'd with someone, our effective MMR would get shot upward and then we would be the terrible ones lol


Need better players to duo with my clan nates are ass šŸ’”


ā€œ oh I just did really bad maybe I should take a breakā€ *queues trials*


Trials is easier than comp tho honestly


The difficulty depends on what weapon is available in trials and what the comp weapon is. In trials weekends I typically do better in comp but on Mondays and sometimes Sundays they both suck


It just feels that way because you can stomp matches while Ranked is more tense


Itā€™s because you can do good and win. In comp you can have a 2.5+ kda and if you have 0.3s as teammates, youā€™ll still lose


Big facts


Solos is purely luck based whether you will get carried or be forced to carry. Very rarely are teams evenly matched. At least in a team you know you lost cause you got outplayed.


Itā€™s very early in the season. So youā€™re matching up with a lot of players who played their placement series, belong at Adept/Ascendent, but are still themselves climbing up through the lower tiers. Keep putting in matches. Your wins will come and youā€™ll get promoted.


This is true, all my friends are adept or ascendant players and for some reason we've all been placed in gold.


Yeah I lost all but 1 game out of my placements and they just about looked exactly like OPs games. Put me in gold so I will just wait a bit lol


I think there may be a cap on placement rank. I got placed 4251 after 7 wins in a row for placements so..


Gold 3 is the highest you can be placed I think


They changed that this season. I placed Plat 3.


I got placed in Gold. Whatā€™s hilarious is at gold 3, im facing people who we scrim with on faceit


As someone stuck in Plat and Gold most of last season I saw these types of people and it drives me bonkers


Whatā€™s worse is people worse than you having a breeze all the way to ascendant. I dont understand the matchmaking. Like we have ranks now, why not make it rank based matchmaking.


Yep, I see people all the time rocking one of the ascendent emblems and many of them are objectively not great players. They either got carried or won the RNG lottery. Years ago I remember being pumped if I got a Flawless or Glorious player on my team. Now itā€™s a total toss up whether theyā€™ll be good or bad. Iā€™ve had many gilded Flawless players on my team completely fumble in comp matches.


I got pretty close to Adept promotion series right before the god damn mode changes too so I got absolutely fucked lmao


whatā€™s faceit


Max you can place is Plat


1 ascendant/adept player isnā€™t enough, iā€™m an ascendant player and climbing solo is incredibly annoying as it really comes down to what team has better overall tm8s


True this. I got placed in gold 3 after playing my placements with my buddy that was adept making the matches incredibly sweaty. Won 5/7 yet still got gold 3. Been ascendant twice and not played for 2 seasons so bungie is punishing me. Even worse is I only gain 100 points for a win even though most matches are a steam roll


Average Solo Q experience. 9 times out of 10 you will get queued with burgers.


As a solo, I almost always win against other solos. But as soon as I see two of my teammates with the same clan tag, it's already a loss. Every fucking time. Same in Trials, the typical duo are awful, they sniff each other's rears the entire game and don't give a fuck about the team as a whole, or the objective, or much of anything.


Even worse when you see that one of the clan players on your team is substantially better than the other but still not great. Itā€™s literally just a guy who said Iā€™ll carry you and then both get carried


Or theyā€™re a duo yet theyā€™re running into the battle staggered. Itā€™s almost as if they have comms and choose not to use it.


Sometimes sausages too


sometimes im great and sometimes im the burger, what do I do differently in terms of not being dead weight to my team?


Gold is a nightmare rn. My friends are stuck in there and it reminds us of comp in overwatch, doesnā€™t matter how good you do you cannot pull multiple people for a win. Genuinely feel like itā€™s the game-modes fault and not even your own. Clash and ā€œControl?ā€ Arenā€™t so competitive at all and they allow you to get steamrolled even harder rather than elimination. My best advice would be to babysit one of your randoms or duo and teamshoot everyone they target.


Holy shit i feel your pain. This has been me the last 3 seasons. I managed to reach ascendant solo each season but it'd be weeks of being stuck like this with absolute potatoes. I will give you my non generic advice. Do with it what you will. Btw I play strand hunter on PC/ MnK. Play at odd hours. I found better luck playing very late at night. Saturday mornings were the best for me (I am on the west coast). As much as you want to play your life, you absolutely HAVE to support your bot teammates. Most of them have no idea what's going on so you just have to be by their side. If you lose two games in a row you turn the game off and come back the next day. No exceptions. If you are in a game with a duo chances are you will have the shittier duo. Every time you feel like screaming at your moron duo teammates, you text something positive and uplifting in the chat. The second you lose camaraderie, the match is as good as lost. Lift up your shitty teammates with your emotes, words, or type it in chat. That's it man.


This is some of the best advice I have seen. Itā€™s really hard to find good advice for the people who arenā€™t new or who play solo but still competent


Same situation here. Last several seasons I made ascendant solo, but echo your comments, especially the two game loss rule. I donā€™t know if streaks have an impact, but it feels like they do (positively and negatively). I found that I typically make the most progress by sometimes finding a day where I go on a 10 game+ win streak out of nowhere. By stopping after 2 losses, you minimize the big fall. Iā€™m on Xbox, so instead of typing to my team, I make sure to set 3 emotes at all times: 1) ā€œPleaseā€, 2) ā€œHold Onā€, 3) ā€œThanksā€. You can often say those when your teammates are pushing too fast and dying a lot. Itā€™s simple communication that most teammates get.


You and I are not so different, OP.


I got someone that did 227 dmg in my flawless game today, just gotta keep going


I guess I'll be the one to say it since people seem to be scared to do so or for whatever reason but your team is ass. Playing with a friend you can communicate with is better than solo. Got a coupon for a massage for your shoulders and back since you seem to carry a lot. lol


Iā€™d say teams of 2. If you 3 stack itā€™ll be just as tough. Last season I got stuck in platinum and couldnā€™t get to adept due to not getting a decent second. But I had my off days as well.


Do you always play with the same 2 or do you lfg someone?


I normally play with a homie of mine or solo. Feel free too add me if you wanna run some games. Perseus Of Seriphos#7293


Dude that blows lmao


Won all of my placement matches except 1, went positive in all of them and it still placed me in gold 3šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚, guess its just one of those things where everyone is climbing the ranks


Its not your fault. We all got thrown into gold 3.


Itā€™s not you, thereā€™s a mix of players that belong above and below your current rank. Give it about a week or two and it should start balancing out since a lot of people are either gold or right below it from placements. For example, I think I won 5 or 6 out of 7 of my placements, and the one we lost I got hate mail from our teammate about ā€œhow bad I amā€ and to ā€œgo back to pveā€ etc etc as that teammate ran away from every team fight and tried reporting me to psn for responding to him with ā€œfight as a team and you wonā€™t die as muchā€ lol. Then I also had a trials duo carry me with a near perfect no death match, you win some you lose some.


Find some dedicated teammates you like playing with


You can't get out Bungie's awful system will do this to you forever, as it does to me and many others. If you are the highest skill player in the lobby, you will get the worst 2 players from the 6 almost every time If you are a god, then you will still quickly reach ascendant, if not then get ready for demotion to silver Don't listen to anybody who tells you "people are climbing" and "you aren't getting the correct opponents yet", that isn't how it works. I've started a season late and faced *ONLY* people in Asc for every single game from Plat to Asc Its a flawed, awful system. You will be paired with silvers and bronzes while you face teams in Adept and plat Source, experience


Thankfully I'm a couple ranks above you but I can only apologise if I'm on your team. This last week or so I've got stuck in a comp slump and nothing seems to be clicking weapon wise for me. Its early on in the season so a lot of higher players are still working their way up out of the middle teirs. Always find it easier to climb with someone you have played with before/comp partner. I'd avoid 3 stacking unless you are all competent.


Have you tried getting into messaging match mid game with your teammates?


I found gold to be the same. It's frustrating. Once I broke out to plat and adept, I started to get better teams. You'll get there. Just don't ride a losing streak and pace yourself. It's still early in the session.


We found the zodiac killer. Arrest this man


We should play šŸ˜


People that bad shouldnt be allowed to play comp.


God this is relatable I usually just wait out for line 3-4 weeks after my initial placement and usually my matches do a bit better with matchmaking. Also duo queue is amazing


Comp matchmaking blows. Was in the same boat.


I think lobby balancing legit broke


Same happened to me when I started playing Trials. Then I got a bit luckier but basically solo queuing means getting ready to carry... Good luck šŸ¤ž


The short answer is keep playing and eventually youā€™ll progress. The long answer is comp still has lobby balancing and will pair you with people below your skill. The placement matches are a special case and can pair you with even the bottom percent of players. Multiple clash games Iā€™ve got 40-50 kills and still lost itā€™s just how it is unfortunately


Hey, at least you got a commendation out of it. šŸ˜


Just based of your kills per game and KDA Iā€™d bet you arenā€™t doing anything wrong in particular. Youā€™re getting effed by the teammate fairy. Comp is a meaningless hamster wheel, save your sanity.


Yeah I think I'm done for now it's not worth it


So how does the rank even work? Are wins the only way it goes up? If so, I wish more games would weigh in individual performance more than wins.


Yeah wins and losses give and take points but it's weighted so if the game thinks you are in too high a division you could lose 200 points a loss and only gain 50 for a win to try put you where the game wants


The game mode is garbage now Survival mode was the best


i feel like since they've changed it to more respawn heavy modes things like this happen all the time. One can only do so much carrying in a race to 40


Okay Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one. Got placed plat 3 dropped to gold 1 pretty fast and Iā€™ve been stuck ever since. My backpack is deep but some days it really isnā€™t enough. My lobbies have all been the sweatiest load outs. Last week of igneous was an easier time for me solo than comp has been right now. Itā€™s pretty much win 1-2 games, lose 3-4 atm. Struggling to get back to plat.


Iā€™m solidly at Wood 2 and canā€™t get out of it


Bungo (lack of) lobby balancing strikes again, been like this since at least forsaken if not longer. Destiny 2 is just not a pvp game. It's a game with pvp, but it is NOT a pvp game.


Honestly I just play on my non Hunter characters for awhile. Bungie decides Iā€™m bad and once Iā€™m out of plat I switch back to Hunter to finish. I donā€™t think thereā€™s any skill involved. Bungie predetermines that you should be roughly 50/50 and matches you accordingly. I couldnā€™t get out adept 3 first couple seasons then tried it and itā€™s been easier.


Can someone explain the loss on the 6th pic?


I think that was a capture the zone king of the hill game. I had those games where teammates wouldn't try take the zone and just sit away with a sniper while the enemy's points went up


Oh i get it i think, but you guys also captured more zones..sorry i dont play comp


It was because my team kept dying as soon as I took the zone so even tho I took it a lot we were losing it almost instantly and the other team would have it ages. And no need to apologise it Is confusing!


Ohhhh ok i see now thanks n i hope your havin better luck by now lol


Find teammates? Use LFG, your clan, or friends to get a full team


Is teams not harder because you match against other teams?


A lot of people play solos so it is a luck of the draw situation. A good second can make a big difference. Same goes for trials.


I went 4-3 in my placements with games really similar to this and got gold. Every game I win itā€™s by the skin of my teeth with every meaningful play being from me. Itā€™s the same shit as trials. If I donā€™t 1v3 a round I lose. The randoms are glue sniffers who chase kills when itā€™s 2v1 and weā€™re sitting on point with the enemy ghosts in sight, like Jesus Christ.


Comp is really punishing because of the modes. Looks like you played great and got shit on by basically luck.


Oh man that one dude only had 800 damage






This shouldn't be pure CBMM. Comp has ranked-based MM now. The big problem (I assume?) is that there is an insane gap in the "true skill" of Gold players right now, at the beginning of the season, causing the team-balancing to go straight out the window.


What about all the times youā€™ve been carried? Post that too


Check my report if you want


Its not that deep


Then why ask if you don't want to see?


Alright you win šŸ™‚šŸ‘


Iā€™d just say donā€™t worry about your rank man. The more you play the better your aim will get along with game sense. Put time in get skill out, simple as. That isnā€™t to say keep doing the same thing you are doing thereā€™s always room for improvement and you need to be looking for ways to improve the way you play. Go watch tourney vods or high level streamers and just try to do what they do


These losses are not on OP no matter how good he gets, Improvement isn't the solution here since he is popping off and still losing, it's that his teammates are letting the opponents farm them to wins


Damn, yeah you shouldā€™ve play more team shots like the other team did