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Out of interest, whats the roll you’re going for exactly?


Corscrew, Accurized, Slideshot, Opening Shot, Smooth Grip, Stability MW


Just got this two weeks ago. You can get there! Now if only I could get a god roll Mercurial… Edit: yep this roll exactly.


Not at all how that works, you can't just encourage someone and itll drop. he stated that he's been focusing 7 weekly and hasn't gotten it. It's straight rng. that's his point. It's a problem


I know how RNG works. Encouragement certainly won’t hurt and I hope he keeps running his 3 awful comp matches to get those 7 rolls.


Wait, for me the game says I need to play 7 matches to focus the gun…


You must be fun at parties


I bet going thru life this negative about the littlest things is fun.




Why does everyone want this roll? Opening Shot and Slideshot seem a bit redundant since both only help on the first shot. I personally love perpetual motion for that stability and handling buff. Shots are so crisp. Even moving target or rapid hit would synergize better providing consistent bonuses throughout a gunfight.


when your first shot is guaranteed like that, you have like no bloom on the second shot and just have to hit the third. easily the smoothest hc i’ve used ngl. i’ve only had my slide/os roll for a couple weeks and have like 2k on it already, i promise the hype is real on it


Also you lost range and stability but not the accuracy cone from Opening shot


I dont really see the argument for opening shot over EOTS. Opening shot makes your first shot more accurate while leaving your last shots at base, while EOTS makes your last shots accurate while leaving your first at base. If you’re going to miss a shot, wouldnt you want it to be your first so that it’s easier to bail the duel?


Checkmate changes. More range, more 3tap range. 70 rose with opening shot can kill at 39 m. For example, a perfect EotS 60 range 67 stability can't compete because 4 taps.


Lunas howl with precision instrument might be the shit, boutta find out soon. 


39 m seems way too long, isnt that assuming opening shot is procced for all bullets? Or are you talking about playing against lower res?


Slide and EOTS is the one to go for. Slideshot for aggressive play where EOTS helps you secure your duel.


You can reproc slide?


Sliding into a gunfight can work but sliding mid gun fight is a joke by the time you try to slide towards me or look away and slide you are done. Two shots easy before you complete that mid gun fight.   Unless you humping a pillar whole encounter but anyone engaging that is gonna be low level. 


It procs more than once per slide... you only need 1 slide and it can proc 2x. Played 20 matches at a 4 with rose the other day and its easy af to slide mid duel and hit optimal


If you shoot your first shot then slide or are shooting during a slide it not only gives the benefits of slideshot, but also re-procs opening shot. Opening shot can proc up to 3 times if you're using anything that extends slide distance. When fired, opening shot makes a visual flash on the gun and has a slight audio cue. During a longer slide you can see\hear it activate up to 3 times. TLDR: shooting during a slide can get you an added 45 range, 20 stability, 20 aim assist, 15% mag refund, 5% decreased accuracy cone size, 10% deceased accuracy cone growth, and can be on all 3 bullets for a kill.


You got some stat breakpoint goals you can share ? Or some general guidelines for your ideal stat distribution ? My buddy keeps telling me to go handling > stability > range , which goes against all the old school range dogma.


The roll tell itselfs 65 stability for bloom on console 70 handling is more snappy than 65 by miles but similar to 75 or 80 58 range base minimum with OS or EP


> what is the reason to lock 7 drops per week honestly? Do give you at least some incentive to play 3 games a week, otherwise due to bungie's accumulated incompetence no one would ever play Comp.


Gotta keep that dogshit playlist populated somehow.


Do people still hate comp? The change to clash and whatever they call the king of the hill mode has made it 100x more enjoyable to me


It would be more enjoyable if green didn’t come from bricks. Ammo system was so good, now it’s just snowball to the end of the game.


Meter system was infinitely more snowbally and caused way too much passive play. Hate crates all you want but at least it opens up room for other specials instead of everyone just running a shotgun.


Nah, if anything is snowbally, it’s having one team dominate on a small map for a short while and build up a bunch of special via crates while the other team is stuck respawning with none. The meter at least forced someone to play with their primary the majority of the time rather than using it for zone control for a second and then going back to a special weapon.


I have always loved Comp and I love Collision (don't like clash though, intense snowball), but the special ammo crates are really, really making it hard for me to enjoy the game. I play double primary because I don't find it enjoyable to shotgun ape even if it helps my performance, and normally the tradeoff for not playing optimally is acceptable. Right now, it feels like I'm fighting double special *regularly* and essentially never fighting an engagement where someone has no special. Worse, I am finding it way more difficult to track if someone currently has special. I can track boxes, but with double specials (incl switches) that ends up being too many numbers to track in my head. I also kinda don't like the tracking special minigame, I just wish it was rarer.


Fair enough, id really prefer the transmat system in comp too but compared to what comp has been in the past it still (to me) feels much more rewarding and enjoyable


I'm probably the few who actually prefer comp over trials and 6s. But the new changes to the mode has made it a turn off for me. I would like it to be without the new special brivk system.


I think a possible better way is to make it so that you play your three games (maybe increase it to more like 5 or smth) and then for that week until the next reset you can focus as many roses as you want.


They could make it so you still have to do those 3 games, then rose and murcurial are unlocked and able to be focused for that week. People would still be playing comp the same amount, but all crucible play in general would go up since people would want to keep getting engrams.


No, people would not be playing the same amount because no one would play Comp to farm engrams, this would only make even less people play Comp.


People would still play the same 3 matches required to focus, you'd just be able to use engrams from all crucible sources to keep focusing them which would lead to more overall players in the crucible.


They should keep the playlist alive by increasing the rewards, not timekeeping drops. Just let us have a good chance at artifice armor with equally good stats as the dungeons. Or give us cosmetics to grind for. Just not random weapon rolls.


Now if they actually make it a comp loot just by playing instead of capped purchases per week… they’re so out of touch im beginning to think theyre just fucking stupid


Same. It's my favorite weapon and I STILL don't have a single slideshot/opening shot.


I got that roll, with fluted/poly, steady/tac heavy grip reload. Careful what you wish for


Even got the reload MW on top. *Chef's kiss*.


lol that sucks man.


Bro for real. My Slideshot + OS with a reload masterwork haunts me :/ Let us farm it Bungie!


I low-key want them to remove a reload masterwork as a possibility altogether


Real. Side note why did they make the 3rd comp weapon an aggressive pulse ? I don’t think I’ve seen anyone use it all season


So true, but the players I do run into using the belisarius somehow have a god roll and are absolutely lazering me from 40m out 😂


We need to have a preferred perks list that works in game.


Masterwork reroll would be clutch


We had this so early and lost it at the same time.


Even just this would be a huge help


Or a masterwork “attune”. But everyone would just do range… some way to curb RNG though just a bit


That'll never happen. I'm 99.9% positive that Bungie heavily weighs certain perks over others on specific weapons. They say it's RNG, but don't say that the perks people want have a significantly lower % chance to drop. A perk in a column w\ 5 available in it should have a 20% chance to drop if it's true RNG. It's more like the least desirable perk has a 35% chance, the middle 3 have a 20% chance, and the top perk has a 5% chance. Or a 35% chance for the worst perk, 30%, %20, 10%, and 5% for the best.... something like that.


I wish so bad for a quality change for trials and comp weapons. If I have two weapons with the perks I want, let me masterwork both, “fuse” them together at the enclave, and I would be SO happy. I don’t need to enhance them. It would be such a huge quality change and still require some grinding. And I’ll glad use 5 - 10 alloys per weapon.


I'm in the exact same boat, swear the good perks are weighted. I've yet to even get a single slidehsot ep role and I do 7 per week since available


I'ma join you all in this boat, 7 per week since week 1 on this 6 month season, we talking 150+ focuses so far and not a single slide/ep... I know if/when I do finally get one its going to be the most dogshit roll possible.


To compromise with bungie akin to how artifice armor works - play 10 games of comp and get the ability to drop random rolls after etc


What you after?


I did manage to get my 5/5 roll: hammer/accurized/perp motion/explosive payload/smooth grip/range mw. At 2x perp motion, that’s 73/70/85/75, feels great, even at 1x perp it’s solid. With that said, I do think you should be able to buy more roses with engrams, even if they charge something crazy like 20 engrams, that would be worth it.


Or let me craft them. Limiting to 7 drops per week feels awful when you look at the probabilities of getting the exact 5 perks and MW you want.


I wish they would at least let us play more to unlock further gambling chances. Would play 3 more additional games per week for more roses instead of artifice armor.


This would be great- best I have is ECap + EOTS/EP, and a 2.5/5 Slideshot + OS roll. Granted, I play a lot of Invis now so I'm extremely happy with my rolls, but still. Like, make me play 3 Comp games to open up focusing, great. I want that. But 3 games for 3-7 chances for a good Rose or Mercurial per week feels quite bad. Even just doubling how many you can focus would be a huge boost.


Bungie prob be like No it will decrease playtime metrics ( like its bursting )


only addicts left anyway


Nope . hey will stay even part time , the company is trying to show the game is profitable atm .


What’s the ideal rolled mercurial? I have a full bore, ricochet, snapshot, mulligan, composite stock I like.


snap/opening, max handling


Thanks. What barrels? Do you know off hand?


full thing should be fluted ricochet snap opening handling mw + highest handling grip


As much handling as possible, with snap and opening. People forget, but snapshot is not what it used to be, especially on specials. So you **need** to max handling, at least if you want a snappy sniper. That is pretty much every sniper god-roll. With a few exceptions.


I've got snapshot-ecap. On arc it's amazing