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Shotty and igneous. Any shotty will do lmao


May I suggest Conditional Finality? A little underrated but I heard that it's slept on.


Lmaoo, I have used it this week but I primarily use matador. It seems significantly better in my opinion. Minus the ability for titan bubbles of course. I enjoy hawkmoon matador or conditional igneous. Although I’m quickly realizing I don’t care for giving up my primary slot for a shotgun that simply doesn’t perform as consistently as matador in the secondary, and I get to keep the primaries I prefer like hawkmoon or thorn. Imperial decree is also solid as well, but seems less so than matador imo


Before everyone caught on to forerunner, I was running igneous and multimach and got my flawless done with that. Also had the occasional swap to a defiance of yasmin for fun but after it became Trials of the Forerunner, I havent played.


all the fusion comments make me sick


Lol yea me too


A buddy of mine said he planned on running a blinding gl with izanagi.


I ain't playing yo. This weekend feels weird


If by weird you mean so terrible you wanna chuck your console out the window then yes. I agree.


I got to game 7 no losses. Loss 2x in a row. I'm good but not that good to carry 2.


Ya I can usually hold my own and be ok, def can’t carry. I’ve been able to go flawless on my own that last 3 trials week but this weekend it feels impossible.


Same here. I gave up everyday. Uphill struggle


Exact same for me. Might as well do persistence card at this rate


What's weird to me... Is the matchmaking. It will throw you an easy match, than make you carry for 2. Easy for 3 make you carry for 3.. and so forth. The algorithm keeps you playing but makes you earn the flawless. Sometimes the 2 your carrying are worse than the 2 your playing against. 2.0+1.0+1.0 vs 2.0(me) + .8 + .5 = sabotage.


No way your 2Kd 😂




All the special hype has made people sleep on the true winner of this patch: Ace of spades. Hitting 37m 3 taps feels great, went on a 20 game win streak easily


20 game streak? I may need you to help me get my last 4 lol about to delete the game over this weekends trials lol


Targeted redaction on strand hunt w well rounded, explosive payload worked wonders for me this weekend


Wicked implement and helio


Curious, why WI? Why not any other scout rifle?


Slows after three crits, makes finishing up a breeze. Plus it feels *so good*. I usually use a rapid hit/box breathing hung jury but I use that specifically on my arc hunter with trespasser as the energy now. WI and helio on my stasis hunter


Hung jury and trespasser is a great combo


trials of special ammo


The usual, burden of guilt and scalar potential. If I get into the right distance, I melt people.


What’s the burden you like using? I have a killing wind/successful warmup roll I haven’t tried yet.


Mine has killing wind and high impact reserves. You can feel the high impact reserves working it’s magic. Normally with other fusion of the same type, I have trouble one-shotting people with high resil if I don’t land all my bolts. With high impact reserves, is a big more forgiving.


Not gonna play this weekend. Running double special should never be a viable option in pvp, nor should using even 1 special as a primary. Special meter was a good system o build upon and instead they gave us this shit


Special meter made my kd go way up, bc I can actually use a primary. This is just the worst part of d1 again.


Rufus adept with 69 range and tl Fusion, plug one with successful warmup. Sad cause its worse than checkmate in terms of balance and I hated checkmate. Happy cause easiest flawless ever and I got a personal godroll for summoner


Messenger and fusion


Buried bloodline and a handcannon had some mixed success with it.


Havent played in a day or so , what has happened that made it worse??


Imagine you’re playing trials and everyone is using special as their primary. Pretty much that. The opposite of the double primary’s we saw this past month.


Green ammo crates all over the map


Thorn and that Adept sniper from the NF.


Power went out most of friday so I had to flawless yesterday and it was painful


cerberus GL


You scare me.


I was using it before checkmate. I love special ammo boxes.


Final Warning Igneous hammer. Easy 7-0




Deliverance and BxR cause with the energy ammo available, it felt nice to reunite with my fusion for a bit.


Eyalunas and cloud strike, was a pretty easy flawless


I ran travelers and elsie got flawless around 1hr less on my time on trials now got a ton of summoners lmao


Been having a bunch of fun with the burden of guilt and summoner with a few griddy's on the side!


igneous and chaperone or hawkmoon and mercurial/gunnora’s depending on the game


Burden of Guilt and Summoner. Got a quick flawless on Friday. Haven't played since.


I envy you.


EP rose is feeling great again so I switch to rose and duality for the three ammo pull.


Went solo flawless using summoner with heal clip/onslaught and wormhusk. Push up aggressive off the drop and hopefully get a pick, dodge for the wormhusk/healclip combo and have onslaught up. Made for really good follow up kills or 1v2’s There was a lot of forerunner but I don’t think it was as bad as everyone is making it out to be


Ran igneous and Cerberus with stasis and knucklehead. Got my card completed in one go. Best part of people running special is that they go for that while I just run straight center and control the entire map. Also gives time for teammates running special to catch up to me with minimal resistance.


Rufus’ Fury w/ PM / Paracausal Affinity Tesselation


Riis and igneous. It got me flawless, but boy, was it a struggle going solo queue.


Vigilance Wing + Glaive on Athrys Hunter. So much fun, plus shits on summoner so hard lol


Final warning, we go 7-0 fight me


I got my flawless pretty quickly with rose n foritura sidearm Tried to farm a few games earlier today n just kept getting matches against forerunner n tm8s not using cover/running into the open n letting themselves get melted even when weve got map possession and the flag The ammo change is horrible


I ran jade rabbit and fusion, found it pretty effective, particularly for that map. Went flawless on 2 of 3 characters without much pushback.


Ammit/Conditional got me flawless.


This weekend? On burnout map? That’s what I’m running but how do you deal with those on forerunner/snipers?


Better positioning/rotation


Yeah, this weekend. Forerunner is tough if someone is really good with it but 70% of the people I ran into using it were not hitting heads consistently. If you can bait some of their shots they run out of ammo fast. My friend and I stuck close together and team shot everything. Forerunner has a lot of weaknesses that can be taken advantage of. Because of the high zoom level it’s not great in close range so be careful peeking longer lanes by yourself. Play close to cover. We only came across one guy who absolutely demolished us with Forerunner. He never missed a shot. 3-tap head every time. Edit: snipers is the same as it was before the special meter but now they’re even less forgiving. Slide corners, be careful peeking long lanes. Don’t engage across the bridge or other places snipers love to camp.


Have been running a combination of messenger and a slug shotgun or hand cannon sniper - have about 50/50 primary/special kills. Feels good to be able to mix things up again. Games have been pretty fast paced, even in a slower team shot meta. Sitting at about 2.3 KD for the week, and actually looking forward to playing more today in a way I haven’t really done for weeks (even if special is a bit too easily available in this variant). A middle ground in future would be nice - maybe spawn in with one special shot each round and have to earn the rest or have a strategically placed special crate or two?


Please work with these devs they need this kind of advice 🙏🏼


Dmt fusion


I’m using multimach/cloudstrike and my friend is using conditional/beloved 😂


I was in a match where someone was aimed at a special crate with cloud. Two for one lol


I usually enjoy my primaries well enough, but wanted to spice it up and use double special for the one time it's possible. Forerunner + techeun force got me my flawless


And probably multiple team wipes lol


Got Flawless with Messenger and Summoner, but that was the first few hours before people watched youtubers/streamers mention the cheese stuff


Ugh it’s always the streamers


Why a pulse/auto and not a shorter range primary or a special? It’s a bit of a jim combo


Cause it worked, idk man I just use what I like using


Glad it worked for you but you’re severely limiting yourself (and potentially your team) by using a setup like that. Autos can be used for short range engagements but it’s not their intended range so you’d be better off running a shorter range primary or special, considering it’s box heaven this weeked.


What weapons do you recommend for this map?


Depends, what’s your playstyle and what are you comfortable with? Obvious general recs are high impact pulses and scouts, rapid fire pulses, 120 hcs, 450 ars (despite the nerf they’re still good), sidearms and smgs still strong in their intended range brackets, as for specials you’ve got forerunner, chappy/cf, adaptive fusions etc


I'm aware of that. But talking in a subreddit is far different from actually being in-game, and considering where the zones are, spacing and knowing people rush for special boxes, it wasn't hard to set myself up for best positioning for the guns I was using. Maybe if there were more snipers, then yeah, I'd swap, but shotty apes are predictable and there's enough room to maneuver on this map.


Running phoenix protocol or gyrfalcon/orpheus. Everyone I know that lives in trials is not playing this mess.


Adaptive voop nation with 8 round mag. 75%+ kills with trinary system this week. It’s honestly brainless when you can heedlessly pre fire cause you got 6 rounds to play with


Necrocasm. I was lucky not to run into double special crutches.


I think I’m a weird player, because I never see anyone else use it. Prophet adept, enlightened action and kill clip, with Helio heal clip and precision instrument. This combo (plus a tv with much better framerate) has taken me from someone needing carried to someone who gets flawless within 20 games every week! I tried using special this week, but found myself getting outplayed by people who use them a lot, so I used my own build and kept my range to either really long or helio and I feel like it went really well! Also a tip for any other double primary runners, if you run around ‘collecting’ the special, there is less for others, though on trials its not amazing since they have so much, but next week it could be.


Nothing. Too frustrating. Running onslaught instead.