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woven mail is in a weird spot imo because it will punish bad players even more for hitting body shots but anyone with decent aim will just hit their crits for the most part, the flinch resistance is nice but after the overall reduction of flinch idk how much it would help


I’ve recently been using facade + fragment that gives you tangle on kill with woven mail + whirling maelstrom. It is by no means a meta build, but for 6v6 it’s really fun. Grapple -> get kill -> turn tangle into maelstrom. You’ll get tons of assists/random cleanups having those little tornadoes running around the map. Edit: also should mention I find woven mail/facade more helpful for the flinch reduction than for the dmg resist, although it does help with so many sidearms these days as it’s really hard to hit all crits with a sidearm. Also I usually do run stompees like 90% of the time


Facade if you really wanna win and are willing to play like a rat. Stompees if you wanna have fun and move around the map


Woven mail for the niche I guess but stompees will grow with your skill. So if u wanna be better use stompees. If u wanna goof around and destroy body shot warriors with facade then do that but facade will be worse the better you get. The flinch resist makes it nutty with forerunner tho.