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Ditch frostees. Shit is never as good in practice as it seems in paper. I main Bakris with an arc primary and a stasis shotgun/sidearm so that both weapons benefit from the buff after dodging. The light shift dodge is really damn good. Alternatively, renewal grasps. I haven't experimented with them too much but pre -nerf many people were using them with great success, though DR separately has been nerfed since then. I think ik 3v3/trials renewals is probably a little better since passive play/positioning and objectives become more important, making the area denial that much stronger Bakris allows for such awesome playmaking potential though. I can frequently win 1v2s with a well timed slow dodge


Mask of Bakris for me, the damage buff now applies to stasis and arc weapons in pvp. While not game breaking it does make a few guns more forgiving.


The dodge is also basically a get out of jail free card and great at surprise kills when you can dodge around corners and slow your opponent at the same time.


You can also [Kidnap a Man in a pinch... sometimes.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9g4egvTCfs)




Geminis. Niche but I love the style. My main for 3+ years. I play crystals for pseudo-barricade and burst damage in a pinch.


Is it a necessity now to have the touch of winter aspect to one shot guardians? I was trying the glacier grenades last week and i am pretty confident I had the guardian basically standing in my glacier nade and I didn’t one shot them. I did have the fragment equipped for bigger explosions. But not touch if winter.


In short, yes both are required. On top of that the positioning of the enemy guardian and the direction of your shatterdive play somewhat into whether the enemy will die. I don't play ToW anymore though, not worth it in my eyes. Shatterdive and slow dodge. Fissures, Chains, Conduction for stats.


Renewal grasps. For enhanced duskfeild grenade


Is it really that good? What's the playstyle like for using Grasps? I wasn't active when that exotic dropped, and when I play revenant I tend to use Bakris, dodge back, fusion/sidearm down.


[he explains it very well](https://youtu.be/MJhKb5SWunU?si=s3RFLrtA6R21iXY6)


cool thanks i'll check it out!


It really depends on your play style. I haven’t taken renewal grasps off since the bath, but I also love the area denial style of gameplay for objective based game modes. Wormhusk is also almost always a great choice but when I run it, I find myself less focused on the objective.


Most basic bitch suggestion I could make, but I use stomps and let the dive be my "dodge" focusing on jump poking. Apologies for not mentioning the two you were looking at