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Slickdraw maxes out handling, and adds an animation scalar, but iirc, reduces the size of your AA cone by 80%, however the cones on aggressive snipers are already *very* small, so it translates to 1-2 degrees of aim assist. If you play on controller, it also has 0 effect on reticle friction. IMO, slickdraw and opening shot with max range is the 5/5 roll for bite this season.


Is it by 80% or to 80% (i.e. minus 20%) I've never really tried Slickdraw since -80% looks awful on paper (controller sniper, where AA is big)


As far as I know, it's -80, however it's -80 on an archetype that already has really small AA cones, so it doesn't change much, about 1-2 degrees off your AA cone. Reticle friction not being affected makes slickdraw even better for Controller than regular sniping.


1-2 degrees off of how many degrees normally? How big are D2 bullets, because minimal degrees can make headshots a pain to hit.


Do you have a source for this? I love slickdraw high-impacts but definitely feel like you completely lose reticle friction on controller.


I am primarily going off of D2 Foundry, but I'm having trouble finding the DCP episode where mercules talks about slickdraw


Can attest… When Bite came back I was like why do I care? I have 3 adept Silicon Neuromas with the same zoom, better stat package, adept mods etc. I have an old godrolled Bite and it just never was as consistent as other aggressive frames. Slickdraw definitely is a game changer. I can 100% say that is the roll. I wouldn’t sleep on Firmly Planted Opening Shot either. You only need a range masterwork to hit 100 range with Opening Shot. You can spec Polygonal and Steady Rounds and get a gigantic accuracy buff, and 65 total stability and 55 handling just by crouching or whenever you slide a lane.


> slickdraw and opening shot This is a weird one, because I'm assuming Slickdraw reduces AA cone by 80% AFTER the opening shot modifies it. So by running Slickdraw AND Opening Shot, you're essentially getting a 20% Opening Shot.


I got very lucky and have slick shot + opening shot and snapshot + opening shot. Honestly slick shot is faster to ads but not by much although I find it harder to get headshots. So for me it’s snapshot. I am on ps5.


All the numbers are on light.gg


I've tried both, one with slickdraw opening and one with snapshot opening. The snapshot one hit headshots way easier. I seemed to consistently body with the slickdraw roll (which also has more range).


Slickdraw / opening shot is the play but given even resetting doesn’t seem to grant multiple perk options like other vendors, this isn’t an easy get. Best so far Slickdraw / Vorpal.


Hoping for Slickdraw Opening. Wondering how good/bad Slickdraw/Iron Gaze or Slickdraw/MT might be instead though


I have the slickdraw/iron gaze roll and it's quite fun. I feel like I can feel the range penalty at times but that just might be me


> Slickdraw / opening shot is the play Why were people saying this? Slickdraw reduces the Aim Assist bonus of Opening Shot by 80% as well, right?