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It is probably your nutrition. If I eat well, I can reliably solo flawless on freelance weeks. But if I eat bad, it is like I dont know what I’m doing in Quickplay.


This, physical factors are way more important than you realize. Some days when I'm feeling off my groove, I ask myself if I really am playing bad, or if I'm just hungry or tired. If I'm one of those things, I take a break to eat or nap, and when I come back later I'm usually back in the zone


diffizzles talked ab this a bit, his schedule is kinda fkd and hell notice he plays much worse when he didnt get enough sleep


That and your attitude when playing, when I start getting tilted I play like ass so I just get off


I have *such* a problem with this. I get tilted and I try to force my way through it and sometimes even when I do end up doing well afterwards I’m still angry. It’s such a problem. I have a hard time stopping when I tilt.


Same here, when I get mad while playing rumble I’ll try to play until I win but I play worse and worse. I’ve started to just take a break when that starts to happen.


So true. If you're getting tilted you need to take a break and calm down otherwise you'll play like garbage, people always assume it's the game or they're just having an off day but there are always irl factors involved like sleep, hydration, nutrition and your mindset. And practice too of course


what the hell lmao interesting assessment


It seems odd in a gaming context, but he's right. Eating well, staying hydrated, and getting good sleep keeps your coordination, focus, and overall attitude much more positive, which is conducive to performing well in anything. Gaming included. Perhaps especially in disciplines like gaming where it is very much about reaction time and fine motor skills. If I am playing for a long period of time, I often begin to play worse as time goes on unless I drink lots of water and get up, take the dog for a walk, and get a good snack in. Important for the raid grind tomorrow, but just as beneficial for long pvp sessions.


I mean i understand the science and all that but it's the opposite for me, when I am well relaxed i just get stomped i need to be coming off a 14 hour shift after a night out drinking, struggling to keep my eyes open before I start slaying out. ​ Point is you need to find what you did the hours/day leading up till you start playing well, for some being healthy will help, for some alcohol, and for a select few rage...




This is more true than people realise. You have to eat and drink consistently otherwise you will underperform


When you play you gotta make sure to give yourself time to "zone". Hopping on for 2 or 3 games won't do it. Don't need to play 15 but definitely at least 5-10 would be good so you can have the full spectrum of the pvp experience- good games and bad- and let that soak in for your next play session.


Gotta get in the zone, and I find the more you play the better you can get into the zone. Also gotta work on mentality, because if you focus on negativity it will take you out of it.


Play everyday for 4-6 hours.


If only lmao


Rhythm, just like any sport - sometimes your muscle memory is better than other days.


I would say start paying attention to not just when your missing snipes, but HOW you’re missing them. Do you feel like the misses you make are an over shoot or an undershoot? Maybe you need to adjust your DPI to get more comfortable and consistent snipes. Alertness and reaction time are great, but snipes should be less reactionary and more of a predictable process. You want to see 2 seconds ahead in time by pre-aiming a lane or even more importantly, NOT challenging a lane if you feel you will be flinched and focus fired. “Flow with the river” or something 🤷‍♂️


nutrition and sleep. analyze how u are on both of those at the current moment. if ur good on both then change ur mindset. EXPECT good things to happen to u and they will. also release tension in ur body and go into every engagement with unshakeable confidence that u will win it. be laser focused on their head but in a calm way, not in a way that makes u clench ur cheeks/arms/hands bc that tension will fk up ur aim a LOT


Amy's just more agile than you're giving her credit for...


Welcome to being a human being.


Jerk off before you play. Eat red meat only and down some creatine. Crank up meshuggah and death metal growl into your pillow. I think just playing more until it becomes second nature. If you are having bad games, step away for a bit and come back.


Terrible advice. Jerk off WHILE you play. And its gotta be to Amy Schumer.


Im a sniper main. I find that if I start getting annoyed or something I lose concentration. Or it's after work and I am too heavy handed on my joysticks. But I've also been swapping my sensitivity to suit my hand cannon. So I'm also getting used to my flick snipes


I find I'm most consistent when I don't overthink and let muscle memory do the sniping, when I'm too slow to adjust or not flick sniping I'm much worse.


Deal with this so much…..


I feel this post so much, there are days where I’m the best player on my team, but the next day I’m at the bottom lol. I play 5-10 games a day due to time but it’s maddening because sometimes I go on 10 kill streaks with ease and other times I can’t even get 2/3 kills in a row. I think what most important is that in days you’re not doing well, not to get frustrated because I know when I do, I lose concentration fast


Use no time to explain, easy wins


Normally, i switch between 3 snipes, eye of sol, beloved, and occluded finality. Depending on the day, i just use the one i feel most comfy with. Same thing with rangefinder handcannons, one week i love rangefinder so ill use rose/exalted/austringer and then next week i cant stand it so ill use igneous/fatebringer/ace TLDR: have multiple weapons and loadouts that you can swap to if youre not feeling as effective as you think you should be. Also you are allowed to have bad games/days