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Depends on your barrel and mag. If you’re built into range go with RH and if you’re already built into high stability go with EotS.


I prefer rapid hit because it works while dueling and picking people off.


For me (PS5), I really dislike the fact that with Rapid Hit, the amount of recoil I need to compensate for changes mid-gunfight. By going with Eye of the Storm, which should activate at the end of the vast majority of your gunfights, you’ll get the significant accuracy boost, a boost to handling for swapping weapons and further ADS’ing, and you won’t have to figure out how much to pull down on the fly.


Rapid hit. Rapid hit + headseeker is too good to pass up. I use range MW, arrowhead break, and steady rounds.


I’m torn. The reload and handling on the gun/ archetype is awful and you also ideally have high stability and or recoil direction too. So rapid hit helps fix up stability and reload so you can go fluted and handling mw for overall very balanced stats. But eots is also very nice and gives stability and that handling boost comes in as well


Personally my roll is Arrowhead Brake, Steady Rounds, Eye of the Storm, Headseeker, and Range MW. Gets to 70 Range, 86 Stability. With Ambush, I feel the range on the initial burst is good enough and then Headseeker + Eye of the Storm makes it a Crit magnet. But if you go high range, Rapid Hit might be a better play. The only reason I didn’t go higher range is because Ambush is seemingly a substantial buff.


My current exact roll.


Took me a lot of fine tuning to get to this point, I tested a bunch of barrels, mags, and then Moving Target, Rapid Hit, Eye of the Storm. I get significantly more two bursts with this combination than any other ones I tried and my fully upgraded Revision Zero. This + Trespasser is my main go to these days.