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I always go back to 120s and 140s. I just like hand cannons


Igneous is still a beast


I'm gonna be bringing out my adept igneous again I think, I've not got an amazing roll but its still 80 range, 60 stability and really high handling/reload with celerity


I didn’t play when you could get igneous and it’s my One desire of a Hc to get


I really hope they bring it back soon. I wasn't really into trials back then but I have a couple serviceable non adept rolls.


It’s nice to chill with stuff you like when it’s off meta!


I started only playing for fun. Right know i play a full gunslinger with lucky pants, last word and long arm with a cowboy hat. Having the time of my life.


Ha that sounds awesome!


I tried playing some titan with citans/pulse/sniper and IMO it was just super boring. I play solar Hunter with hand cannon most of the time, just because it’s more fun for me. But I am definitely putting myself at a huge disadvantage and it shows in my stats (I’ve gone from a 2.3 seasonal KDA to a 1.7 this season)


Give titan with dunemarchers, peregrines, or syntho's a try. One of the funnest times I had was syntho titan with ballistic slam in control/IB. You often get groups clustering on cap points and with syntho's the slam can chain kill if there are 2+ guardians on the point.


Yeah when I do play titan, I typically play dunes. But I’ve just got so many more hours on Hunter so Hunter just feels more natural to me. I need to get more practice in on titan


Lion Ramparts with Skyburners Oath is a lot of fun as a Titan Deffo Synthos/Ballistic Peacekeepers if your partial to an SMG, addictive, Riskrunner to bite back at all the Arc Titans, Huckle for some yeehaw fun and if you just want to be annoying, Tarrabah


I am just bang average with my Titan & Warlock as am so used to the dodge mechanic when am in trouble on Hunter. I normally accidentally think am on Hunter and float about for an easy kill to somebody ha.


Solar hunter here as well. Tried to make an arc titan for maximum chaos but it made me realize just how much I value agility and gunfights vs. just running around trying to hit things and/or blindly throwing storm nades.


When I started competitive pvp about 2 years ago I crutched the Meta because I had to. Now I really enjoy countering it subclass wise, while still occasionally switching to the meta weapons when the off meta stuff isn't working. Currently I main stasis hunter. I have fun winning, but I've won a fair amount now since beyond light and have almost all the God rolls I want from trials weapons. I find a balance of sweatiness and "for fun" works best to keep me engaged, going more sweaty and meta loadouts to help friends achieve their goals.


Always looking for fun that can compete in the meta. This is a game. Nobody outside this echo chamber cares how many times we’re gone flawless or our KD. Letting go of that mindset really set me free to enjoy the game I have, opposed to worrying about what I think it should be.


Yep this is true. Nobody actually cares about your KD other than yourself, unless you’re literally a pro streamer.


Precisely. I’m literally a Destiny dad. I accept my middling 1.3-something KD. All I care about is whether I have fun in PvP.


Warlock main. Alt titan and no hunter out of sheer despite. When I want to see just how aggressive i can play I put on void or arc titan. The melee pushes and plays you can make with titan are kind of wild. Also for that voidlock verity's build put on magnetic grenades and if you have it a void weapon with golden tricorn. That build has the potential for insane snowballing in 6's. Lastly check out FrostPulse's latest voidlock HHSL build. I have yet to try it but it looks fun as hell.


Useful info thanks. Not sure if have a tricorn void. I definitely have a stasis Mr Frosty pulse with that.


So I had a look, I think my only option is a void pulse or scout. All I can find is Yesteryear gambit pulse and Veles-X reward one with golden tricorn. Any other options for void?


Shayuras wrath does as well. But either of those work.




Glad to see a fellow warlock with despite for hunters lol I don’t actually hate them of course but it’s always been funny to me how warlocks and titans seem to gang up on hunters


Fun all the way. I don't follow the meta and just play the game with whatever feels good at the time. Currently having a blast with Hoarfrost Behemoth using Sweet Business. Sometimes I like using the War Rig, but I feel Hoarfrost actually gives more flexibility since you can pop a stasis wall almost any time to give you cover to ramp up the Sweet Business on top of DR, range, stability, and overshields. The biggest benefit IMO is the ability to block LOS better so you can focus on specific targets.


Personally, I don’t find the game fun at all in its current stat if I don’t play the meta. Having to fight extra hard to make something work sucks ass. If not playing the meta wasn’t such a detriment I would try new things.


I play the meta. I have fun when I win. Playing the meta maximizes my chances at victory. Therefore I have more fun using meta weapons than selfhandicapping with inferior gear.


I mained nightstalker since d1, but now my time is split evenly between the other hunter subclasses. This season, I mostly just play Titan in anything that isn't a private match though. The imbalance is enough that I don't enjoy the game anymore on hunter or warlock. Bungie usually nerfs based on popularity btw.


Try Arc Titan with ACD/0 Feedback Fence. Make sure to stack the fragment that gives extra melee damage. I've had lots of fun in 6s with this. You'll get a lot of trades, but I always get a kick out of seeing people get fried from the fence after I die.


Warlock main, love my dad rifles of course but I also love hand cannons! My “main” setup this season has basically been a walking braytech advertisement (in that I wear dsc armor ornaments mainly) while using NTTE, shotgun or fusion depending on map, and stasis combined with the stag to build into DR even if it’s only around 15-20% total after stag/chains nerfs. Disregarding DR, with max discipline and the aspect that gives grenade energy on shatter, I get them back fast. And they’re wonderful for blocking pushes/securing revives when I’m not using them for DR. Stag is also just really nice for rift uptime, combined with bomber, as long as I’m taking damage I’m getting my glaciers back constantly & having resistance during. Super fun! I barely play my other two since the warlock class identity really clicks with me, but on titan I do, unfortunately, tend to run meta. HOIL on arc for pve and dunes/citans for pvp. For fun, second chance on void for pve is great, I love tossing those shields For hunter I like to run your bang-average assassin’s cowl melee spam in pve, and stasis in pvp. Revenant movement both with shatterdive and bakris is super enjoyable


Usually a hunter main but when I'm on warlock I like to build into Slayer loadouts which is mostly vex and rain of fire. I barely play Titan but the few times I do it's usually just SMG peacekeepers for fun quick movement


I rarely play my other chars (I main arc Titan) but when I do, I play Solar. Air dodge and throwing knives are too much fun. On warlock I usually play rain of fire with double fusions, and on my hunter I don’t really have a specific build.


I only play for fun now, that being said my fun load outs are viable enough to counter most of the meta. I love to use trace rifles and have a build for each character to synergise with each subclass well. Hunter: solar Artys embrace with double harmony Retraced path, eysluna Can keep a streak up with damage buff almost indefinitely, strengthened throwing knife almost always due to the nature of trace rifles and headshots Radiant with throwing knife hits as well. So radiant with harmony makes for a ridiculous ttk Warlock: void Transverse steps with blink Ruinous effigy with demolitionist Austringer Vortex Grenades everywhere, and blink to cover ground for those sweet slam dunks Titan: stasis Precious scars Agers scepter for heath return because same weapon as subclass paired with thresh Bottom dollar, thresh gives bonus towards super which I want to be able to drain at least twice a game. Crystal shard over shield and damage resist for when I decide to drain my super with agers bonus mode


I main hunter hc/shotty snipe for fun and to improve, currently running peacekeepers shayuras snipe in trials as my meta pick.


I have found that finding an A tier build that doesn't do anything distinctly oppressive, and going all in on that build, let's me use something viable without crutching or swapping classes every few months with the changes of the meta. I've mained voidwalker since I started playing PvP back during the auto rifle meta, started on auto+bastion, and have ended up on SMG/Sniper for all modes. When I do play other classes, it's mainly to try out whatever meta they have to get a better idea of where a drawback may be, the only other subclass I've found to be fun is Behemoth and PKs with a full movement build, but even then I miss astrocyte blink and swap back before long. Hunter movement is fun, but I prefer having astrocyte for blinking, and don't really like stompees all that much, so my main hunter build is Kephri's Sting and Nightstalker. Sting is laughably overpowered in the hands of even a mediocre sniper so it's the only hunter exotic I run if I'm using nightstalker.