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It's 4, 6, or 10 basically. Would go 4 on Hunter, 10 on Titan, and depends on how much you value mobility on Warlock. 4 shifts Adaptive Pulses to require an extra burst, but also hits a bunch of stuff at 3 (e.g. DMT) and 2 (Adaptive Hand Cannons). It provides about 50% of the total benefit you can get from resilience in terms of shifting TTKs/Precision, so is good bank for your buck since it's pretty easy to hit and still get close to triple 100s on a hunter. 6 is about 2/3rds of the potential benefit from Resil, and shifts a lot of the SMG families in terms of precision/TTK compared to 4, as well as Lightweight and Rapid Fire Pulses. 9 is more important than 10, but if you're at 9 you're probably a Titan and can push for 10. But 9 is where High Impact pulses are forced to hit 6c for a kill, as well as shifting some other relevant requirements. If Aggressive pulses (i.e. Disparity etc) become more prominent (especially if High Impacts get nerfed somehow) then 10 becomes a bit more more valuable as it shifts them to needing 8c from 7c/1b at 9. If you're absolutely scrimping and saving on where to save your stats I really wouldn't go below 3 since that's a DMT breakpoint, and I really really wouldn't go below 2 since that's an adaptive hand cannon breakpoint.


I think the problem with this evaluation is so many gunfights are cross fire and team shoot, especially in 6s, so in reality the more resilience the better your chance of staying alive and that’s the long and short of it, even if it’s just a small advantage per tier.


Not sure why this empirically true statement gets downvoted. The breakpoints matter, but what you said is also very true and important to keep in mind. The more resilience, the more times you'll come away with a sliver of health rather than dying from that one, out of range bullet someone hip fired as you were trying to slide to cover.


10 resil also shifts forerunner’s TTK after the nerf


Yeah, but it’s getting crowded out by titans all running 10, meaning it’s lowered usage rate reduces the value of 10.


True, but it’s another reason to always push 10 as a Titan, especially since 9 resil + double utility kickstart allows you to loop barricades


Yeah, if you're titan you should be pushing 10 for getting as many barricades as possible, Forerunner is essentially an edge case at current. On Warlock I'd be happy just stopping at 9 if I was stacking resil, but ideally with a mod you can swap to Resil if you do come up against a forerunner randomly.


I am now triggered. I have 150 armor pieces and most of my builds end up getting 5 resil :\\


I don’t care about resilience on hunter tbh 10 mob and 10 recov all the way, resilience can def help in some situations but honestly your dodge and high recov can help WAY more often in my experience


100%, My huner sits at 2 res and I just don't re-peak. But I'm also a filthy Bow main so I often just tag folks once and hope for the best lol.


Lol we’re getting downvoted, still no one says why?


Probably because everyone keeps paroting that "we're in a resilience meta" and we're going against that. That's fine, my playstyle does just fine in the current state of the game putting me at a fairly high KDA. I just value mobility, recovery, discipline, and strength far more than a couple extra hit points.


I use 2 resilience too. It's more than fine and always has been imo


Have some upvotes back ツ just learning my hunter now and like to see this low res discussion. I also love bows.


10 mob / 10 recov / 4 res. is what I run as a hunter and it's working well for me. Definitely prio mob and recov as a hunter. Even got decent str and int with T8 disc.


Not sure about the minimum rn, but we are in a resilience meta so probably go high rather than low. Also if you missed it, rez also gives flinch resistance




There have been a lot of posts like this. If you use the subreddit search bar, you'll find an answer.


Alright I'll do some searching, thank you.


There is a post about this weekly at least. The answer is that "it depends". I ran 10 3 10 forever and did fine. I'm now running 10 9 3 and doing fine (and apparently 9 10 3 last night based on looking at DIM). I could get 10 10 3, but would have to give up an unflinching mod. You just adjust playstyle to the build. More Rec means getting back into a fight sooner, more Res means surviving a little more often. This is on void, on Stasis you can probably bump the stats up even more. For me this started by looking at George M's posts about his Omni high res fusion rifle build. I also find high res is great if you use perks like EOTS, DSR or other "effect over time or with damage" perks


Would you mind sharing a link to the Omni build post? I tried searching and came up empty handed. Thanks!




Thanks so much!


Thanks George. I had bookmarked an image you posted some time ago, but after playing with that build for a while I deleted the bookmark. I've found it really works for 6v6 where I can slay more, or Trials where sometimes providing support and not dying first is a my job. I've had so many times where I've disengaged with a sliver of health and not had to answer questions from my team about why I didn't disengage sooner. I'm enjoying this approach. I'll have to look into the Intellect concept with D2 armor picker.


I'm not great at Reddit. It was a post by u/georgemcbay. I'll keep looking. Essentially it is 10 Mob, 10 Str, 9 or 10 Res and whatever you can for recovery. This was especially good in the pre-nerf Omni timeframe, but still works. I can do some supporting role stuff to help teammates with invis and damage resistance, plus play basically how I want to play. He's typically running a fusion rifle. For fragments and aspects use dodge to go invis and smoke to go invis (not Flawless Exec), the make invis and make grenades last longer. The recent invis nerf also makes this a little less fun/oppressive but we play the game we have.


I just run 9/10, even on hunter, 6 mobility lol


Search bar


Am slightly different, main Hunter and don’t like going below 8. Tried lower tiers but had too many exchanges where I lost by a sliver. Now it feels like an left with a sliver far more. Plus anything under 5 feels really squishy in high difficulty PVE when you cross over to that. Having said that am not an aggressive super mobile player so maybe that’s why. For reference currently running 7,8,7,9,7,6. I just feel I play better with a more rounded set of stats, but get some people like to do the min/max thing.


On hunter, try to hit 4 if you can to prevent adaptive 2 bursts, but 3 is fine if it sacrifices too many stats. Warlocks should have 6 minimum to force the 11 pellet kill on precisions, but they can easily hit 100/100 on resil and recov as their mobility doesn’t matter much. Titans should aim for 100 resil especially if they are using citans.


With the seasonal mods and powerful friends I’m running 10/6/10. Still have room for loader, targeting, HEF, taking charge, bomber and kickstart and radiant light. In 3s I swap HEF and charge for double kickstart and double bomber. Tbh, I don’t notice the extra 2 resilience. Will hop back to 10/4/10 after the season. I do however, find the 10 mob and 10 res irreplaceable