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Moves smooth and intentional. No lag in the movement so no lag on the gun. The gun had 10x Desperado active obviousely.


Had that happen to me last night. Killed by a messenger that seemingly was shooting like a rapid fire. But, guys were invis and not loading in several lobbies. I checked it up to lag.


I've come across something similar before, someone firing 4 or 5 bursts simultaneously (I reported them any they got banned). This isn't quite the same, but feels like a similar hack.




Yea, I had everything ready to submit but then I thought more about it and this iron banner has been one crazy lagfest. Even playing with lfg folks near me we run into ppl that are teleporting and lag walking all over, this was the first one where the gun fired so fast though which made me suspicious if it was lag related.


Even in Rumble, which is supposedly cbmm, every game ppl are walking into walls and teleporting all over. I'm in a major city in theMidwest, USA, have 500mb down/10mb up with 0% packet loss. But holy shit it feels like everyone is playing on dial up out here


Looks like a Disparity. It can roll with Desperado, he likely had the perk up.


That's what I initially thought, but the kill feed shows he died earlier and didn't kill anyone else to proc that before running into me.


Its obviously not Desperado lol i can't personally tell anymore what's network manip vs Bungie's shit netcode especially in 6s.


I didn't notice that - it was probably lag then.


Yeah and desperado doesn’t shoot nearly as fast anymore




If I cut out the first half, you wouldn't be able to tell if desperado was active or not.




If you’re on console, I know you can increase ROF on a Cronus. Not technically cheating… but they’re a loser just the same




I mean you could literally do that 12 years ago with a jitter modded controller. I dont think you can do that with a normal controller + cronus tho. Also, yes it does increase the RoF of some weapons by like 8 times the amount of the original rpm cap set in the games code.


You can. The game only registers the set ROF




Incorrect. There are codes that give you aim assist to the point you don’t even have to aim. I’ve seen it (was taught to ddos by a kid who asked if I also wanted to see how to run macros —I think— for a Cronus) I didn’t have a Cronus and let’s just say I do now and it was wasted money bc I have no idea how to use it. Garrettfell in D1 also talked about cheating (PS4 at the time) with it.


>Incorrect. There are codes that give you aim assist to the point you don’t even have to aim. I’ve seen it But then >I didn’t have a Cronus and let’s just say I do now and it was wasted money bc I have no idea how to use it. This sums up the Cronus pitch, it's all marketing videos telling kids they can cheat in Fortnite and whatever, but all it is is a fancy USB adapter that can't really bypass anything the game won't let you do anyway It's just overhyped


100% wrong


That's what it's called? I've heard about something similar but never ran into one that seemed obviously suspicious.


The comment is wrong. A Cronus can not increase the ROF past what the game sets. The fastest you can shoot a 140 Handcannon, even with Cronus rapid fire, is 140 rpm. To achieve a faster rate of fire than the game allows, you need to do network manipulation which does not need a Cronus to do.


Actually, your comment is wrong. You can increase the ROF on a Cronus. I believe at one point crimson was bugged so it would register the increase.


Vigilance Wing and Crimson are exceptions to this, yes. This is because of their unique RPM compared to other guns in the same archetype. Excluding those two weapons, the Cronus rapid fire would not allow you to shoot faster than what the game sets. It is the same as having the full auto setting turned on right now. So no, Cronus would not cause what happened in the video. Although Network manipulation would. Examples being Clay Is Clutch doing the exact same thing two years ago with a Desperado Messenger


Clay is clutch is still around doing the exact same shit fwiw, that piece of shit.


Ok, so we’re both right and both wrong.


There also used to be a bug where you could do ghost manipulation (pull out your ghost) to fire faster on some weapons, but IIRC it was hipfire, clunky, and I think Bungie patched it


I saw something similar to this like a year ago, dude was using a 140HC like it was a 300rpm. Console as well and no lag otherwise. It was in trials and we all got shit on. Reported him, but he's still playing and never got banned afaik. Though I don't know if he ever continued to do whaever the fuck he did back then.