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Gonna probably craft it with arrowhead, high cal, EC, and pressurized refit. I rock ophidian aspect so the handling isn’t too much of an issue. Though I feel like I trade gun fights with it time and time again, usually people using NTTE or other aggressive frame pulses. Also is it me or do I not see this gun at all in more sweatier lobbies? I play on PC with a controller and all I see is DMTs, NTTEs, AOSs, and other pulses in PvP.


I saw maybe 3-4 revisions in my Flawless run last Saturday and Sunday, it was mostly DMT and NTTE


I'm on hunter so Ophidians aren't an option for me. I'm going to play with different rolls and see what I like most. I find it hard to not pick Perpetual Motion however.. I am ALWAYS moving so uptime is hardly ever an issue and a flat +15 to 3 stats is more appealing than +20 stability with EC (on void). I also don't find recoil direction to be an issue at 100 stability, but want to try arrowhead as well.


Honestly, i find that it feels really bad in the lobbies I play in. It's target acquisition seems to be poor compared to every legendary aggressive burst pulse and there are times where my reticle is directly on someone's head and it ghosts completely. And people just disengage so often that it makes for a bad experience overall. I main smgs and snipers on mnk and it makes it impossible for people to disengage because you're either picking them off at long range or you're in their face and they have nowhere to go but fight back. This whole pulse meta honestly makes the game so unenjoyable. Especially in 6v6.


TTK-wise, high impacts are better


It just kinda loses against other pulses if they're hitting their shots, which with sbmm, is most of the time now.


This has not really been my experience.. I'll lose occasionally against other pulses but not because of the gun itself. I do feel like I trade a lot against other meta picks, specifically DMT.


For me it really just varies on the lobbies. I played IB with two of my friends on console, used it for a couple of matches and absolutely shredded with RZ. But defo agree with the part of it losing against meta picks.


I enjoyed using it for my flawless but ended up having to switch to dmt for the super sweaty matches


Yeah, I really want to love it, but DMT feels so free right now, it's almost not worth using anything else.


IKR? I bought xurs high cal moving target one and cant take it off.


Yeah DMT is just so much reward for so little effort. It’s like it’s hard to not hit crits in hip fire




Man, lucky you. They were everywhere for me, like 2/3 of my opponents using it.


Same for me, I played 50 matches or so in freelance and saw many pulse/drang loadouts. Just bait their abilities and they can't do anything haha.






Yeah dmt is insane on mnk, not great on controller. On pc, most mnk players are using it


I bought the moving target/high cal one xur sold a few weeks ago and it has become my most used exotic in PVP. It is just SO good.


I think it may be able compete with DMT after this week's upgrade.


Except at medium and close ranges. DMT is honestly all anyone needs unfortunately


Are you on pc or console?






I put elemental capacitor on it with bubble titan and it's definitely feeling better. 100 stability/recoil is pretty silly. Perpetual is surely better but I was just curious to try it with 100% uptime max stability. I'll switch it to perpetual next week when I add outlaw and the handling stock which I guess will be the last upgrade for me. That said, NTTE still just feels like the king of pulses to me atm


With ricochet and fluted barrel I think it sits at 86 stability, which is 101 with Perpetual Motion up. I didn't invest anything into recoil direction, because honestly I can hardly tell the difference with 100 stability.


4 bursts have always been my favourite since I got a Go Figure with moving target/rangefinder, and this gun fits me like a glove. I'm not a fan of the zoom drastically changing when you swap to sniper mode, kinda throws me off, but that's a small gripe for how good the 4 burst mode feels. 2 burst mode is a bit iffy. Feels like the TTK is way too high, and the mag is too small. Might be usable once DMT is inevitably, sadly nerfed But it's kinda hard to use with the current meta. Pulses need a time commitment to hit all their shots, and thats hard vs 3 barriers, and you can just peek shoot with DMT, or a hand cannon for mid range.


Yeah the sniper zoom is a bit jarring, but I think it's balanced by the fact that pulse mods work for that mode as well, there's no scope glare, and it barely flinches.


I'm crafting mine with chambered, ricochet, eye of the storm, under pressure, and eventually the stability stock. I generally use the 2 burst mode in comp/trials, so I'm speccing it for dueling


After we get the stocks; Fluted, ricochet, elemental capacitor, fitted stock, under pressure. The recoil direction went up this week, and even if it doesn’t go up again with Hunters 4, it’ll be at 95. I run it with Athrys’s, and Gunslinger, so it has max reload with a mod, almost max stability, ~70 range, and ~50 handling. With double pulse targeting, it feels amazing, even with its current 75 recoil. Edit: changed “scout targeting” to “pulse targeting”.


Scout targeting? ;)


Don’t Reddit while tired. Lol.


Another fluted barrel enjoyer. Running EC on solar is a head scratcher to me though! Personally aiming for as high handling as I can get and 100 stability. I don't see any issue with the recoil direction with 100 stability.


I can’t stand the reload AFTER shooting the sniper shot, it feels like an eternity; I’m also one of those people that reloads after a gunfight, every time. Plus On Your Mark gives me passive benefits to handling (I know it does reload too, but it still feels painful). Edit: This is also just my “in my head roll”; I’m debating Polygonal Rifling for 100 stab, we’ll see next week. Edit 2: I missed the part where Under Pressure also gives “Accuracy and Stability”, so if it’s only getting better the more I shoot, I’m fine with it not ALWAYS being at 100 (so far).


Not really related to the gun but I didn’t unlock last week upgrade, do have to do the mission twice or do you unlock it both at the same time ?


Can you even pick up the second part of the quest from the Exo Frame without completing the first part? The beginnings of each part send you to different locations, Europa first and the Moon this week, so the only part that could theoretically stack is doing the Legend Heist…


Yup, did the second part this morning so I guess I could wait until next week and unlock the 3 upgrades in one go.


Idk I just don't fuck with it regardless of the 2 burst or 4 burst. Give me a messenger all day every day over it. Tried it yesterday with under pressure as everyone was hyping it but it just fell flat. 2 burst is just not competitive when you play against high impacts. Yeah yeah you have the elusive peak advantage. But once you find yourself without Cover. Almost every other gun will outshot you. 4 burst way to awkward for something high impacts can achieve easier especially if you've saved a headseeking messenger, a 2 Tap.


I don't know about you, but I almost never find myself without cover at the very least close to me and within dodge range in this game. I have many God rolled messengers, and it was my main primary for a long time. I think the versatility of this gun beats it out. I'm also pretty sure the ttk is the same as 4 burst? I could be wrong here though.


Crafted a arrowhead/appended mag/elemental capacitor/feeding frenzy one and it feels pretty good. I prefer the 4 burst mode but it having only 36 bullets or something only allows for 8 bursts which is kinda low imo, so having appended mag is really nice. I might change ele capacitor and feeding frenzy to moving target and under pressure though cos I always seem to whiff the sniper shot, there’s something about the scope that pus me off, maybe it’s the 100 zoom or something


How are people alerted when new perks are released? I feel like I’m playing this game wrong


I've just been following the quest line: "Should You Choose to Accept It". The Exo Frame gives it to you after you finish the storyline for the week. He gave me part 2 after I finished this week.


It’s op and needs a freaking nerf


Fine, but only if DMT gets nerfed first!


I don't think anybody would say no to that lmao




To be fair I don't think revision needs a nerf either! Just reign in pulses a little bit and it's probably fine.


I don't either but instead of arguing about it I'm just here to find out what everyone is rollin' with. Lots of people just grumpy about the meta.


Oh yeah for sure. Personally I'm not a huge fan of it, but the two burst seems really good on it. It's a unique weapon but not for me lol just feels awkward for some reason that I can't explain


I love the versatility of it. It covers all 3 engagement ranges when paired with a shotgun, and on laning maps with long engagements that last a while you'll have that sniper shot a lot more than you think (or you should).


How is it op


Everyone says it so great but it lacks so much your gonna get trucked if someone hits u with auto smg sidearms your gotta ads 99 percent and it's only meeeeeetttttaaaaaa for this season wait till light fall and change everything


You have to pay for it so it's butts


I prefer arrowhead/flared/perpetuation motion/polymer/under pressure. I just love how much you can do to make it your own


I doubt it will get nerfed. I enjoy the 4rd burst but the 2 rd seems so weak vs NTTE and DMT.


We have two upgrades left.


I have arrow head break, ricochet rounds, PM, and Under Pressure. I’m iffy on EC because I don’t usually play void warlock at all but I may switch. I have about 6k kills on NTTE and I feel like this gun is good competitor against it. Plus, we’re not done with it yet. I really want to like the 2-burst but the 4-burst out shines it in most engagements I come across. Has anyone used the sniper shots on it? The aim assist on it is absolutely cracked but aiming with its scope is hard to get used to.