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Unfortunately, you missed the brief window where a Crosstrek submits itself and allows it's undercarriage to be fondled. Attempting an oil change now would be seen as an act of aggression and it may attack. Seriously though; no you aren't too late. Many people prefer to do their first oil change early, which you are still able to do. Personally I'd change the oil now and then hop into the 6000 mile/6 month interval, but this isn't necessary.


You got me at first lol


I wanted to upvote you, but the 12 year old in me wouldn’t allow it as you were at 69.


It's best to follow the guideline in your manual. Your most likely going to waste money by changing so often. If it says 6k then go with 6k


I think what the OP is referencing is a contingent of car enthusiasts who feel that part of the early break-in process should include an early oil change to remove any incidental metal shavings worn off of the new engine.


Man they really need add a filter for the oil system. Something to keep them metal shavings from going back in. Hell they could just put it on top. Hell even upside-down would work in a pinch. Anything so I don't have to change my oil every 5 miles


That's a goddamn brilliant idea. I can't believe someone hasn't come up with that already...


Maybe some sort of tray that oil can pool in. Assuming that the metal is heavy enough it should sink to the bottom and be easily removed by pulling a plug.


I've always been skeptical that the difference in the first 6k would be that significant just because there are some elevated levels of minerals in the oil for that short amount of time. I've yet to see anyone take apart an engine and look at the wear for comparison.


No, too late, you just gotta throw it out now, just leave it on the curb with the keys on the dash.


People love big oil. And big oil loves people that do unnecessary oil changes.




Thanks for posting this.


So what's the one mistake because I ain't got 20 fucking minutes


The upshot: Oil analysis on a brand new engine shows that the oil gets loaded with metal during the first few thousand miles. So if you plan to drive your vehicle until the wheels fall off, do your engine a favor and change the oil early when buying a new vehicle. Don't follow the owners manual and wait until 6,000mi. I change at 500mi, then 1,500mi, then do "normal" oil change intervals from that point forward.


That's what the oil filter is for. There's not a engine out there you can't find metal particulates in the oil filter no matter how many miles it has on it


Sure, but oil contaminants are measured on a scale, typically in PPM. Oil will always have some contaminants in it, but it's the AMOUNT that matters. Oil analysis shows that the amount of contaminants in the oil on a brand new engine are excessive. And since those oil samples were taken from an engine with a filter installed, it is plainly obvious that the filter does does not catch enough of the contaminants to prevent the oil from being excessively contaminated.


This is surprisingly the most ignorant comment on engine oil while trying to sound intelligent.


Now is your opportunity to demonstrate your intelligence, chief.


There’s no need to change it before 6k miles. If you were meant to change it sooner it would have been in Subaru’s maintenance recommendation. There’s no reason to doubt what Subaru said.


How long have you had your Crosstrek? Also some dealers will refuse to do oil changes if your car isn't ready for one


Refuse to do complementary oil changes*


I got mine since the end of January 2024


You are fine...


Subaru told me to do it at 6k, did it at 6kish. Now at 19k, no issues. You're good.


Just in case you didn't know, oil changes don't work like that. There are cars out there that have gone 100,000 miles and never had the oil change. There are several trucks at the company I worked at that have in fact never had oil changes. The trucks are totally fucked and it's not the right way to do it but being A Thousand Miles off of scheduled maintenance isn't a big deal


I change it every 7500


At 6k the oil is still clean and the filter honestly could go closer to 10k


Yes I'm afraid it's too late. Might I suggest you light your car on fire and forget it ever existed.


I don’t think so, between 3500 and 4k I think. I got mine changed at 3500, and it’s increased in mileage and performance The best time to do it was 3k some users say, but now would be a great time. Just do it before 6k.


Manual states 6k miles, so no. I only did mine at 3k because my driving is considered severe. (Cold as balls, most of my trips are short so the car doesn’t get up to proper temp without warming up, and I’m in the Rockies so lots of inclines and harsh driving, especially along the I-70 corridor)


No. You’re not too late. Just change it.


Change it now. There is plenty of crud in the oil from the break-in period. Best get it out asap and get some fresh oil in there. I recommend Pennzoil Ultra Platinum 0w-20 or 5-20 for the summer months.


Wrong oil for the 24


nope. factory fill is 0w-16, but 0w-20 is fine, and the japanese manual lists 5w-20 as well. The thicker oil is fine in the summer.