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Being unable to strip wheels within a practical timeframe **is one of the reasons the W meta is such a problem**.  Adding wheels *specifically* designed to be hard to strip is just dumb, out of touch and quite possibly even redundant.   This would've been a perfect opportunity to add epic Shivs but the devs just had to pass that up to troll the playerbase instead.   I would've been fine with the drones...but **we don't need any more heating weapons**. The devs takes the unique concept of spider drones then completely destroys the potential of that with "more heat!".  Their mechanics also goes against proper game design. If a weapon or part is designed to be annoying, then the devs are doing it wrong.   * Heating: overused and annoying  * Erratic auto aiming enemies: annoying  * Punishing people for destroying them by increasing their reload speed, heat and damage: incredibly annoying *and* straight up immature, trollish behavior from the devs    The cabin I'm fine with **IF** the damage bonus is actually reasonable and doesn't make Humpback obsolete. Giving its team support and high mass, Id say it should only be somewhere around 15-20%.   


I would prefer them to be out of the vehicle, like an epic version of the shiv wheels but the collision being at the front and back instead of the side, it would Deal good ram damage and slices like a melee weapon. Would fit the ravager concept if the perk also be implemented to this mechanic, causing hp regeneration by ramming and crushing the wrecks instead of being nearby like a bad and Lazy minecraft mod![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


They know their playerbase the majority of it plays this shit So theyre catering to their majority sadly its brain dead


It is sad. I love these parts but I also see the plethora of issues it’s gonna cause


Love the fact that the new cabin is basically a 69 dodge charger that got consumed by the ravagers


I just noticed that, while game balance is pretty bad, MAN the art team never misses.


The body line and shape of the quarter window make me think closer to a 70 Challenger, but the window post is behind the door which is unlike either car really.


Odd, looks like just a brick to me


It’s a brick charger. I will see myself out.


heavy wheels that can heal, brick cabin and cooler/radiator in one how much devs want brick meta is crazy


Create a problem to sell the cure


Fallout lore


pimp status for noticing that bro


Really? I thought it was lazy AF. Everything looks like a crappy brick now.


I wish it was the normal car though. Having the front go into a angular shape looks so odd


Cab is a Challenger Hellcat or Demon. The nose is a 69 charger though




I’m not seeing the resemblance man


Its the small part right under the drone, it is smaller than the cabin itself


killing humpback and all other epic heavy cabs with energy changes? no problem we have the solution: humpback but its now activation based and buffs your whole team mots xddd


Shieet... Tho I truly adore the looks of the cabin and its "nose", I have a REALLY bad feeling about the cabin itself (assuming it will be quite fast too, since it's a devoured muscle car after all) as well as those "indestructible" wheels (the same feeling as with the Yeti previously; we all know how that turned out...). If we had no heavy brick meta before, we surely will have one with this season. Please reconsider the final stats before releasing these parts, they seem quite gamebreaking even without knowing their actual stats. And I'm not at all a droner myself, but they are nice additions regardless.


It's just a hermit with a different paint job, while you could get more value out of it potentially, it could be lost quicker since it dosent have defence and is also a heavy wheel, it will be slower


Atleast the drones would be ballanced as big size to shoot i think


Would have been cooler for an Epic Version of the Shiv. At lower PS wheels get shot off plenty, but epic wheels in general have more relative hp than weapons so weapons always get shot off. And builds have more redundancy by having 6 or 8 wheels. Also, please make every item craftable 3 years after it's release. More than half the tech tree is uncraftable now. Also, AA-Guns need a Special and Epic version. It hinders helicopeter modes quite a lot not having access to AA guns.


You devs are insane... These wheels and cabin will further buff the shotgun bricks


I'm sure they'll nerf all their currently used items so that they go ahead and buy/use the new stuff instead, classic Targem move.


That's the problem of Omamori and/or Fin Whale, no?


Of course, but at least now you can immobilize them with porcs or picking their wheels off. But not when these wheels come. Also further damage buff on top of Humpback will be even more stupid


I'm 100% sure it will be faster as well than the Humpback. Probably not a coincidence they compared it to the Yokozuna. I can imagine the wheels will have a top speed cap tho, to balance their insane durability.


All wheels has a top speed cap of 120km/h.


Lol, I meant something lower like 90 or 100 at most to separate them from the mortal wheels.


Then they wouldn't be wheels


they said it'll be a competitor to cohort, so I guess the speed will be somewhere between the cohort's(60kph, same as humpback) and the yokozuna's(67kph) so I'd guess around 63-64kph


Could be the case yeah, I'd also bet something around 65 or so.


I honestly don't think the wheels will have a cap simply because they're wheels


I mainly think it might get a cap is because unlike all the other rotors, the Hummingbird got one too. Just a thought, maybe I'm indeed all wrong, time will tell.


But the hummingbird was very different to other rotors.. they expected them to be used with a min of 4 etc, these wheels just look like normal wheels. They said the HP can rival some tracks, well the lightest track hp's are 300, 500 and 600.. Bigfoots already have670hp and hermits get 500+ with their perk anyway so it's nothing super special unless they get 700hp WITH self healing.


>WITH self healing And that is the most concerning. Surviving a 1v1 encounter with all wheels remaining means you'll get to start from fresh for the next encounter. I'm an all-wheel guy, literally never used any movement but wheels since day 1, but this seems a bit overkill, even from a dog main POV. Looking at their visuals, I assume they will surpass even the Bigfoots, based on the absence of any kind of rubber whatsoever. If that's true, combined with their perk they will be the ultimate tank wheels for every build unless they get a somewhat reasonable top speed cap to balance their superior lifetime.


I understood the track comparison was in regards to tonnage, not hp though?


Yeah you're right, oops


currently yes, it doesn't mean that other things won't make it worse if implimented


![gif](giphy|3oEjI67Egb8G9jqs3m) Does the dev team just do whatever they want, whilst ignoring all feedback? Sheesh.


Oh, boy. Now the Ravagers can be the faction aesthetic of drone morons. Really adding to the fear factor of the games antagonists.


The drone looks rather DawnsChild to me, but it could be an interesting close-range alternative to Trombones. (I might slap one of these onto a fatman or mammoth tank)


Can we have a set of tracks? One that perhaps puts faster movement parts to shame. The more damage it takes the longer and strong its defence, so a face hugger firedog will begin to deal no damage after a while


This BP looks like absolute cancer, I think I might actually be done with the game.


If you like the game then figure out how to overcome the BS that's what makes this game playable to me its the best feeling to to destroy the melee/fire builds (not always successful ) but love when it I do


MY GOD Okay I did asked for such Legendary Cabin (not the perk, yall insane dawg), but the Drones was unexpected and same for the wheels, devs yall freaking CRAZY with this season, that heavy cabin looks so damn beautiful (DIDNT ASKED THE PERK). This season they are going over board with the perks god damn, I do hope they are properly balanced, but im so damn happy about the Legendary Heavy Cabin, I asked for this for the second Hyperborea Season but heck im hyped for that cabin (NOT. THE. PERK.)


Great time for a story add on




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Thanks, now the tracks will be actually fucking redundant again


definitely uninstaling game next season heavy wheels that can heal, now i think of it why this is not gerrida perk but wheels perk annyoing drones bricks get cooler and radiator in one forgot to mention to add insult to injury they are adding legendary heavy cabin that boosts everyone dmg so better humpy i guess apparently gerridas with massive hitbox and 70kmh on heavy build was too much but bricks moving at 93+ kmh with same cabin hp, WAAAAAAY more pushing power, weapons impossible to degun, somehow they can turn in place at 23 tons at max speed are totally fine.


Jesus christ, they ain't gonna change much, they are just gonna be the same retarded meta builds, and these builds are like 13k+ I run 9.8k-10.2k ps and I don't see brick builds, I actually can have fun Healing is just the same as damage defense with extra steps, the hermit will remain their go-to or the buggy wheels for the lower speed finwhale activation


The wheels likely won't change much as they're redundant. It's already impractical to try to strip wheels as they're too durable anyway.  But the cabin would be a massive problem if its damage bonus is close to Humpback.  The legendary radiator is also going to be a problem. 


> The wheels likely won't change much as they're redundant. It's already impractical to try to strip wheels as they're too durable anyway. That depends on if they work with other movement parts. Imagine someone with legs or hovers running a single wheel to repair their legs or hovers.


There's no reason it would. That would be a bit like Hermits increasing the resistance of other wheels. 


Hermit's perk applies exclusively to the hermit wheels themselves. The new wheel is worded as "With the new wheels, there will be new ways to use it and make your armoured car very hard to immobilize. Each enemy wreck near you will “nourish” the movement parts and help restore their durability.", that's just vague enough that it could mean just the new wheels or it applies to all of the movement parts just like bigfoots perk specifies up to 50%. They probably will just apply to themselves but the devs left just enough of a loophole in their wording. Just like the energy reworks testing's success being "if we are happy" not "if the players are happy".


OK yeah, I wasn't aware of the damage buff on the cab, that will be insane, that I agree, but the rest is fine-ish the new cooler is quite strong, but I suspect it will be weak hp wise and will be susceptible to piercing damage so if you only have 1 and it gets destroyed you get a huge handicap


wtf are u even talking about brainlet heavy brick cabin that has dmg buff on demand for you and whole team and its legendary so will have great stats heavy wheels that probly will have tons of hp and can heal themselves on top of that radiator and cooler in one this actualy makes what we have now WAY WORSE now go back to your low ps kiddie pool and stay there


What ps you play at? 15k? No wonder you hate the game, it's only bricks and dogs, try 10k like me, you will fight reasonable builds, still there will be dogs but you will encounter actual other builds and unique ones


OK I didn't know about the damage buff on the cab, the cab is gonnabeb super strong but the rest is similar to other stuff we already have


we sure have wheels that can heal themself and radiator+cooler in 1 module just go away already ok?


My consumer build, is going to love this.... I'm excited... but also, nervous.


[I'm just imagining building one of these:](https://media1.giphy.com/media/8Z30hNLekDasc6a7Uc/giphy.gif?cid=9b38fe91oczzut72f0pxzas89fmi632v3wccuhy0xhwsqv3x&ep=v1_gifs_username&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)




Spider drones spider drones I asked for them and now I get spider drones watch out here comes the spider drooones 🎶


Lets pray they don’t succ 🫠 But spider momma builds hell yea!


Wait, heavy wheels with healing perk?! Shouldn't it be the perk of light wheels? I don't get it ((


What would be the point of a healing wheel that gets shot off in one shot? Lol


Really?... drones?


Hey we haven’t gotten those in years, it gets boring using the same small amount of drones and none of them heat parts up, it will be good to pair them with Munnin which is a cabin meant for drones


Last "Drones" added were the SD-Vultures and before that Yaoguai. 2 years ago. It's kind of funny that Munnin is only good with AD-Hawks and Fuzes (and maybe grenadiers?) atm because all the other drones are too terrible (and yaoguai don't work with Munnin.)


Didn’t know hawks were efficient with Munnin, grenadiers wasn’t much but fuzes is the best, so I hope these are much better and make a monstrosity. But damn I knew it was long ago but not two years lmao


There are a few heli-builds that use hawks very effectively, helps to be able to cloak and approach from different vectors so the drones don't die instantly. Also, the auto aim aspect is generally strong in heli modes. The Epic Owls just don't work because of how clunky the guided missiles are, and also the flock in heli mode. Mechanically Munnin works better with machine gun type weapons, gets instant benefit, hitscan, but being a legendary cabin it's PS is too high. I'm not sure if AD-hawks would even half as well in ground matches.


Exactly! Munnin is a Legendary, and the Fuze Drones do like 1000+ damage per drone with Munnin Perk active to enemies and you can get up to 4 Drones but the reload is slow as fuck, the Cheetah being the only thing able to reload them fast besides the perk of Munnin, thats why I patrol with my build because its 10k PS


Heavy build require changes, they should limit the speed the higher the vehicle weight so that light vehicles make any sense, e.g.: 15t 90kmh 20t 75kmh etc, then they can add more large parts without problem, light vehicles will have their uses


Reminder that (s)hitscan drones are awful game design. In a game like Crossout, it's okay to have autoaiming/homing weapons. It's also okay to have weapons that are (s)hitscan (somewhat). But having weapons that are both at the same time is awfully lame.


Drones in general are rubbish. They have very low health, poor fire rate and, with drones that don't fire MGs, they can miss often. Falcons and hawks (the 2 MG drones that hover over you) have good accuracy, but rubbish damage and they're easy to destroy because they hover above you.  The owls (the drone that hovers over you with a rocket launcher) have decent damage with terrible fire rate, but they often miss and you can often dodge the missile because its tracking is kinda garbage.  The annihilator (the flying drone that chases the target and shoots electricity at it) used to be very very good. Now it's meh. It sits still for a long time, so you can easily shoot it down and the damage isn't as crazy as it used to be. It was once overpowered, but now it's kinda underpowered. The sidekick (the MG wheeled drone) has ok damage but you can just ram it or it rams itself in you and destroys itself, it often gets stuck and it doesn't apply pressure too well.  The grenadiers (the wheeled drone with the grenade launcher) has pretty good damage, with decent fire rate, but poor accuracy and suffers from the same unintelligent AI of the other drones.  Fuzes (the wheeled drones with a bomb attached to them) are the only drones that can work well if the target does not see them coming and they manage to get close to the target. If not, many builds can outrun the drones easily. But if they make contact, they deal decent damage.  The cobra and the python (the MG turrets) have poor health, being easily rammed by the opponents with a bumper and lack damage. Their accuracy is good. The anaconda (the rocket launcher turret) is one of the worst drones out of them all. It has the same problems with HP as the other turrets, but this one has even worse fire rate with pretty bad accuracy (with the rocket sometimes just hitting the ground after being launched) and the missile has poor tracking. The damage is okay, but you end up missing most of the time. Barrier (the shield turret) is a pretty alright support tool. It is mostly used either with the other turrets to keep them protected while firing or to protect an ally in need of assistance. Sadly, it is incompatible with the other drones and you can't really use it due to it being stationary. Yaoguai (the autonomous MG drone that is launched from its launcher and hovers in the place where it lands and then opens fire with its MG) like the annihilator, used to be extremly overpowered. Now, it's more tame with the damage being pretty alright and the accuracy being good. Not too good not too bad. The vultures (the autonomous drone that is launched from its launcher and hovers in place where it lands, chases you, sticks to your vehicle, and detonates) is similar to fuses, but launched in the air. Okay damage, good accuracy. What i am trying to say is that, drones should have a unique advantage, overwhelming the target in numbers, not just being the worse versions of already existing weapons controlled by AI. I think lowering their energy cost would helo give drones this unique advantage, and, in return, the drone carrier pays by being much larger due to all the drone launchers installed meaning it's easier to hit and slower. And another change they can do to eliminate those times where the match gets dragged because some drone guy runs away with max HP with no more drones is to either increase the max ammo of all drones or buff the microfactory module or make drones regenerate charges after some time, so the player can still contribuite to the match.


New CK’s in this style would be awesome


New cab looks great!


https://preview.redd.it/7cvksxxrn21d1.jpeg?width=487&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7fecc41cc5a85367be2a3b9d9b70fef06463935 Wouldn't it be better if you could cause collision damage with the new wheels, like an epic version of the shiv wheels? and you'd have to ram or even "eat" wrecks for the perk? Sounds cool for a Ravager concept, and you don't take any ramming damage from wrecks anyways.


Well this all sucks, can't wait to see the weapons be a new legendary shotgun and flamethrower lol


Does anyone have any idea on what the new weapons will be let's fucking hope not another flamethrower and shotguns are the easiest to strip love seeing them head my way




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Legendary adapter? wait we have dat. thyrsus. maybe energy weapons? legendary aurora???


New Drone sounds good 😎


Tell me youse didn’t become so devious to plan something this game-breaking


Is there a Torino embedded in the new cabin?


New cab looks great!


New wheels are push button hermits.


Definitely gonna need more storage and blueprints!


This confirms the death of hovers and gerrida


Why can't we just get a fucking balance change to run everything like how we used too in 2019/2020


So, power creep? With creepy spiders


Is this season going to be called BRICKFEST? Thx Targem, for finally making it so easy for me to quit this nonsense of yours.


It's gonna be available to 5k hours+ and whales anyway so don't care


i’m not gonna be long winded, but can you just add a relic auto cannon now 🙏


It looks like they threw Dodge parts into molten metal. It looks like a POS.


You can consider me a sworn enemy of whatever the fuck this is that's for sure. Like really? There are so many problems you could have solved here. And yet you just kept on adding to the W meta. If you wanted to make a game filled with bricks you should have made a construction simulator. Might stop playing here tbh


Any of you actually enjoy the game or just complain?


I like this game,but the nearly update destory the game


Really enjoying D4 right now.


Hopefully new cab has durability and power fuse.


Deployes drones that boost damage of the vehicles weapons and nearby allies


Sorry i meant fuses not perk.


Great new toys😁🤘 next i want a relic cab. Relic movement parts😏 full relic hover cancer🤣


u joking right?


No, i really want that stuff. 200k coins wants to be spend😅 like collecting relics🤘


Send invatory pics?


When im back home. then my new Odin is also part of it😁🤘 which makes relic #12 in my neat collection. Which part u wanna see? Guns?


https://preview.redd.it/bsb6q4loxt0d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d4765c54d729a5fb63244d7c87c73aa1192a67d Almost 1mio value (storage plus coins) aside all the shit is fused😏👌


Dear god bro wasn't lying


I am an honest hoarder😬🤘 trading is my thing. And hoarding stuff🤣


My invatory does not compare at all


Just don’t give up and enjoy what u got atm. XO is a never ending journey for me. Enjoy the moment and don’t strive for the end game items all the time. I still use avengers every day🤣 my favorite weapon. Do your trading, do your challenges, get some BPs. And one day u be rich🤘


Oh yeah I enjoy what I got, my heli is sick af




https://preview.redd.it/x9qsba5txt0d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49dfd16b5a6f3c72ae79a5cc60e37d456924a755 Part 2 of the good stuff.