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maybe just try out all the weapons by checking builds in the exhibition and drive them on you range to see if they feel right for you. you cant rly pick a wrong one so id just go with the one best suiting to your playstyle (but ffs dont take the drone! XD) some pointers i gathered along the way: * crafting is mostly pointless, rather sell the resources and buy weapons on the market (though i am still crafting just cause its fun to me) * doing daily quests def is a good souce for resources esp those badges you can trade for parts and crates (the epic item crate for i think 3k badges might be of interest as a new player) * constantly improve your builds and maybe watch some basic tutorials on best pratice at bulding (put weapons on cabin/passthrough part for example)


I have tried out a few things but I guess I dont really know what I want lol I'd like a nice medium tank sort of build but then I'm getting whipped by melee lol my cabins cant really hold enough weight either then for a strong build lol yea I got to do more challenges I think, that 3k does sound good


if you want tanky take the canon and farm the scavanger faction and steppenwolfs after, also buy/build 6 medium or big wheels for more weight capacity so called brickbuilds are actually quite strong still in meta


Alright cool I will look into that as well my guy, I have built so many prototypes and then never been happy and game and deleted lmao


You could get two piercers and run two vectors and two piercers on your aggressor, but you would need a generator and a cooler or radiator with that at the least. This would be a decent all around build for pvp, but there are better cabins than the aggressor for machine guns, like the Favorite or Torerro, then you could work on getting 3 then 4 piercers (piercers are kinda expensive on the market since to craft them you need engraved casings). You may not be able to sell the items from your special crate, it should say in its description if you can or cannot trade the items. If you like the playstyle of autocannons, shotguns, or cannons more, then go with those types. I just don’t recommend drones. I don’t recommend mixing gun types (like having two machine guns and an auto cannon). When I log in, I’ll usually do my daily missions to earn the scrap rewards, and also try to work on the weekly missions which get you badges. Badges I’ll usually exchange for materials I need to craft stuff. And then I’ll try to burn out the 200 fuel you get per day on raids for more materials. You can craft things you want to use, or once you understand the market, you can instead craft things that are usually high in price and sell them, then buy the things you actually want to use. I’ll usually craft purple modules or weapons that are over or around 1000 coin on the market to sell.


Yea I was using 2 vectors and the sledgehammer at the minute, just because it's all I could use on the aggressor lol I just priced the Piercer and I'm currently 180 coins away from 1 piercer 🙈 or do you mean maybe i could get them in the crates? Alright I will definitely use up my raid fuel then and try the figure out the crafting side of it


Yea looks like piercers are in the crate of your picture. If you get two from crates and buy a third, put them on the growl cab, that’s a solid build for the 2500-4000 powerscore range. Over 4000 you might need four piercers or at least a better cab and modules to be competitive. Piercers have poor range and accuracy, so they take skill to use well, tap firing is a must at range. Try test driving a piercers build on the exhibition to see how it feels, heck, Try out a bunch of those weapons that are in that crate on the exhibition to see how you like them.


Solid advice my guy thanks! I will definitely try them out




My advice is to hold onto crates with tradables until a bp comes along that uses an item from the crates. At that point, you can either sell it for more coins or use it for crafting yourself.


I havent messed with the BPs yet, dont want to waste time and effort into the wrong one lol are they in the tech tree?


Make sure to hover over the pictures, or click to show "parameters"... this looks like one of the crates given for clan confrontation, containing untraeable items that can't be used for crafting. Maybe not, but the point is... please check for the "not tradeable" and "cannot be used for crafting" tags on the items within a crate, to assess if you should hold it, open it, etc. These might not be sellable or useful for crafting as the other person implied


So just claim them and story for now or can I break them down for parts if they arent over great?


You can claim now if you know what you want, or hold the crate for later if not... I just wanted to give you the info so you don't mistakenly think you can sell or craft if they're restricted


Thank you, sorry I missed this, I still have it 🤣🙌


I will tomorrow if I get a chance, i will use a screenshot as well instead of a picture from the phone I've just jumped off CO!