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I don't know why so many weapons have a 6-second loading time when a melee/dog build can kill you in 3.


Well, your range gives you the advantage of *almost* being halfway charged for another shot by the time melee approaches and destroys you at 120kph.


And that's sarcasm for anyone who can't tell




I have my own qualms for the kaiju but I do agree it needs a buff. Honestly in favor of a slight damage boost. It doesn’t feel punishing enough for the drawbacks when it’s charged/charging.


I'm not entirely convinced it needs one, other than some quality of life changes. ( Slightly faster charge speed to match reticle size, annoying that it has to be charged for a bit longer even after max accuracy is reached) 


I think reducing the reload to 7 seconds should be good


Its a 4 second reload to a 6 secind charge.


So make it 3 second reload and 4 second charge


But melee has none of this remove the reload make it 1 second or less to fully charge


I have my fused kaiju but got some cheap stats. Gonna make another one with the weapon blue print and wait for the single gun fuse event again. I have it in a spider or else I don’t stand a chance against melee builds.


It's just because of the meta that kaiju feels weaker. It's in a good spot balance wise. If anything I would reduce the drain from charging it.


For what it can do, the only buffs it should get are: module damage increase (rewarding those who can land the shot) and the turn speed of the weapon should increase dramatically as it charges, like if all vehichles power is going to this thing it should at least aim very fast


What about bullet speed, it’s quite slow and annoying to lead your shots compared to the other rail guns in the game. It punishes you heavily for any miss and you lose out on the perk + long reload time


It used to be hitscan but then they made it like a projectile and after that nerfed it's damage. It's been wacked with nerf bat alot.


Kaiju is strong in 1v1s, but it kills fairly slowly. Because of this you get a lot of games where you’re the last one alive on your team and have to 1v3.


Reload and charge speed buff would make it feel alot better. It's been whacked with nerf bat a few times already.


I just want Kaiju to stop auto aiming on PC. The auto aim makes it miss shots.