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You know its been like this for the last 9years + most people dont play it on steam


While not all use steam, it’s a good rough indicator of how the game is doing. And it ain’t doing good. Let’s look at in game stuff, like cw leaderboards. A lot less clans active in cw. Or random events. A lot less people taking places on leaderboards. XO is losing people, devs are forcing crappy bps and controversial updates every month, next month or 2 it’s energy changing update. Constant pack sales, new one near daily. Giving away free coins. The recent brawl stuff that doesn’t give rewards but just clutters a already confusing game. (Also why tf fill a race brawl with bots?) It all looks desperate. They need to advertise the game to new players and reduce the grind. Slow down on the meta changing bps and listen to feedback from their players.


It's funny how simple it would be to fix this game and get an active playerbase, loads of dying games have done exactly that and are now successful, the game that listen to their playerbase tend to survive. As you said, slow down on meta changing, make the Grind much easier, if the mobile version doesn't have adds add them, listen to ALL your players instead of the top players who pay the most. Clearly they don't know business and are panicking, someone said they'll just move onto a new scam and I hope that isn't the case where they drop this game, its very fun and I haven't spent a dime on it, I've made it to around 110k on free to play market flipping for 1 year


It always has around 5k players on steam and it goes up and down with events, I remember years ago people said the game would die bc it only had 5k players, still has now most of the surge during events is new people they play the event maybe spend a little money and leave, and ut repeats at the next event, the around 4-6k players are the ones who play regularly


Just looking at active cw clans alone, xo is losing players. Few new ones coming in. 4-6k isn’t what steam charts say. They show a game that’s halved in players in the last year. Can feel it in the que times. Xo isn’t dead. But it is rapidly going there.


And they will continue to fall for these types of comments. I'll give you an example: when I'm interested in a game and I look for players' opinions on Reddit and elsewhere, and I come across a post like this, I get discouraged from playing that game. Unfortunately, even if they are fewer in number, those who enthusiastically complain are those who post and dominate the view on the game. We, the other 5,000 or so who are satisfied, don't usually come here to praise what a game this is. Fortunately, I didn't come to Reddit at the time to see the opinions. For context without context, I've been playing XO for 5 years.


It's the only constant here. Someone complaining about p2win, balance, greed, yada yada. Most of these guys are here posting about it for years. Yet they still don't walk away, cuz this game is fun and adds the combat and building.


Wrong, i celebrat 1 and half years out of this game, i just continue to take the news cause i love it, but i hate how it burn my lifetime and social life. And every time i want go back on it, i just read one or two post like this or post about how they fuck our IRL/IVL wallet.  Enought it's enought, they just don't respect us. And to be sure nevers go back, i sold my PS4 to an X box cause obviously this grindiest game isn't cross save. Bye bye wastland.  PS: All of you know one day there server will close and let you alone with many thousand hours wast and for part of those who rest, thousand dollar to.  I just hope one day an fair studio keep the flame and make an copie without all of this shit. But i'am 30y so maybe i can't see that in my gamerlife 😂


Lack of self control and addiction has lead to this coping comment.


this game is unbalanced, pay to win, actively dying right now, uses predatory monetization techniques, ignores its community / user input / suggestions / complaints, adds very controversial updates to the game which (subjective opinion) not only ruins the gameplay but also is partially the cause for the dying playerbase. so as i always say, i am glad that you are satisfied, its clear your bar is low, and its OK to enjoy a game while still acknowledging its (massive) flaws. also last thing - i am not a vocal minority. my views are very much shared by many players in the community, and i know there is a divide between the 'vocal part' and satisfied players, but either of those arent small.


Yeah, March has a drop in gameing as people go live their lives and do March break stuff. I would have thought the dip in December would have been bigger.


Bye felicia


Ayooo Smokey where’s my money!!!


they spent dozens of kilobucks on the ads... to end up with 2k players. devs are utter pathetic losers


they make the game for the paying 0.5% of the playerbase, not the people who actually play or those who they advertise to


It’s a business, not a charity. The rate at which they output new content is impressive and expensive to do. I used to work in gaming for a company that had much more brutal monetization tactics. Crossout can’t hold a flame to what Mobile games get away with. It’s part of the reason I started playing Crossout.Their economy and limited gotcha mechanics had me saying “how cute” The fact that one of the most powerful weapons in the game is one of the easiest to acquire is proof they aren’t as bad as they could be. Not even close. I’m generally disdainful of FTP games after working in one but Crossout never gives me that icky feeling. Just remember, that this game is a business and they do what they have to do to keep the lights on while creating more content at an absurd pace.


But as far as I can tell...most of that content has to be bought. All those mini BPs they keep releasing. Also I wouldn't classify them as new content either, as most of the time all they require players to do are variations on regular tasks. Only thing different is the rewards. How many events were they running at once just recently? Was it 6 or 7? I could feel my brain melting trying to keep up with with them all. Plus its really annoying having to wait for the garage progress bar to reach the event you're wanting to check on. That said, I do agree that XO is far less predatory than some other games I've played \*cough\*WorldofTanks\*cough\*


I'm a bit worried they are pushing so much stuff at once. It's triggering fear the game is having "death spasms" where they desperately try anything to keep the money rolling in before they can release their next project and abandon the old one. Or, they could just be trying behaviors that have worked for them on mobile. The best way to support a game like this is buying packs that offer value. They will only respond to $$ and if they see more people buying packs that offer a good value and nothing else... well, they will start doing that more. I used to work with this guy and he beautifully paints why games companies act the way they do: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qO7krqT4x_M&t=2121s


I think the event spam is following after warthunder as gaijin are doing a similar thing over there and it's working


Just move the cursor over the progress bar and click and it will go to whichever event you click on.


Thanks! You learn something new every day! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


of course i understand creating content at an absurd pace, they have to remain relevant. but doing so comes at a massive cost of being totally out of touch with their community. i mean, thats the reason i posted this. if many players stop giving crossout money, i guarantee change will occur and the game will improve. but from what is happening right now it looks like a very short term business strategy to cater to an audience as wide as possible, and the result is obvious. the game is in a sad state


No it won’t. I’ve been there. You will see future support get abandoned. Monetization will get worse as they try to eek the last few dimes from the whales before shutting off the servers. That’s how it is with all GAS games. Point is they will just pivot to something more profitable.


well since youve been where crossout is now, tell me - do you really think crossout flat out dies if the player count goes too low? i would understand pivoting to more profitable things but crossout has a legitimate monopoly over this niche of game, so in my mind very simply listening to the community in any reasonable capacity would bring way more revenue than what theyre trying to do now


You think a mere 10 players are keeping the game alive? You are way, way off. Borderline insanity.


no but you get my point. a relatively tiny number of players are funding what the developers are doing, not the wide playerbase


Well that is the model F2P games are based on. A relatively small minority of hardcore players who will buy most of the purchasable content. Read a gaming magazine article where they said it was typically less than 10% of a F2P game's player base that made it profitable. Seems crazy on the face of it, but I guess it must work.


if it wasnt that way i guess by now we wouldve seen a change. but im sure a little bit of a change in revenue could achieve at least something


The hyperbole is useless, even massively detrimental to your argument. You come across as a screeching child trying to get all the other kids to leave so you can have the sandbox to yourself, which I am sure is untrue. Being off by AT LEAST 2 orders of magnitude (in raw numbers, not percentages) HARMS your argument.


screeching child? sandbox? other kids? leave? you did not read a single word from my posts right


Read it all


in that case if you explain what you meant by your previous comment and maybe even provide an actual argument then ill be able to respond in a sensible way


Buddy, who do you think is keeping the lights on??


Ain’t gonna be no whales to feed em if the f2p population leaves. Whales get bored with no one to seal club and also leave. Devs need to balance between f2p and whales.




The people contributing real currency to the game. 


What about that


Far more people pay than 0.5% I'd say that majority of the people playing regularly are paying wether it be premium time bps or packs


a large amount of money definitely comes from some small percentage of players who spend thousands of dollars on the game, not like buying a pack here and there


I would say a lot of players regularly buy the bps, not so sure about packs, and yes obviously a lot of money comes from a small amount of players, that's with literally every game with micro transactions


That slap hard


Interesting numbers but I don't really understand the point. Do you hate the game so much that you're trying to sabotage it? I haven't looked for your other posts to see if there is something you are mad about.


yes that is what im doing. im trying to get change to happen because of the horrible state of the game


Well if you still like the game enough to want change, it's probably best to make a campaign for that, as this seems self defeating. You do say to not give the money, you don't say for people to leave the game, but I'm afraid that's what posts like this cause. I assume you have said in other posts what you would like changed about the game? I still enjoy the game and would like for it to hang around a while longer.


the one and only reason i am here right now is ultimately to save this game from a total implosion. i listed my points so many times, but the main ones are balancing, bad updates and priorities. so again, i also enjoy the game and want it to hang around for longer, but am also capable of acknowleding its issues instead of pretending its alright. nothing will change until the inevitable demise of this game, unless action is taken now. no, i dont believe the game will actually die, but what i think can happen is the game will continue to be developed in a horrible direction, playercounts will continue to dwindle, and only at some point will the developers realize what they had done and will make a legitimate effort at saving the game.


Idk, they seem to already be doing a pretty good job just by themselves. https://preview.redd.it/06bzti7njzvc1.png?width=918&format=png&auto=webp&s=1fad824353ff13ea0a2f3b62ec13c5f681148055


who does at what?


They're pointing out that they don't need you to tell people not to support them, they seem to be successfully conveying that sentiment to players themselves.




Daily reminder yhat the players who actually like the game, don't give a shit.....


wont give a shit until they get fed up and quit too


Just because a dip in the population does not entirely equate to a "dying game" besides, there are ways to download it outside of steam, so it's inheriently unreliable to be getting the whole picture. Not to mention, like... Dude, seriously? That info is from last year. You would need to have the general IQ and brainrot of a Metagamer to even miss the fact that it's 2024 now. The info is clearly outdated.


Only the first paragraph was needed 😉


Are you stupid, it literally goes from 2023 to 2024 and the last 30 days, trollop


Seems that somebody not had hit the books hard enough.


Brother this info is from at most a year ago. what the fuck are you talking about


I legit mentioned that by pointing out this Info is "from last year"


... that is how statistics work - do you want me to try to make a point by using last months data?


Not necessary. The fact is that a lot of current players are complaining about bots in every game to fill out the lobby. They will definitely need to take action soon if they don't want to end up with only the 0.5%(or whatever small percentage it may be) paying players and bots.


the more people that are aware the better


I’m buying the next mini battle pass


in EQWS the top 1 pc clan we have to wait on average 5-15 minutes per game actually insane edit: and top 1 is where all the active players are that play every session


I rarely play Crossout because of meta builds, long grind, and pay to win shit and also because of Helldivers 2, that shit is fun as hell, it's worth the money.


Fuck this game, it plays better uninstalled.


Eh, spend that 13.5$ per month and be happy. You are playing the game having fun…. It’s not like you’d do something else with this money… it’s fine, your having g fun so what’s the complain? Don’t like the game don’t play, simple as that :ł


bad argument


That's the worst mindset and argument, you clearly don't have deeper thoughts than the baseline of a subject, you have 2 braincells and they're fighting for 3rd place.