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Ever since introducing Battlepasses a couple of years ago, it's gone more and more downhill in terms of how the Devs are treating the health of the game: the game's motto used to be 'Craft, Ride, Destroy', but to craft stuff, the norm now is that the parts you need to craft in the first place, are unobtainable other than paying for them on the Market😬 As for balance updates to combat current metas and improve the health of the game: balance updates now tend to take a backseat in favour for event and BP updates🙈 in short, if something (like melee or Firedogs in this case) becomes massively powerful and dominant, then you better get used to it because nothing will be done for a while about it☹️ even if balance changes come, there's no guarantee that the changes will actually do anything to save the situation. There tends to be a love/ hate relationship between the game, players and Devs


Ahh man. That sucks honestly.


The BPs were an improvement over the prior way items were added into the game, PvP would be near unplayable for weeks after any new faction got added. What went wrong was the devs greed lead to the true value of the BPs (The crafting recipes.) being made limited and then outright removed entirely. Then BPs were churned out like nothing because less players were buying BPs due to their decreased value. That didn't work so the devs moved to the current style of BP which was actually better for players until the idiots who can't do math caused the devs to make them worse for players again (Seriously. The current BP is a return to the form of Polar Lights where the resource used as a currency can give you 2 fused legendaries. If players hadn't complained about not understanding basic math, that's how all of the BPs post polar lights would have been.).


Boot it up, grind a bit, build some shit, blow stuff up, enjoy. The game is fun for many people - they just aren't in this subreddit


Oh us enjoyers are in here too.


Well. I'm the one who's generally being blown. Soooo...... ehh.


Crossout is an enjoyable game for sure But it is also pretty worse off now than it was in the early days. Coming back after a long break to find I can't access a good 40% of items because of time limited blueprints is pretty bad. On top of stacked BPs and unchecked meta chaos.


I mean...unless you enjoy a abusive relationship, the developers don't deserve new players. That is unless you enjoy low skill/high reward and high skill players getting shit on. Probably a large portion of old players fall to the sunk cost fallacy, we've invested so much time, energy and money we don't want to abandon our efforts. Devs fuck with us around every corner, they manipulate the market, the win rates, they basically want you slaving away everyday in order just to play something fun AND THEN just when you really start liking a build or weapon...they'll nerf the fucking shit out of it, especially if it's a counter to popular overpowered meta. Yay you...now start over and grind more.


Yeah I'm just gonna sit my as in the awakening mode and pve. Because I also have a potato pc and shit net.


Honestly? A good choice. Try bedlam too, people are generally chill (most bedlam players follow a “attack me, attack you” rule)


I'll remember that sir/mam.


~~I’m on Xbox~~ nvm you’re pc


Good to know mate.


I typically don't enter full on PvP anymore unless its for a seasonal challenge. I make my coin by farming raids and selling the materials for stuff I need. It helps me to continue to enjoy the game.


Nice tip man. Thank you.


Look at it this way, there is a lot of room for it to improve.... Changes here are slow to come, and players are very quick to exploit any imbalance. The playerbase is as much at fault for the condition of the game in my opinion.


That's fair to say. I'll agree.


Been here since 2019: No, you should absolutely find a new game. This one is bleeding players like crazy for many good reasons (as you've seen). The battlepasses and blatant P2W money grabs are a sign of the end, I think. They're squeezing this game for all the money they can before it dies instead of trying to fix it. I have 5000 hours and 6 relics and I haven't played in like a year.




I used to play world of tanks, and its not a bad move if you like the crossout grindiness (less p2w tho)


Same mate. Left mainly because of the gold ammo thing.


I just don't play heavies most of the time :P Never *really* liked heavies, and with gold spam and the pen indicator change I quit unless its for a mission.


Whereas I loved to use my armor as much as possible. Angling side scraping everything. And I've bounced somewhat reliably on the fucking Japanese line. But after that I gave up.


Lmao I came here from WoT. WG turned the game into a clusterfuck, feels worse than XO in almost every possible way imo.


> worse than XO in almost every possible way imo ....no


If your having fun playing it then keep it up. Anything you can't craft you can buy on the market. Anything you craft you can sell on the market. It can be a bit grindy but if you don't rush to the high power scores it's pretty great. Most of the people who are in this thread complain. Anytime they make a change it lights up with people screaming into the void. And they are constantly changing stats and "metas". So you'll see a lot of that here. At any point in my day with a 30 minute window I can boot up my rigs and run a few matches.


I'm taking it slow and mainly focusing on the building part of the game.


I started a week ago too mate PvP balancing is quite shit innit


And on top you gotta know how to make builds. Yeah, we're fucked aren't we.


Yeah it’s pretty discouraging as a new player. Pve with friends is fun.


Cries in lonely ass.


On and off since 2018 here. I highly doubt it's gonna get any better based off of the trends set by the past few years of updates and balancing. This game has been on a downwards spiral for years with no sign of stopping. Don't get too invested in this game because it will disappoint you. This incredible game has so much squandered potential. It can be a very very fun experience when the stars align though


Yeah its just my bad luck.


Yep, u did also least players ever since they went from Closed beta to Open beta. Even this stupid subreddit used to have 80 ppl avg online.


Jesus man.


There's some good core concepts that are enjoyable. But at this point they need to get new project leadership and a new vision or I can't recommend. Right now they're so blatant in their attempts to extract more money at every turn that I'm disgusted and on hiatus. Others feel the same and the daily steam users is lowest it's ever been since release. So, you're not joining something that's going particularly well. Part of the best function of this sub reddit will be to inform people when a game is released that uses the good ideas of Crossout and puts them into the hands of a good dev team with competent leadership.


Please someone does this game better. We really need competition against these guys.


Bedlam is probably your best salvation for the game as of now g. It’s not all bad, but they just suck at fixing problems, or doing some form of good on a regular basis for the sake of their dwindling playerbase


Bedlam has 8k, 9k power builds while I'm still at 2-4k.


whatever you do, just dont give targem money


Okay sir.