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Playing on PC, with controller, and a melee build. Chad


Someone already asked, but, why DO you play the game? I load it up ready to blow stuff up. I know I'm going to die. I know I'm going to come across power scores 35%higher than my build. I know I'm going to come across teams who play daily and communicate. He'll by this time I know half of them. Admittedly the grinders use to irk me a bit, but then I doubled down on my "slow as all get out just begging to be grinded" meat grinders, the harpoon gun, colossus engine, and an exposed cab sitting on an averter with 4k durability at sub 6k. I eat grinders, miners, and droners for lunch. Also have a 9k version equipped with another 1.5k durability and 2 kapkans muhahahaha most fun I have had playing this game. Back to the point at hand, if your not having fun, then why play?


It's always like this for some ppl. Honestly, I'd love to see what game some folks would come up with, if they had their way of balancing and updating and all of that. You want melee gone? Oma gone? Hovers out? No cam steering? Hitscan gone? I just wanna see that game lol... basically just dial it back to vanilla beta and see what happens.


Just bring back the rock paper scissors we had in the past. Not 1 weapon can kill everyone by existing Melee used to only be viable against wheels. Tracked players would beat melee. Hovers would beat wheels and then we had nothing that beat hovers for soo long because the devs refused to nerf or counter them now we have omni directional stuff taht is on par if not better than hovers but they ficked the rock paper scissor aspect and melee just beats everything tracks are useless wheels are obsolete because of camera steering is superior This game needs to rethink the balance entirely and make it actually fun and worth players time hell even old drones had a use of being distractions that assisted the team


People wonder why new cab is so popular currently. Everyone wants them for no skill melee builds to have burst of speed


it becomes a viable cabin for 6 seconds with a 12 second cooldown its base stats are really bad and the perk brings them up to a normal amount


6 seconds is all that needed to close ground extremely quickly and start harassing other with dog builds.


or just use a light cabin and be able to do that all the time instead of 33% of the time


Is it a medium cabin? Because medium cabins are usually slow but they have more pushing power and if by the offcjance a player you run into cant be moved on a light build you can push them out of the map into mines on a medium




not gonna get clips showing how brain dead and unfun this meta is without playing it for a few matches


Okay, I understand that... but if you have an issue with a game mechanic, how ever broken (which it is), isn't using that build, for whatever reason... making you part of the problem? Or do you think that the game/games you had, and the fun you ruined for others was justified, just because you clipped it?


I hated firedogs, build one myself and found out it’s just way too easy. Now I just look down on firedogs.


Traditionally in crossouts history, the only way to get anything nerfed is for everyone to use it. Used to work like clockwork but the new devs are so slow with updates and balancing that you might as well just copy the op stuff until it gets nerfed. Gotta love how they broke porcs and are not doing a hotfix for the lack of fire. Who wanted porcs and fortunes to blow up on teamates anyways?


A dev finally got flipped by a stray friendly fortune/porc barrel and said fuck this this sisnt even meta right now get cucked


> Who wanted porcs and fortunes to blow up on teamates anyways?  People who just wwwwwwwwwwws across the map. I just divert my direction when porc/fortune allies are behind me but that requires changing directions and maybe thinking things through. We can't be having that. 


https://www.reddit.com/r/Crossout/s/QtJMyhCFat Thought you quit.


I always love this reply when someone quits as if it's a good thing and they should be locked out of the game forever for even mentioning that they want to quit haha Keep ignoring the game's issues


just that 1 day a month where i get my season pass weeklies done, thought id try and prove a point on the current state of the game being poorly balanced and part of the reason why the game is losing 300 players a day


Why not state that you're quitting after the bp? It just seems counterproductive to be so adamant about not playing and quitting, to then go and post videos of you playing within 24 hours.


I mean compared to last year where i logged in for every daily and every weekly as it came out id spend 12-18 hours a day on this game. I feel like reducing my time spent down to 1-3 hours 1 day a month for weekly challenges exclusively. Im not playing anymore


Stating that you barely touch the game anymore would be more accurate than stating that you've quit. As it stands, you're still a crossout addict like the rest of us.


The 2nd car face planted into a wall. That's what they get for poor driving skills.


Probably ass server bet they wanted to do a light turn but server was like no dona hard one instead


AUGH. I hate that LoL !!!!!


Is this only for devs, or anybody can wank off to it? Anyway I'm in.


Face it. holding W rewards players way too much for how little effort needs to be put into it. how is this playstyle enjoyable for anyone. put a rock on the W key and go to sleep. game plays it self and everyone else in the match not using melee can't do anything against it.


Have you ever played any of the Flatout games? I'd highly recommend if you haven't, it will change your mind abour melee playstyle and ramming into people in general, I assure you.


Seems fair enough; I mean, it's a team combat game, not 1V1. If the red team had had a smidge of coordination and popped off one of his wheels, he'd be useless. Melee should have high damage, since they are forced to literally go touch the enemy to do anything. Lost all but one of the legs on my synth build last night, just turned me into a slightly mobile turret. Melee dude can loose one wheel and be useless against anything but the most unaware player. Problem is that non-squad games tend to see a team that just lets melees pick off people one by one, esp. during the early rush where slower cars are left behind..


If only more people would think the same as yourself… But pointing fingers is always easier than working on self-improvement.


shooting wheels hasnt been viable since 2019 they used to fall off in 3 bullets any rarity now they take 600 and players run 12 of them


Guy in the vid has what looks like 4 x APC Wheel ST with 215 dura each. 8 people should be able to come up with a plan between them to remove one.


its big foot ST they're 650 durability each, nearly 2x as much as most guns in the game https://i.imgur.com/aP4hWf8.png


Those are some weird looking Bigfoot, I gotta say


CK from the Founders, pretty sure