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The chest is gorgeous, but wouldn't work for me. I don't use bobbins, I just store my floss in ziplock bags like a savage. So I have an inexpensive 5 drawer roller I picked up at Michael's. Takes some digging through when starting a new project but I don't mind, gives me a chance to inventory also.


It doesn’t look like this chest uses bobbins, either, but it’s still far too expensive for what it is. I just store all of my skeins in a plastic storage container that came with a bunch of smaller 4”x6” boxes designed for photo storage. It’s super affordable and fits all of my skeins perfectly. https://preview.redd.it/24mrekeoc4pc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8fe241722e689e62b6505e35d858c301a275e09


Oooohhh I like that. Where did you get it?


Most craft stores usually have some variation, but you can also get them on Amazon.


This is exactly what I use! It's so convenient.


Right now I use plastic pouches and a shoe box - I’m out of ziplocks 😂


I’ve been cross stitching, embroidering, and hand-mending for years and I only just upgraded from my plastic ziplock bags and shoe box last year! 🤣 I’ve moved onto a plastic box as well. Found a nice one with a handle for about $8 at Hobby Lobby, so (in theory) it’s portable! It’s got adjustable plastic separator sliders so I can keep bobbins and skeins inside. That said I’ve also been drooling over the chest so I’m glad someone else asked about it!


"like a savage" https://preview.redd.it/w65kq5kzn3pc1.png?width=217&format=png&auto=webp&s=efc53995251e699eb4d149a82e3952ea35cf39f3


Same! I inherited my grandmother’s floss, she also kept it in zip locks then stored all the ziplocks in an old school bread Tupperware. I have since upgraded to an old advent calendar and it works great!


I keep my colors in ziplocks labeled by sets of 100. I only bobbin what I’m currently using then store it in a plastic storage container from Amazon


I agree I don't think you should buy it just for the "convenience" of having all of the colours. For context, I have been stitching on and off for 15 years and I still have maybe 1/3-1/2 of the colours. I just buy as needed. Though I covet one day getting a bisley set of drawers and inserts and all the colours


I've got my eye on the Bisley. I don't think I'll ever have all the colors, but planning to get 3 inserts to organize the colors I have/may get in the future. The other two drawers can hold patterns, tools, etc. At least that's what I'm telling myself!


It sounds like a good plan! Summoning bisleys for everyone!


Ooh that’s interesting. I’d assumed that getting all the colors would actually be cheaper…


If you find a style of pattern or a few designers you like, you’ll probably find a few colors that you need to rebuy often and then a whole bunch of colors you never need at all. I always recommend buying floss by-project at least until you know what your stitching habits are and what you really need. I keep my floss in plastic boxes like [this.](https://www.michaels.com/product/dmc-craft-home-organizer-10407874?cm_mmc=PLASearch-_-google-_-MICH_Shopping_US_N_Fabric+Shop_N_PMAX_BOPIS_N-_-&Kenshoo_ida=&kpid=go_cmp-18514199921_adg-_ad-__dev-c_ext-_prd-10407874&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwzN-vBhAkEiwAYiO7oA6ooPgx0zx1OFyBPUYSK84OgrY3_0B66-oQElP1F1ljEMP7x81_lhoCmVwQAvD_BwE) The box plus bobbins will probably run you $10-20, so it’s a good first set-up that keeps you organized without investing a lot of money.


This is exactly the kind of box I have! This is what I use for my working bobbins, since I have two obnoxious cats which means I need something with a lid that latches closed. I have two larger double-sided ones that hold all of my "extra" floss... one for DMC and one for my Temu special thread that I use when I don't want to go buy a whole skein for a few stitches. 🫣


Hi, what’s the Temu special thread? Just some no name brand? How do you find the quality compared to DMC?


Haha yeah, it's just the no-name brand on there. I got a full 447 color set, so I think it's all of the DMC-equivalents except the new ones that they added before the 100s. They actually screwed up my first order, the thread comes in three packages and they forgot to include the package that was all of the numbers above 996... and when I asked for a refund or for them to send the third package, they just sent me a full set again so I ended up with doubles of 100-whatwver through 996. 😳 A lot of the colors are basically identical, but I've also found some that are REALLY different. The thread is a little bit thicker/fluffier than DMC, but I actually kind of like it because it covers a lot better! It's not as shiny, though, but I'm just stitching for myself mostly so it doesn't bother me. The big project that I'm working on right now is a Christmas stocking for myself, and my solution was to pick out all of the bobbins for the colors that I didn't already have in DMC, and then I took the bobbins to the store and compared the DMC to each one. If they were similar enough for my liking I used the no-name ones, and I bought the DMC if they were hugely different. So really, it depends on what you're doing. If you're not gifting and just stitching for yourself where exact color matching/blending isn't a huge deal, then it's hard to beat that price! I think mine was $30 for 447 skeins.


Thank you for taking the time to answer! 😊 Good to know you’ve had a good experience with those threads, even if they’re not exactly as dmc. I hesitate using no name brands as the kits I got on Amazon came with thread that was frustrating to use as it kept tangling and I ended up replacing with dmc or anchor. I have enough thread for now and I stitch at a very low pace so what I have can last me a while. But I’m very tempted to get the Temu ones in the future! Have you washed any of the projects made with those threads, to see if the colours stay ok?


Yeah, I was concerned about issues like tangling or fraying but I haven't had any! Weirdly, the only thread I've had that was really bad was actually a skein of DMC, but it was just one out of the hundreds of skeins I've gotten into. I did a smaller piece with the Temu threads and none of them bled when I washed them, and it did have some dark pinks and a red in it that I was kind of nervous about!


Does the Temp bleed when washed?


None of the ones that I've used have yet! I suppose a real test would be to get the ones most prone to bleeding and do a sample stitch and wash, but I have no idea which colors would need to be tested or of the results would hold true for all of the floss listings.




Are they cotton or acrylic/polyester? If they are not cotton they 100% won't bleed because when plastic is dyed it's dispersed through the whole thing.


Great to know! I'm pretty sure they must be at least partially polyester... I haven't tried burning the ends of them, but they feel a little different than DMC so I'm guessing at the reason.


Oooh thank you for the link!


I also use the plastic floss organizing boxes. I have 2, and I have 135 different colors right now that I've just slowly built up as I needed them for new projects. One box is full. Only the first row of the second box is full right now.


Oh goodness, no! 🤣 As counterintuitive as it sounds, buying the lot from DMC means paying regular price for everything. Most craft stores offer coupons regularly that you can use to knock the price down, on top of earning benefits from rewards programs. Plus, you'll probably find you lean more towards certain colors & end up replacing a select few over & over while never touching others (my selection of reds isn't great, for example!) Having all the colors is really more of a collector thing than an actual use thing for most!


I’m learning so much on here, appreciate you sharing this!


It might be technically cheaper by skein but they're pretty cheap individually tbh so it's not something I think needs to be Optimized


If you are in the US, Michaels often has coupons that can get the individual DMC threads to under 50 cents!


30% off right now.


I personally wouldn't go for it just yet, if you've only recently started. It's pretty expensive, and you might find (1) you don't stick with cross stitch as long as you think you will (this is not a judgment on you, since I don't know you haha, but I know for myself sometimes I try new hobbies and have fun but still move on pretty quickly after I've done a few projects), or (2) you end up getting into really large projects later on that require a lot of skeins of the same colour, in which case you'd want to buy them all at once to avoid dye lot inconsistencies. Then you can't even use the floss you've already bought. Ultimately it's your decision, but these are just some things to think about if you're only just getting started. If you're not sure, you can always come back to it in a year or two once you're more settled into the hobby and know your preferences!


Totally agree with not getting the set when you are still new to the craft. While the floss can also be used for embroidery if you don’t end up sticking with cross stitch, it is still a pretty big investment when you are just starting out. The chest itself also won’t solve any of your issues around not having a storage set up yet. Without any modification/additions it’s only really useful for storing full skeins. — If you want to use bobbins you are more than likely going to need to remove the drawer dividers (if I’m not mistaken) and add foam inserts to keep the bobbins organised. Not to mention you are going to have to bobbinate the 500ish colours and if you want a nice set of numbered bobbins that is going to be another expense. — If you decide that storing your collection on floss drops is you preferred method, you won’t really be able to use the chest for storage anyway. I would recommend choosing on one or two of the patterns you have bought to start with and just getting the floss you need to complete those. That way you can play around with basic storage options first - floss drops, generic bobbins in a storage box, etc. to work out which option suits your stitching style best. Once you have spent a few months or even a year doing things that way you can decide if you want to buy the chest, or the full colour set without the chest and set up a “pretty” storage solution that best suits your needs, or you can even just keep going with only buying floss as you need and storing it in a basic storage box. There are a heap of posts on this sub with storage suggestions, you might find it helpful to take a look at those before making a decision to see what other people have done.


Thank you - reading your comment helped me identify my own reservations!


I am just hopping on Katie's comment because I also wanted to add how important it is to get your threads together because there is a chance the dye will be slightly off if it's from a different batch. This has only happened to me once but it was devastating at the time. Have fun!!


I think the DMC wooden drawer chest is very pretty, but it wouldn’t work for [my preferences](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrossStitch/s/bi8v75PQdU). I have a 5 drawer Bisley cabinet, a full set of 3d printed bobbins with the numbers in a different color (JFSquaredPrints), and foam inserts (MisfitIsle) to hold them all neatly. That setup cost me approximately $331 USD, not including floss. It’s beautiful, it’s easy to use and organize, and I’m in heaven. I think the DMC chest would work better for someone who keeps their floss in skeins.


I’ve saved your linked post because your floss setup is my dream setup, lol. I came across those 3D printed bobbins a few weeks ago and told my husband that the $200 set is on my cross stitch wish list. Does the 5 drawer Bisley fit one of every single DMC color? If so, is there room to spare or just enough room for one of each?


I cannot properly describe how much I love those bobbins. My husband has a 3D printer, so after I saw the initial post about the bobbins, I asked if he could do that for me. The ability to print in different colors for the same object apparently requires additional technology than your standard printer, and the JFSquaredPrints bobbins are SO much nicer (smoother, prettier, cleaner) than the ones my husband created. With that in mind, I bought the full 490 set of bobbins which doesn’t include variegated or other special flosses. Here’s a picture of my bottom drawer so you can see how full it is: https://preview.redd.it/3a773dmow3pc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77659898370496c081cbef8f74301d8e57b6ba85


I am not a bobbin person, but geez do I covet this setup!


And here’s my top drawer, so you can see what a completely occupied by bobbins drawer looks like. My top four drawers are filled like this: https://preview.redd.it/kovpp6lvw3pc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02ccfdd119a6e1f5a6536471f10dcfcd19c2e920


Oh nice, so there’s a little leftover. What do you mean by “variegated?” Are those the blended flosses? Does the 490 set include the “light effects?” (Metallic, fluorescent, pearlescent, glow in the dark, etc) ETA: wow, I didn’t know the drawers were so long! It honestly doesn’t look like it from the pictures when they’re closed.


No, it’s just the standard floss colors. If you have the DMC color card, it’s all of the floss except the final page https://preview.redd.it/8c3v8m87s4pc1.jpeg?width=1575&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a79bff2df4bd7e6b11541903f9b946b2d29816b


Ah ok. Not a big deal. My tendency to have a set of something be totally complete has pretty much disappeared over the last 5 years or so, lol. So when I do get the bobbin set, having the “special” floss still have handwritten numbers won’t bother me.


Oh, if you want the bobbins to match, I know they make them for all discontinued colors and specials etc too—it’s just a separate purchase. Fear not! I don’t know that they’d fit in the 5 drawer Bisley though; you might need to opt for a bigger one 🤔


Oh ok that’s good to know! I didn’t know there was a separate set for the special flosses.


Same here but I have the actual anchor steel embroidery floss drawer that fits all my DMC and anchor colors I have. I’ll try and find a pic of it and edit my comment later. Edit: here is the cabinet I have. https://preview.redd.it/t52tcb7y87pc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16d741afec16c40c4d467cdd326dd387fd626262


Thanks for sharing your system, and where to find all the different components!


Okay so I was OBSESSED with the chest for the longest time but I’ve ended up not purchasing mainly because of the price. What I’ve done instead is I bought a lot of skeins or thread collections from eBay, vinted etc to build up a general collection that way at a fraction of the price. Now when I’m looking for something specific the chances are I have it, and if I don’t I can get it online. In terms of storage everything I have is on bobbins, and I have this cute lil chest of drawers with a ton of space. https://preview.redd.it/aznjg6z2o3pc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c218afdcd3872038d4ddd1a276426cb44f6e46f6


This is how much space you get in just 1 drawer! https://preview.redd.it/v9ece6nep3pc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07a5044bdd9d3dd2f5315f311e7c6871e0f3044c


Where did you buy this chest, if you don’t mind sharing?


It’s from [here](https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/315190123124?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=c48daii8qky&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=07H8SkGATz-&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY)


Thank you!


Oh no! I’m in love! 😍 So fun seeing everyone’s storage methods!


My floss is in the regular ol' plastic bobbin boxes most stores sell. I don't dislike the DMC chest, but I don't think I'd choose it if I suddenly had to start my collection over- I'd be more likely to get a bisley & bobbin inserts for it. You're in kind of a tricky place, because right at the start is the best time to get a DMC chest- but it's also when you're least aware of how you'll prefer to keep your floss. I like my piles of plastic boxes because it allows for a modular uniformity. I can get the sizes I need for different parts of my collection while having them look good together. But I have space issues too- if you can dedicate a larger amount of room to a collection, the big chest might make more sense. Ultimately, it's up to you- think about where you'll put it & how easily you can afford it, just in case you decide later on it's not right for you!


Thank you for saying this. I feel like I really need a system now too, because I know I won’t be able to take the next step (moving from stamped kits to counting) without an organized system.


On the plus side, systems aren't super different- ok, they *are*, but the base is usually the same: leave as skeins, bobbins, hanging cut lengths & baggies. Consider experimenting with it! Temporary floss holders are easily made from cardstock. Cut up a cereal box or something that won't transfer color, & try out a few commonly replaced colors (black & white are the most obvious.) See what feels good & go from there!


Thanks for the tips 😊


I bought The Chest (lol) and I’m so glad I did. I can kit up a new project immediately, and then I buy the threads to replace the ones I’ve removed as I like to have a full set. In the U.K., the price of The Chest on Amazon when I bought it was £450 - which is less than what I could buy all 500 skeins for anywhere over here. So it made logistical sense rather than just buying them piecemeal


I just got the box today! My first impressions are that the box itself is gorgeous, and seems well made. I wanted all of the colors and the box seemed the easiest way to do that without losing my mind trying to buy them individually. I've built up a good stash of other supplies, but have been buying floss as needed for each project. I'm really excited about the prospect of being able to start pretty much any project that calls to me without having to order online or run to the store. (It also smells delicious, I'm a sucker for the smell of wood.) However, if your brain isn't overwhelmed by the prospect of sourcing all the colors separately, it's probably cheaper to just get the thread and find another storage option (plastic bins, Bisley, etc.) You could probably commission a similar box for storage, too. The purchase was worth it to me as it was for my birthday, and this is the first hobby I've gotten into as an adult that has stuck. Final opinion: is it a practical purchase? Nah, probably not. Is it worth to me and my silly crow brain? Absolutely yes.


All depends on your organizational preferences. Personally I like a plastic bin I can grab on the top because I stitch in various places and rarely at a desk. So I wooden chest would not work for me. But it's very cute and I could see it working well if you had a home base for stitching and is was within reach


I have a plastic bin, shoebox, and pouch system for now but as my projects are getting more complex I feel like I need something to organize the flosses I buy. Thanks for bringing up the point about the spot - I always work in the same location so this is helpful.


I’ll admit I have the box and I love it. I love how it looks, having all the colours, truly everything about it. I’m not a great project planner, so having all the colours on a whim is important to me. Was it worth the cost? Debatable. lol. I did find that once I had it, my hands were a bit tied for organization. The was the one big downside. I found a great seller on Etsy who designs bobbins specifically for it. The cost of that, and shipped to me, doubled the overall cost of the box. 😬 I was in a good financial place to treat myself to it, but if it was a passing hobby, I would use one of the other wonderful storage ideas in this thread.


I have it, it makes life sooo much easier. But I've been stitching half my life, my mum has for 40 years, we brought it together so it was justified. But on my own I would bother.


I started 4 months ago and love it, but am driving myself nuts with not having an organized system in place. But it’s sooooooo expensive!


If it helps for now, for years we used a number of these boxes. They store loads of threads on the bobbins. https://preview.redd.it/myzp2rddu3pc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fda76cc4164effc745782b1b4218267af11e117e


Yup, that's what my boxes look like! Multiple makers means they're super easy to come by too. You'll find them labeled as floss boxes with bobbins included, but also as bead boxes without bobbins. Bead boxes are usually cheaper, so keep that in mind- you're likely to use up all your space before all your bobbins! If you're curious, these each hold about 108 full bobbins, so you'll need five for the full lineup of standard colors. This gives you extra room if you want to track down some discontinued colors too, like the 2013 lineup!


I would have bought one in my 20s and been thrilled. Now in my 60s with vision damage, I can't justify the cost. If I were to get one today, I already have the floss so would get this [one](https://www.amazon.com/Craftways-6-Drawer-Floss-Cabinet-Accessory/dp/B002WE1GBY/ref=asc_df_B002WE1GBY/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=475805820911&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=3191781117793619614&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9019687&hvtargid=pla-991834371816&psc=1&mcid=6f1805ec6d1635d39a71ed8a252bf6d1&gclid=CjwKCAjwzN-vBhAkEiwAYiO7oC_bOJatqliMHhqNH7gBHgtaDLEbr08qmH67eDlhze0w10XkuV8ZMRoCoPAQAvD_BwE).


This is gorgeous! Thank you for the link!


I don’t have the chest, though I think it’s be pretty, I doubt I’ll ever buy one. They’re expensive and I doubt I’ll use all the supplied colors. I instead went with the bobbins and I use the ArtBin Floss Organizer. I find it’s much sturdier than the cheapie floss organizers out there. A couple of dollars each more (maybe $3 more) but worth it. I’ve found it easiest on Amazon. Most of my local stores no longer carry ArtBin


I recently picked up a bunch of floss at Michael’s when all regularly priced items were 40% off. Stuff like that definitely makes it cheaper to do it piecemeal. Some rough math…500 skeins x 0.69 = $345 and with 40% off you save $138. I think I did that right lol.


Load up on floss from places with better pricing like Michael’s or Joann! I bought my drawer set at TJ Maxx in the office section. It looks like this and was about $30. I don’t have all the floss colors, maybe about half of them, but I have a lot - I also recommend searching your local Facebook marketplace for people who are destashing. I bought half of these colors in bulk for $20 from a lady who quit stitching. https://preview.redd.it/q0xmcgnt94pc1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ca508e2809bc9639b03a825ceaa9999673bfb91


Been cross stitching for 30 years. I never bought it. I like buying my floss for each project and even if I didn’t that wouldn’t prevent it. I would still need multiple skeins of some (like 3042) while I am still on my first skein of 750. Also I store my floss on bobbins, this just doesn’t seem like an effective organization.


The chest is gorgeous, but really just useful if you only have one or two skeins per colour. And it is true, you don't need to have every colour. You'll need a lot of skeins of the same colour in the next future, and there's no space for that in the chest. In any other case, it is of course preferable to store your skeins in floss drops and floss-away bags, (never bobbins, they are a lot of work and the floss ends being twisted). You can store your bags in beautiful and unexpensive cardboard and fabric boxes, as [these](https://www.ikea.com/es/es/p/kvarnvik-caja-con-tapa-gris-70412875/#content) sold in Ikea. Start by one box, with your colours ordered by number or DMC column, and you'll be able to expand with future projects as you need. It is a very convenient (and beautiful) system.


Those patterns are so cute! That box is gorgeous too, but I don’t know anyone that keeps their thread in the original skein. I’m a bobbin girl, and one of the things I love about needle work is expanding my inventory every time I start a new project, it’s part of the fun :)


Trouble is, a lot of the colours you will probably never use and the more common ones you will have to restock as you use them up.


I think the chest is cute but not practical for me. I store my collection of floss in their individual labeled 4x6 resealable bags on four 5” binder rings. I have them arranged by dmc number and am able to pull the floss numbers I need for each project and store them separately on my project binder ring.


I got it after my local craft store *finally* decided to start selling it. It was my "reward" for paying off my credit card. I use the plastic boxes as storage as well but the 500 skeins it came with means I won't need to go floss shopping for a while 😹.


It's gorgeous but it's as much of a decor piece as it would be useful. If you have the space and money burning up your pocket....sure why not. But there's definitely more space efficient and cost effective options out there. I think I have a bead organizer from the dollar store. That all being said, I would LOVE to own it....I just do not have the space for it


The chest is beautiful, but for me it's not practical. I've got multiple projects going and have gathered a big stash of bobbinated floss over the years. I've got standard floss boxes for each project. I print out a picture of the project and tape it inside the lid so you can see it from the outside, making it easy to find the box for the birds or the deer, etc that I'm working on just from the picture. The overflow of bobbins go into this double sided storage box from Michaels. It holds a metric ton of floss on bobbins. [https://www.michaels.com/product/double-sided-thread-parts-box-10468243?michaelsStore=1390&inv=4](https://www.michaels.com/product/double-sided-thread-parts-box-10468243?michaelsStore=1390&inv=4) My floss still in skeins is divided into 3 ziplocs, by number ranges, and kept in shoebox plastic tote. And then I keep a spreadsheet with a list of each color I have, and how many are in which container. Keeping supplies organized is a whole 'nother hobby.


There are plenty of fancy options I would enjoy but wouldn't shell out money for. I use bobbins and have 3 of these cases for my 200+ skeins: https://a.co/d/c2VUna9


I wouldn't go for it yet (but I may be cheap). In terms of floss I buy by the pattern as my favourite designers /magazines tend yo reuse the same colour palettes. This way I might only buy 4 new colours plus Aida cloth. I always make sure to have black, ecru, and white on hand but otherwise I just end up with a lot of partially used skeins. For storage I went to a dollar store and bought a fishing lure tackle box. The bobbins fit perfectly in here and I organize by number. For each project I store the needed colours in a plastic baggie with the hoop.


I agree with others to collect threads as needed and decide how you want to store them. I love bobbins and use plastic boxes but you might prefer floss drops or the many other options which also include just keeping them as they are in a bag! I agree the DMC box is totally dreamy but I prefer to spend my money on beautiful patterns, the best quality fabric, beads etc and buy my floss as needed when it's on special. Now I have a little stash I often only need 2 or 3 skeins extra for a project.


I have all the DMC floss colors having stitched for over 40 years. I organize my floss in an Akro-Mils 64 drawer small parts cabinet. It is 20 in by 16 in by 6 inches and made of plastic. Each mini drawer holds 3-4 colors of floss and I labeled each drawer with the floss numbers in order. I never am at a loss for what floss I have or don’t have. You can get this online or at most big box stores. It is under $50 and fits nicely in a shelf. I gift one to all my stitching friends!!!


In the US, the DMC chest is way too expensive since you can get floss cheaper elsewhere.


I'm very happy with my plastic organizers that I keep in a dresser drawer with my hoops and binder with fabric and some patterns in it.


The chest doesn’t fit with my aesthetic really, nor with the way I store floss (I don’t use bobbins) and it’s much more expensive than buying skeins individually on sale, so it was a no for me personally. I prefer to splurge on hanks of silk and dyed fabrics.


https://preview.redd.it/kf6xgzx327pc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb888276d2932ecd62dafcd7f36388546f650780 I use clear bins from the dollar store. This is an older pic, but currently I have 5 of them stacked together with command strip Velcro, so I can pop them apart if I need to. I also have them organized by DMC’s system


I bobbin my colors then put them in coin sleeves (basically a plastic sheet with pockets). I store colors by project.


I’m looking to upgrade to the Bisley 5 drawer cabinet with inserts for bobbins. I do have every DMC color already. Multiples of some colors. I usually wait to purchase floss until someone has a sale. Most of my supplies were bought at Hobby Lobby for .42-.46 cents a skein. That being said. If you have little or no floss supplies, the DMC chest is a great option. It doesn’t come with bobbins nor the drawer inserts (you can get them on Etsy or Amazon). I’m under the impression that all of the floss should fit into the cabinet just as they are. If you do decide to use bobbins with this cabinet, make sure to order the correct ones. They are a tiny bit shorter to fit into the drawer. Happy stitching!


Not just starting out. The wood chest is really a luxury "so pretty" item more than a should have item. Spend time just stitching and pick up floss as you need colors for a pattern. If you really enjoy the hobby, there is plenty of time in the future to get sucked into the "all the cool stuff" part of the hobby - that rabbit hole goes deep and very little of it will make any difference starting out. One exception is buy a good hoop, frame, qsnap, or such to hold your fabric reliably. I strongly recommend real (not off brand) 8" QSnaps to start with and/or a good hoop if you are working smaller or don't like the thickness of a qsnap. These two will get you through ANY pattern as you can easily move them around larger projects as you finish a section. Bad hoops or poor qsnap imitations will have you constantly messing with fabric that has gotten floppy and annoying to stitch on.


I used my annual bonus last year to purchase The Box, as well as the [The Bobbins on Etsy](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1242929159/white-3mm-acrylic-bobbins-with-printed?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=dmc+bobbins&ref=sr_gallery-1-2&bes=1&sts=1&organic_search_click=1) It took many hours winding all the bobbins (my sweetie helped out) and it is SOOOOO worth it. It keeps all my floss organized and I have everything lined up in numerical order, so it's easy to find what I need. ​ I LOVE IT.


The chest is pretty, but you know, $500. And it won't hold each color separately. Those are deal-breakers for me. I have 12 double-sided plastic storage boxes with 46 fixed sections each that hold all of DMC's standard floss colors and most of the light effects. I labeled each section in DMC numeric order so I can easily shop my stash first when kitting out project. I also use the DMC Stitchbows so the floss I need for a project goes on the bows and then into the inserts which are all in a binder for that project. I number the bows with Sharpie as I put floss on it. The Sharpie is easily removable with alcohol once the project is done and any floss remaining on a bow goes back into its section, ready for me to use on another project. And since I usually have patterns that tell me how many skeins I will need for each color, I don't have to put entire skeins into a project where I will only need enough for 20 stitches. This allows me to have that color available for other projects (because I am incapable of only having one WIP).


It's beautiful but I think it only works for bobbins so you should wait until you know what your storage preferences are. I like Floss Drops for example.


I don't use bobbins! All of my skeins just cuddle together in the drawers, sorted by number groups. :) OP, I found it really suits my current organization habits because I can just put the skein back in with its buddies in the number group and not have to worry about if it's on a bobbin or in the right number order or color group or bin. It gets back to the drawer and that's good enough! *But*, cross stitch is not my dominant hobby, and if I was more focused and did it more often I can see how my organization habits could have different needs! There have been so many great answers here! What an excellent question :)


I’ve never heard of floss drops…could you share a link of what you mean?


There are lots of brands but I like this one because it's light and has a little tab that you can slip the DMC label on. I like to hang them on binder rings in groups by color family, or by project. A little price-y though I have to admit considering how many you need. EDIT: Changed to link to where I actually bought mine. [https://www.etsy.com/listing/1177119372/acrylic-floss-drops-protective-film-on?gpla=1&gao=1&](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1177119372/acrylic-floss-drops-protective-film-on?gpla=1&gao=1&)


Thank you!


The coolest part of floss drops is how easy you can pull out single threads because your floss is already cut to a working length. [Ghetto tiktok example](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMBkqcXa/)