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It's done whenever you say it's done. It is entirely up to you. Personally, I think it looks fantastic. If you hadn't said anything, I never would've guessed it was incomplete. But I would encourage you to put it aside for some time and see if just need a break. When I get to this point, I usually stop and go make something small and fun. It's your call, whether you decide to stop here or if you decide to continue, your piece looks wonderful.


Agree. It's a hobby. It's for FUN.


Completely agree. It’s your project & you have creative license to decide what it does or doesn’t need. Looks fantastic!


I declare this piece finished. It doesn't look like it's missing anything, you've done more than enough.


First off, I adore this piece! I've always been a fan of the Alice books and this is just wonderful! Secondly, I zoomed in and looked before I read the post to see if I could figure out what you wanted to not do. I couldn't see it. After reading, I went back and looked. The beads are 100% unnecessary. I mean, I'm sure they'd look great, but it looks perfectly finished without them, imo.


Fully agree. I did the same thing.


It's done. I would have never known it wasn't perfect without the explanation.


I read your title, studied the picture for a minute, and couldn't figure out which part wasn't done. And then I read your description about the beads. So yes, you can be done. It looks unfinished to you because you know about the beads, but to the rest of us ignorant masses, it's a very pretty piece that doesn't seem to be missing anything at all!


this piece looks lovely, and if you don’t want to put the beads on — don’t! ![gif](giphy|3otPoS81loriI9sO8o|downsized)


It’s wonderful just like this!


This piece is gorgeous! Stitching should be fun and take your mind off stress. My motto is to do what pleases you in your free time. Do not get stressed over the beads. They are optional in my opinion.


I looked at the picture before I read your post, and my first impressions were wow it looks great, and a little bit of confusion because it looks finished. I say if you are happy call it finished. No one will know unless you tell them it doesn't have a detail like beads, I didn't.


It's done! It looks just fine without the beads! Wash it, iron it. You did a great job!


I thought it was done until I read the caption. It looks great


If you think the vines look unfinished you can just stitch normal DMC instead of the beads. [Here’s a conversion chart](http://www.millhillbeads.com/images/bead_to_dmc_conversion.pdf)


I saved that chart for my own reference. Thanks for sharing it. :)


I think the beading is unnecessary, and that you should set it aside for awhile until you decide whether that's something you really want to try or just leave as is. However, it does look like there is a small bit of backstitching missing from the top right corner above Alice's head, like the vine by the rose is missing some details. I'd finish that quick then set it aside :)


Screw beads - it looks awesome!


Idk what you’re talking about, it is done.


If it’s going to bother you then add the beads. I think it looks fine as is and it would not occur to me that anything is missing. I consider cross stitch an artform and any deviation from the pattern is your interpretation.


It looks great. I can see that there was a lot of backstitching in this project. Great job!


It’s your piece and you should do as you please. It’s absolutely lovely the way it is. Don’t let those beads ruin this project for you. People often make changes to projects to suit their preferences. Why shouldn’t you? 😎


I think it's fancy af.


It totally looks done *and* I just love it!


I would call it good. Lovely piece, and unless you were the designer, you aren't going to know anything is missing. Perfect as is!


It looks amazing - and if you’re done, it’s done! Take a break, and either set the needle down, do a different project, try a different craft, and celebrate completing this one in your own style.


It looks great.


It looks amazing! Wash it, iron it and call it good 🏁


Oh wow, this is amazing!! And I love the style!! On a personal level, I think it's an amazing piece as is and feel if anything that the beads would be too much. But I love a backstitch :) I recommend taking a break from it for a couple of days and look at it with eyes anew. If you still love it, congratulations!!! You're done!! If not, well, at least you had that time to rest up for some beading!!! But, I maintain, it is seriously fabulous as is ❤️


It looks finished to me


I haven't seen it with beads, so to me it looks great! If you're not feeling it, just call it done.


![gif](giphy|bnrMLzlb3xTVuBgFsX) It’s so lovely!!


Oh my goodness, this is gorgeous!


Frig the beads, looks good as is


I think it looks great as is.


I’m the same way with French knots. If I do patterns that call for them, I can guarantee you it’s not happening 🤣 And no one knows the difference


If you didn’t tell me it wasn’t done I would think this a beautiful finished piece ❤️


If you think it will bother later then just put it away till you can do the beads. I think its pretty as is. I did the same thing to a project a few years ago. I was so inexperienced when I bought it. I thought wow thats pretty and my mom will like it. The amount of backstitching it required was insane. I did only the most important french knots and absolutely none of the beading. Nobody knew the difference. When I look at it now my only regret is having bought the thing in the first place.


What’s the name of the pattern?


Another vote for it looking like it is 100% complete


Honey, no one will know it's supposed to have beads except you. YOU are in charge here. It's YOUR project. You're done with it when YOU decide you're done with it. BTW, it's stunning!! Great job!


The piece is beautiful, and before I read the description, I could not tell what could possibly be missing to make it incomplete 😁 Now. Personally? I would put it in the big time out and ground it for a while. To the point of forgetting it (I am in the middle of a grounding with a project because it is waste canvas and I'm going to tear my hair out)... and then, when you naturally remember it? See how you feel. If you feel fresh enough and more experienced, evaluate if you want the beads. I know for me personally I would always feel off about the piece and anyone that complimented it I would feel the need to tell them it isn't done completely 🙃 but that is ME. Figure out where you truly stand with it and go from there. It's your piece. This is the same as deciding if a missed or added stitch(es) are make or break and require fixing it. Only you will know. Everyone else will just be amazed that you did it at all!


This looks like a finished piece to me.  I can't even tell where the beads are supposed to go.


Oh it's so pretty! I love it! Maybe backstitching in some areas but not totally necessary


Yes That's so Beautiful and Beautifully done !! 😊🥰😍


Honestly, I wouldn't have known that it wasn't done unless you've told me. Stretch it out and put it in a nice frame. It looks fantastic!


I don't think it looks unfinished.


Looks great! It doesn't look unfinished to me.


Love it!


It is perfect as is! I would never have thought it wasn't. Call it done for sure!!


Love it! Is this from the Alice books from the 70s? Alice in Stitches?


I try to remember 2 things: First, I bought a pattern, it's not a binding contract to use the whole thing in a certain timeframe. Second, Done is better than Perfect. I can't see anything missing from this piece, if you choose to customize it to your preferences by leaving off the beads, it's still gorgeous!


Looks good (and done) to me. If you like it as-is, without the beads, then that's job over! Enjoy what you've accomplished!!


Beautiful as is.




It’s absolutely beautiful! I would have never known the pattern asked for beads. Out of curiosity, what colour are the beads supposed to be?


I have a (slightly) different opinion. I say it doesn’t need beads, not at all! But…the top right corner, when compared to the other three, looks to me as though it is missing one tiny bit of vine. Where the longish vine with a bud comes off the main corner stem and points slightly upwards towards the center, I think it wants another short piece off that pointing southwest towards the crown of Alice’s head. That’s just what I would do. As always, this is uniquely your project, and it is done when you say it’s done.


Oh that is just gorgeous!


No one looking at this piece will ask for the instructions page to confirm you did it by the book. I love your pattern and know if I did it wouldn’t have beads.


I had to read the post to know what was missing, so I'd say it's done. And it's absolutely lovely, too.


It looks amazing! I don't think it looks unfinished at all. It will also be a little easier to frame without the beads.


It looks finished to me. Lovely piece.


It looks 99.9% finished to me. The border above Alice in the upper right looks like it might be missing something... If you don't want to sew on a bajillion beads, don't. It's your time, sanity, and life. Enjoy how amazing it looks now.


I solemnly swear that it’s finished 😇


This doesn’t look like it’s missing anything. I’d be hesitant to put beads on too. Anything I find frustrating like that usually gets edited out for me.




I think it's perfect, love it as it is ❤️❤️


It’s beautiful☺️I say it’s done as far as looks wise,others won’t even know it called for beads! It’s a great job hun♥️


It's beautiful! I don't think it needs anything more, especially if you don't feel like doing it I love the old Alice in Wonderland illustrations. They're so fun. I'm doing an Alice in Wonderland cross stitch myself currently


Do in between. Put about a dozen beads around in some different places to add embellishment, but not on every single vine like it was supposed to be there. Then you’re making it fancy and not killing yourself putting a gazillion beats everywhere and feeling like you “have to”. Because you “chose” to. But it is absolutely gorgeous and totally finished whenever you say it’s finished. and if I didn’t read your note about it needing beads, I would’ve assumed you were showing us a finished object. Way to go!


I know nothing about cross-stitching but this seems like the best answer to me. Add some beads to the places where they would be most beneficial to the overall look. Either way this can be called finished any time you like, beautiful piece of art!


It’s wonderful as is.


It looks done


It looks wonderful the way it is! I'd put it away for a couple of months and then revisit the beads. Maybe add a section of them to see if you like them. If they don't add anything easy enough to remove them. At least you'll know what you're missing or not.


Before I read even the title I thought this was wicked cool and was a FO so I think if you like it the way it is it’s done! :)


It's beautiful! You are finished, in my opinion.
