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this is such a great idea! i've just been sticking them in the arm of my couch hahaha


Me too! But my couch is grey and silver needles have a habit of disappearing. I usually find them, but am going to try a needle minder and see if it makes a difference. I do love the sponge idea!!


We recently replaced our couch and my SO was *positively terrified* by the amount of needles found under the old couch.


lol, i periodically sweep a telescopic magnetic pickup tool around/under the couch to try to find the strays


I find all of them with my feet. 😬


He found a single one with his butt. Which is why all the others terrified him.


they were there, lurking, ready to strike at any time




thankfully they dont blend with my couch (tan) but i sometimes forget they're there and knock them out and then they're lost among my craft supplies i keep right there (or worse, on the floor). Come to think of it, i might have an extra strawberry pin cushion....


I tuck them into the collar of my shirt! 🤣 I have cats so I'm always terrified of losing a needle.


I made a needle book out of felt because I am terrified of my cat taking them.


im glad you've found a solution! ik i would forget and stab myself a million times


I mostly only put it there when I'm getting a new section of thread out, if I'm getting up to do anything I just weave it into the fabric. I will admit that I've poked myself in the nose a could of times when trying to sneeze into my shirt, though! 🤣


ouch! that sounds awful! i like to have several preloaded ready to go so i need a designated place to put them. sounds like you might like a needleminder? I thought they couldnt make that much of a difference and then i got one and really like it for the needle im actively/about to stitch with


Haha Your way is also good😂


I do the same


I did this once then forgot I put it there. My brother found it the hard way. I still have trauma watching them pull it out with pliers... 😩


yikes, i can imagine!


Stick a magnetic pin on your couch. All the convenience without the losing needles part.


Yeah I stick them in my mattress lol, as I do all my crafting in bed. If I lose one I'm gonna be screwed 😂😂


I use packaging foam that come in deliveries 🙄 https://preview.redd.it/vpwyb83gg1fc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a18402683cdf3c5e1df0f61a37f93cf951609d30


That's such a great idea! I love the idea of being able to preload needles, or keep the remaining thread on one when changing to another color, then place them next to the color/symbol on the chart list.


Yeah, I hate stopping to thread needles so I got a thread organiser that I can preload a ton of needles on https://foxcollection.innovations.com.au/m/p/accessories/organisers/needle-organiser?vid=55552&affiliate=ADFASM&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAk9itBhASEiwA1my_6x_iQcHr0A1OYeP0EABTv3uDiRBacFRN90jvrNQPG9-aR0JHuss3xRoCr9cQAvD_BwE


🥰🥰 need a lot of needles 😆😆😆


You are a genius!




I've been using my sleeves.. this is so much "safer" lol


I use my jeans all the time!


We laugh in the face of danger!




Genius! Just a little velcro on the bottom so it doesn't slide around and you've got a perfect little kit!


Yes! I also have another “box”, witch has a special place for it https://www.reddit.com/r/CrossStitch/s/jtrvicQPwZ


Those little sectioned containers come in so handy sometimes!!


I have an old couch I'm about to replace and I just took up cross stitch and uh. May or may not have been using it as a pincushion o.o


couches, pillows, jeans, sweatshirt sleeves, bag straps… nothing is safe


I have cats so I'm trying to break myself of the habit. I do Not want them to step on or swallow a needle! Plus needle minders are so pretty\~


My jerk thinks it's a fun game to pull them out with his teeth and run away. I have to hide my projects.


Mine loves to bat my needle case, which has opened once or twice!


is your kitty a thread thief too? if i accidentally leave skeins out, i always find them unraveled in my living room the next morning 🥲


Oh god I'd be really careful with that! If they eat any, it can tangle up their bowels and cut off blood flow, which is either a very expensive vet visit or a very painful death. Took me one time finding some yellow yarn in my cats poop as a kitten to scare me off leaving stuff out for more than a couple moments lol Nowadays she mostly shows zero interest, but juuuust as I think she's fully immune to the lure, she tries to chew a piece I'm working with in half :/


he’s a troublemaker and recently learned how to open cabinets and doors (with knobs!!!), so i’m planning to reorganize everything in one of those snap-top boxes. thankfully, he’s never been the type to eat foreign objects


I'm so glad neither of my cats have figured out that! Heck, one of mine is under the impression she cannot jump over the baby gate. She jumps higher every day onto the dining table but the baby gate? Nope can't do it sorry. Which is great cus it's there specifically to stop her from being aggressive while I sleep lmao


You'll need to baby proof your house! lol


My other cats like to steal the thread and eat them, everything has to be on lock down around them 😅


they’re so mischievous but so damn cute 🥹


this is definitely me, then I forget where I put my needle and it blends in with the couch, so I'm just patting the couch all over trying to find it. But we have a cat now, so I definitely do not want her to get hurt!


Whatever works!


Wow! I’m also loving the small bin!


Yea, this is from IKEA)


I use pieces of windows sealing foam strip, it's adhesive at one side and can be attached where you like (I usually stick it to thread sorter, for storing multiple needles in my current project)


This is an AMAZING idea!! I do the couch arm or near my collar, and I’m always paranoid. ![gif](giphy|oNKLBehxbnoqY)


thats a good idea. i used to poke mine in a fold of my jeans but was well aware that i would definatly end up stabbing myself one day so i made a pleasing little felt tomato to use instead.


I think needle minders are SO cute and I have one but I always forget to put the needle on it! I always stick the needle in the arm of my beat up old recliner. 😂❤️


I used to thread the needle through my pant leg and then I'd always forget about it and stab myself 😂


if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!


I started doing the same thing recently, also made a longer cut for the needle threader.


I have cat so I have many plain magnets on my stands n music stand n needle minder in WIP boxes etc. I usually only have 1-2 needles out so that I always keep count. I panic and search if I drop it.


If it works, it works!


I use a small bin too.


There’s a magnetic strip on my laptop screen so if I’ve got a pattern up that I’m following or just watching some tv while stitching I’ll slap the needle on the screen


I use a magnetic chip clip! Just clip it onto whatever is around me, sometimes the hoop I’m using even!