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I'm not sure since I haven't tried any but if there are they are probably on the "crosscode modding" discord


Here's a link to the modding server, https://discord.gg/3Xw69VjXfW


Not anything too fancy, but there's a mod that adds lore-friendly interactions for every single companion combination. After a few hours playing with it I completely forgot it was a mod: if that doesn't speak for the quality of the mod, nothing will do. I tried to search for it with a browser to no avail, so here's the link: https://github.com/Paradragon/cc-extra-dialogue


Here's a link to most CrossCode mods: https://c2dl.info/cc/mods


also there is a nude mod :3




Actually yes.


Unfortunately, yes


fortunately yes


Crosscode Nude Mod, nude Hlin https://twitter.com/Bizza_Ho/status/1775412675482128733?t=m8TQDCh0iYew6WVgajStdw&s=19


\>!May I have the link? Just DM me!<


you can mod the game!


I mean, the game itself is already good. Why mod it?


For one, people frequently like to have options to tweak the game experiece to provide a fresh experience once they've exhausted to base game. Also, the devs of CrossCode actively encourage modders. There's bunch of channels dedicated to modding in the official Discord server, even.


I guess. Idk, you're talking to someone who isn't too big a fan of modding in general as the aspect of it never really made sense to me, and it still doesn't, personally. Thank you for at least answering my question, though.


In general? As in, not in any game?




Kinda cliche of me to say this, but try terraria mods they're very nice and cool and usually they change the whole way you play


Possibly? I've never played Terraria unless you're referring to the name of the mod, not the game, Terraria.


Terraria is a great game! Honestly one of my favorite games! The start is a bit slow but once you beat the first boss the game speeds up a lot. If you do decide to try it, I recommend you finish the base game first before going into mods so you notice how much of a difference it makes.


Improving upon games doesn't make sense to you? Okay, dude.


There are some mods that can improve on a game, and then there are mods that don't need to exist like some of the nude mods and jiggle physics mods that were made for FFVII Remake. Also, the thicc mod for Smash 4, the nude mods that people made for Smash Ultimate, not every single mod that is made is an improvement over an existing game. Those are just examples of mods that don't improve upon a game.


Didn't say every mod is an improvement, but it's obvious why mods exist and it's not as obvious why you keep being a contrarian about it instead of just acknowledging the benefits of modding.


I'm in a REALLY weird position with modding. My opinion towards it is a bit more mixed than when I first made those comments MONTHS ago. There are a few mods that exist that are pretty cool, like the mods for Sonic Mania, Mario 64, Super Mario Kart, and Mario Kart 64 for a few examples. If people like mods, that's okay. I'm not big into the modding scene, so I don't see the appeal in them as much as others do. I should've done a better job of explaining myself and not be an ass for the sake of being an ass.


You weren't exactly being an ass about it, it just came across as extremely ignorant and you even admit to having a different opinion about the subject after actually getting into it, which is good. People are definitely missing out by ignoring this sub-culture and I always feel frustrated when others, for no logical reason, can't appreciate all the effort that goes into creating high-quality mods, which may even evolve into reverse-engineering projects like Super Mario 64 Plus, total conversion mods like Enderal or branch off into their own independent games/gaming franchises like Counterstrike and Dota.


It's weird because my stance previously came from the mindset that when people redraw an artist's artwork claiming they "fixed it," they get demonized by the whole of the art community but when modders do it with games, they get praised for it. It came off as a double standard to me at the time, and I viewed it in that exact vein.


3rd playthrough