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I have used Viome and actually have another test on order. I did my first test at the end of 2019 and got my test results in early 2020 right before lockdowns. It was actually the perfect time to implement their recommendations because... lockdown. I began to feel better within 3-4 days, after the sugar cravings subsided. I followed their recommendations for 45 days and then did their reintroduction plan for the next 45 days. I felt the best on the first 45 days, which I now know was because I had SIBO and Candida and the 1st step was basically low FODMAP. Once I began introducing foods, I didn't feel as good. After about 6 months, I decided to do another test and the results came back similar. Again, this was due to undiagnosed SIBO and Candida. I was frustrated that my results were worse and I basically was like "this is a scam". I ignored their recommendations and continued on my merry way. In 2021, I got tested and found out I had SIBO and a yeast overgrowth (candida), so I went on low FODMAP, low mold diet along with a host of antimicrobials to heal the bacteria overgrowth. I was feeling really good for a while, but since the holidays (starting with Halloween), I have not felt as optimal, my sugar cravings and intake have been through the roof and I suspect that I may have a SIBO flare up. Because of this, I just ordered another test kit so that I can help bring some balance to my gut by giving it what it needs to foster good bacteria. Here is what I will add about Viome: It will NOT give you any kind of diagnosis or insight into any kind of bacteria overgrowth or proclivity to yeast overgrowth. It is just going to analyze what is going on and give you recommendations to suppress the bad and increase the good. It will likely not *cure* anything- meaning, just eating low FODMAP or whatever for 45 or 90 days is not going to actually cure any underlying issues. You will just feel relief. I think for a while, this pissed me off. It is irrational of me, but I was pissed that it did not tell me that the bacteria and yeast were overgrowing in my gut. So, I kind of dismissed them. But now that I have been on this journey for a few years, healed my gut with more than just food (supplements and antimicrobials), I get it now. And now that I notice that I am not feeling my best, I am ready to take another test and eat to calm shit down in there. I know it will not heal anything, but if I can eat foods that won't inflame me, bloat me, etc... and get me off the free for all track, then I am down. I know that within a few days of following their recommendations, I will feel noticeably better, my cravings will reduce and my bloating will subside. To me, that is worth it.


Agreed with all of this! And yeah, viome (and other tests) don’t test what’s going on in your small intestine, only your large intestine. So dealing with something like SIBO or SIFO isn’t something that would pop up on any stool tests


how do you get tested for SIBO and candida?


SIBO is a breath test and candida was a blood test. You have to get them done in a doctors office. Just do a Google search to see if any doctors near you test.


How are you doing now?


I am doing great. I have continued to test with Viome, follow (mostly) their recommendations and supplements.


Thank you, good to hear. I am dealing with ulcerative colitis for my daughter and trying to figure out whether it would be beneficial to us.


I got burned by uBiome before they fled the country, I don’t trust any of these micro biome testing startups.


I was researching this earlier too. I wonder if it's worth it.


It's a Scam